her left eye is unusual

Chapter 168 Cause and Effect

Chapter 168 Cause and Effect

Because Su Xin said that he would come, Wei Yan thought they had something else to do, so he tried his best to persuade them to stay.

But Master Chen insisted on going back, and seeing that he was indeed very anxious and tired, he couldn't force it anymore.

When Su Xin arrived, Master Chen had already left.

Wei Yan seemed a little guilty, but Su Xin didn't take it seriously, comforted him a few words, thanked him, and asked about Master Chen's residence.

Su Xin did not expect that Master Chen was such a trustworthy person that he actually helped her to call the police.

Wei Yan quickly handed the note with Master Chen's address to Su Xin, and asked, "You... want to find him?"

His eyes were full of questioning.

Su Xin said: "I did have an agreement with him for three days when I went, but I didn't expect him to be so trustworthy. I want to thank you in person."

Wei Yan nodded, paused and said again: "Just now I went to ask the person who received him. There seems to be another matter. He said that his daughter didn't go back all night. I want to call the police, because it takes 48 hours to file a case, so Not accepted."

Su Xin snorted, then went to the fruit shop to buy a bag of fruit, and found the community where Master Chen was based on the address.

It is the kind of multi-storey building, blocked by tall buildings rising up around it, like a courtyard.

As soon as he entered the community, Su Xin saw several ghosts wandering around.

Sensing the living soul, those ghosts rushed towards Su Xin without hesitation, and attached to her body, each hanging on a hair.

Su Xin was secretly startled, when did these ghosts become so arrogant.

These ghosts are full of resentment, and it is precisely because of this resentment that the Yin Qi condenses and does not disperse.

But even if you have a grievance, it is not an excuse to hurt others casually.

Su Xin didn't want to reason with these ghosts who were about to devour her luck and vitality, so she took out the inkstone and took it away.

The entire community was gloomy, with wreaths hanging everywhere and chaotic mourning music floating.

On the way, Su Xin received more than a dozen ghosts, and Su Xin couldn't help but feel heavy. In such a place, even a normal person can easily feel depressed or even get sick.

Arriving at the door of Master Chen's room, the door god pasted on the door was covered with a layer of black mist, and wisps of death breath came out from the crack in the door.

Su Xin subconsciously contacted the magic talisman and soul hammer in his sleeve.

Then he stepped forward to knock on the door, and after a while, he heard the answer: "Who is it?"

The voice of a middle-aged woman with a hoarse voice seemed to be trying to shout out.

Su Xin quickly replied: "My name is Su Xin. Last time I thanked Master Chen for carrying me. This time I came here to thank him specially."

The woman replied: "Oh, thank you for being considerate. But he is not here now, please go back, and I will tell him when he comes back."

How could Su Xin just leave at this time.

She felt that everything was somehow connected.

If Master Chen hadn't been willing to take her to Hong's ferry, if he hadn't casually made an appointment for three days, if he hadn't been serious, if she hadn't cared about it...then she wouldn't have come to this place.

Su Xin added: "It's actually because I didn't bring enough money last time, this time I made a special trip to send the fare."

After a while, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman with a sallow complexion and sunken eyes sat in a wheelchair and opened the door for her.

The moment the door was opened, Su Xin couldn't believe her eyes.

The house is full of indistinct ghosts.

Big ghosts and little ghosts, countless wandering spirits are floating around inside.

The most frightening thing is that there are strings of ghosts hanging from the woman's thinning hair, and two green-faced ghosts hug her tightly on her two legs.

Su Xin almost thought he had entered the ghost land.

What shocked her even more was that it was a miracle that this family could survive for so long after being entangled by so many ghosts.

Su Xin could see these ghosts, and they also noticed that Su Xin could see them, so they all looked at Su Xin, showing their green face and fangs or the most terrifying death appearance, showing the meaning of threat.

Su Xin withdrew her gaze, and it took a while to calm down.

She handed the apple and banana she was carrying to the other party while walking towards the house.

The woman seemed very apologetic, "I have some mobility problems, and it's Lao Chen who cleans up. He has to drive every day, really..."

Su Xin answered while closing the door, and then looked at the layout of the room pretending to be young, but actually pasted the talisman papers in his hand on several positions in the room.

That's right, she just wants to make this place into a cage, so that none of the ghosts can escape!
The woman couldn't keep up with Su Xin's speed because she was in a wheelchair.Besides, there is a girl on the other side who speaks calmly and is carrying a gift, it is really hard to drive her away with words.

Su Xin turned around and returned to the door, and saw an old-fashioned lock, which could be locked from the inside, but could not be opened from the outside.

Seeing Su Xin's action, the woman couldn't help being suspicious even though she was embarrassed, "Well, I said, Miss Su Su Xin, what are you doing?"

Su Xin said seriously: "Don't worry, Auntie, I'm really here to repay the favor. You just wait here at the door, and it will be fine soon."

Su Xin drew an energy circle under the wheelchair, Ding.

A transparent energy shield completely covered the woman.

Ghosts outside can't enter inside.

At this time, the ghosts hanging on the woman's head finally sensed that something was wrong.

They showed grimaces and protested against Su Xin.

Su Xin's face was full of coldness, without hesitation, he took out the hammer and swung it around, knocking down all the ghosts hanging from his hair.

Then use Ling Yan to collect it.

However, the ghost on the woman's legs is a little tricky.

The blue-gray body is tightly attached to the legs, almost completely clamping with the woman's legs.

If it is directly peeled off, it is almost equivalent to peeling off the life element on the woman's leg.Then those places that have been stripped of their vitality will become dead meat and rot...

Not only would that not save her, but it would exacerbate her current misery.

In Su Xin's mind, she asked Xiao Tao if there was a better way, and at the same time began to collect the ghosts outside.

These ghosts sensed a strong murderous intent, and they showed all kinds of resentment, unwillingness and prayers.

These ghosts are completely vulnerable to the hammer of the soul, so they can be easily dealt with.

Xiao Tao said: "The little ghost has merged with her leg, there is no way to save it, unless the leg is amputated."

The little ghost probably also saw that Su Xin had nothing to do with them, and showed a sinister smile of success.

With a thought, Su Xin got it.

Let's get rid of the wandering ghosts in the house first.

Su Xin collected the ghosts very quickly, because there was no need for any kindness or hesitation towards these ghosts.

Raise the hammer and drop it, break up several ghosts with one swing, and then collect them like a hammer, the matter is as simple as that.

Let’s say that Suxin quickly got rid of the ghosts in the room, and the woman saw that she was facing the door and couldn’t move at all. She didn’t know what the intention of this woman who suddenly broke into her house was. relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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