her left eye is unusual

Chapter 163 Base——

Chapter 163 Base——

The so-called Jiugong means that there are nine identical rooms here, and each room has four doors on all sides, which are connected to each other.

Only one path is correct and leads to the final exit. If you open the wrong door, the trap in the room will be activated.

But in front of him, it just took the shape of Jiugong, without the real power of Jiugong.

Su Xin collected her mind and meditated, and looked with her left eye after her mind completely calmed down.

Sure enough, I saw a leaf-shaped mark painted on one of the doors, and I thought it was the hands and feet of the people who set up the formation.

Su Xin opened the doors marked by leaves one by one and passed through the Jiugong Formation smoothly.

In front of him, a corridor slowly extends underground.

The basement again?
When Su Xin thought of the scene he saw in the basement of the feed factory last time, his hairs stood on end involuntarily.

...Ye Tian always felt that something was different today. Since the afternoon, he has been restless.

He was cautious, not letting go of any abnormalities.

So I carefully went through the few major events that I had done recently, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, new medicines will be developed, and by then this filthy world will have a new look.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, he sensed the formations he had set up...all intact.

Ye Tian was still worried, so he recruited some leaders and asked what happened inside and outside the base.

Although the man in white with a soft face was a little surprised why the boss asked this suddenly, he still replied truthfully: "There is nothing wrong with the base." After a pause, he added, "The new batch of supplies has been inspected and put into storage. Batches have been prepared and are being shipped out as planned."

The woman with a hot body but a cold expression replied: "Those gangsters and military personnel have acted according to your will, and now they have been targeted by their superiors. Now we are their only backer." The implication is, Having tied them to this boat is nothing to worry about.

The big muscular man said in a rough voice: "I heard that those girls are trying to concentrate their firepower on us. But they can't move the surrounding troops, and they don't have the right name. Just those who only know It doesn’t matter how many little girls who go to fight pornography and watch movies.”

Ye Tianmeifeng frowned, hummed, and slightly lengthened the ending sound, the muscular man immediately restrained himself, "I heard that a detective came from the provincial department and wanted to take us down directly, boss, do you want to send two souls now?" The puppet is going to get rid of him?"

Ye Tian knew this news a long time ago, he even knew all the details and details of "Operation Thunder", it's ridiculous that those people think they are very mysterious, and they are still playing tricks and playing tricks.

In the past few years, because he didn't cooperate with them, they made things difficult for him everywhere.

Who knows that he, Ye Tian, ​​is a pawn to be manipulated at will?

They searched with various reasons and excuses, and they almost turned the whole place upside down, and they would not gain anything.

Because there are some things that he wants them to see before they can see them, and what he doesn't want them to see, they won't find it even if they walk by.

Now that he is getting bigger and bigger, and even directly affects their status, so he wants to tear himself apart and kill him?What a dream.

The ridiculous thing is that those people still want to use their "orthodox" status to win over other Taoist people, but they are not fools, who would help a rotten ZF who is rotten to the bone?

And Ye Tian also gave these hidden world Taoist great benefits.

Just imagine, in such a world that is obviously full of ghosts and ghosts, but what kind of materialistic science is used to whitewash and suppress those Taoism.

These people have long been depressed and want a wider world.

And Ye Tian gave them such a promise.

It's a pity that this is orthodoxy after all, and if you want to completely overthrow it, you need to take back the luck that protects it.

This is also the bottleneck of his current cultivation.

Ye Tian sorted out everything and confirmed that there were no mistakes, but why did he still feel uneasy?
Ye Tian said to several people: "I always feel a little uneasy, so, you guys should go outside to have a look."

Several people looked at each other and took orders to leave.

When Ye Tian returned to the room, a pretty woman threw herself into his arms: "Brother Ye Tian, ​​where were you just now? Yinyin misses you so much..."

"I haven't seen you for half an hour, so I thought it was like this. Seeing that you are Sichun..." With a teasing female voice came, a hot and sexy blond beauty with revealing clothes came out from the next room.

The one named Yin Yin coquettishly shyly said, "Sister Zhao is really bad..."

Seeing his two women getting along in harmony, Ye Tian felt a little more relaxed.One is the eldest daughter of a certain family, and the other is the only daughter of a certain consortium.Either delicate and cute or sexy and enthusiastic, but it's a pity that Sisi and Rourou are not here...

Hugging left and right hugged the clouds and rain, and the two girls called out, "Brother Ye Tian is so powerful, my sister can't stand it"


A huge underground experimental base appeared in front of us.

Compared with the size of the basement of the feed factory last time, it is less than one percent of the size here.

It took Su Xin a while to recover from the shock, and thought to herself: Didn't I go to the underground research base of the "protective umbrella"? !
Row after row of laboratories passed by, and Su Xin saw that in each room, people were tied to the test bench, or they were dissected, or injected with various drugs...

On the other side, there are some finished or semi-finished products.

Passing through the huge underground test base, he passed through the entire mountainside and entered the other side.

Dark tones suddenly became bright and colorful.

The emerald green of the mountains and plains is dotted with bright red, which is extremely eye-catching.

A word popped up in Su Xin's mind - poppy.

I used to think that this flower is extraordinarily beautiful just looking at the pictures, but I didn't expect that it would give people such a shocking feeling when I was there.

Su Xin suddenly came to her senses, it was clearly midnight, why is it as bright as day here?
In a sea of ​​flowers, some figures were shuttled back and forth, bending over and bowing their heads, doing something.

Su Xin saw clearly that the closest one was to cut through the green olive-like fruit with a knife, and then use bamboo chopsticks to drive the sticky white substance secreted from it into a container.

Su Xin noticed that the expressions of these people were very dull, and they had been working with their heads down, almost without any sense of fatigue.

Suddenly, her eyes widened.

No, the souls of these people are scattered?

Human souls live in the altar, but these people are sticking to their bodies like a mess.

Su Xin only stood for a while, then Su Xin felt dizzy in the head and tight in the chest, as if she had suffered from heatstroke.

She immediately felt something was wrong, and quickly took out a towel from her bag, wet it with mineral water and covered her face.

The stimulation of the cold water relieved her discomfort slightly, but the feeling of dizziness gradually became stronger.

Su Xin thought, could it be that she...was poisoned?

(End of this chapter)

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