her left eye is unusual

Chapter 185 Chapter 1 Chapter 94

Chapter 185 The First Hand Chapter 94
Shi Feng saw that Su Xin was looking for information, and asked, "Didn't you just reject them and not accept this case?"

Su Xin: "Although I don't intend to take this case, but since it has happened to me, knowing the truth of the incident will allow me to have the power to deal with it at any time."

The next day, Hui Xinjie found Suxin at Lingling Detective Agency.

Hui Xinjie still wore a fluttering long skirt, but changed the color to show her exquisite figure, but her attitude was not as calm as yesterday.

He opened his mouth and said to Su Xin: "You know all this, right? You know how to save those people, right? Do you know that more than ten people have died now, why is your heart so cold?"

Facing Su Xin was a full-on questioning.

Su Xin didn't expect that their work efficiency was quite fast, and they got things almost done in just one day.

Of course, the other party was right, she knew all about it.

But it was only after they left that she went to check the information to find out.

She also knows how to get rid of the grievances entangled in those people.

But what's the matter, does she know how to get rid of those grievances and help them get rid of them?

But why did the other party say that more than a dozen people had died?

At this time, Su Xin put aside Yu Chenzi's "warning" yesterday, and said: "I think you are also a supernatural person. Could it be that you can't see that those are just entangled grievances and are not fatal. Unless the grievances become evil spirits. "

"But no matter what, he just got some crops, and the crime is not to death. He actually caused so many people to get sick or even die at the same time. This kind of behavior is too vicious!"

Su Xin narrowed her eyes slightly, "So you told them the root cause of their illness?"

Hui Xinjie immediately defended: "I didn't say it, and they also have the right to know the truth..."

Su Xin secretly said, what a power to know the truth, then the land owner told them that the land has an owner and was sown by others, why did they insist arbitrarily that it is ownerless?
Su Xin looked at Hui Xinjie, and said unhurriedly: "Everything in the world has its own cause and effect. Now that you have done it, no matter what kind of excuse you have, it cannot be a reason not to pay for your actions."

"They should be responsible for their own actions. They should bear any consequences. I think you have investigated the beginning and end of the whole thing in the past two days. You feel sorry for the villagers who are vomiting and dying. , why didn't you see the innocence and pity of the person who was beaten on the hospital bed for no reason and is still unconscious?"

"Yes, but that's more than 100 lives. Why can't we just sit down and talk slowly?"

Su Xin is a person who listens to people's persuasion and half-belief. She heard Yu Chenzi say that she needs to build a good relationship, so this time when Hui Xinjie came to her, she suppressed her inner anger and tried her best to communicate.

But looking at the other party, they didn't realize that the outrageous behavior of gathering people to rob, refusing to apologize and compensate, or even brutally beating people into a coma was far worse and more serious than those robberies.

If there is no punishment, it will not only ignore the property and personal rights of the victim, but also imply to the world: the law does not punish the public, as long as you smash hundreds of people, you will be fine...

Where is the law? !
But now that Hui Xinjie was still defending those people, Su Xin suddenly felt very tired.

If the platform she had longed for and longed for before was filled with people like this, who believed in "human life is at stake" and disregarded the principles of heaven, even if they couldn't enter, they would not be as disappointed as imagined.

Thinking of this, Su Xin simply let go, and said: "Sit down and talk slowly? So you have already sat down with them and talked slowly? So have they realized that their behavior is wrong? Or have they apologized? and compensation?"

Hui Xinjie felt that this woman must belong to the land contractor group, otherwise why did she speak for them after she said so much?Always entangled in the matter of digging up a few sweet potatoes and green onions?
Hui Xinjie pointed at Su Xin, "Why are you still obsessed with that point? Now the point is that people have died! Well, Su Xin, whether you are or not, one day you will be sorry for your indifference and cruelty today. You paid the price. You don't deserve..."

"Jie'er..." Yu Chijing interrupted Hui Xinjie's words.

Hui Xinjie also felt that she had made a slip of the tongue, snorted, and left in a huff. Yu Chijing cast a cold glance at Su Xin, and then left.

Su Xin let out a long sigh. It seems that his trial this time...was in vain.

At this moment, she suddenly doubted herself.

Is it really hard-hearted, really so cold and vicious?

Xiao Tao felt that Su Xin's will was a little shaken at this moment, and he completely saw what happened outside just now.

I hate the kind of "relief for the common people" the most. If you come or not, you can say "you can't beat people anyway", "human life is at stake anyway", "they are old people (children) anyway"

It can't wait to go out and take a bite.

I don't think it was because the woman said "everything has a spirit", and then thought it was a sin to devour everything, so she sealed it up, and was arrested by those people to make alchemy...

Kao, natural selection, this is the survival law of life.It makes her seem like she doesn't eat fireworks, but only eats wind and drinks dew.Even if they only eat plants, are plants not life?
Xiao Tao was about to cheer up Su Xin.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed that the opponent's mental power had suddenly increased by a level.

After a short period of confusion, Su Xin only had one thought in her mind: to go to nm, lz is Jiang Zidi.

If you have to fulfill the wishes of others, even God cannot satisfy them.

After figuring this out, Su Xin feels refreshed,
Shi Feng was very worried, "I heard from Yu Chenzi that she is the most kind-hearted and open-minded in the group. If she says something to the higher-ups, I'm afraid..."

Shi Feng's voice sounded deep and old-fashioned, and it lacked the vigor it once had.

Maybe you will worry more when facing the people and things you really want to care about.

Like caring between family members.

Only then did Su Xin realize that after a few days of absence, Shi Feng looked as if he had suddenly matured a lot, with vicissitudes beyond his age.

Of course she understands what the other party said, but now she has completely figured it out, that is to go her own way and care what others say.

If you can't enter that platform this time, the big deal is to find opportunities to improve yourself.

Su Xin responded with a relaxed tone: "Thank you boss for your concern, I understand."

This incident of villagers gathering to rob has become unmanageable. Hui Xinjie has suffered a lot from Su Xin, so she can only ask the group for help.

(End of this chapter)

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