her left eye is unusual

Chapter 188 Visit 1

Chapter 188 Visit 1
"Accepted? How? What do you mean?"

"It's the King of Hades accepting people, based on your good deeds and evil deeds in your lifetime, and then you are dragged to reincarnation or oil pan, and go to the mountain of swords... Sigh."

Su Xin said: "This is a bright universe, how can there be any Hades?"

She said it lightly, but she couldn't help but feel serious in her heart. Maybe the old woman knew something about that house.

Seeing that Su Xin didn't believe it, the old woman was a little anxious, and held Su Xin's hand with a dry hand: "Girl, if you don't believe it, listen to your mother-in-law, and don't come here again. Not everyone can live in that house." .”

Su Xin: "Can it be contained? Could it be that there were actually people living in it before?"

"No, when I was young, I heard from my mother that there used to be a private school gentleman and his wife who lived there. They were kind and everyone here respected them very much. Then there was a famine and a vagrant came and they took him in. Later An enemy broke in, and that son of a bitch turned into a traitor and falsely accused his adoptive parents of being an underground party..."

"Those people dragged the husband and wife to torture him, and the bastard was beaten with a whip dipped in chili water..." the old woman said with tears in her eyes.

Su Xin didn't urge her, and waited for the other party to slow down before slowly asking: "Then what happened next?"

"Later, they all left here in order to escape. After a few years, I heard that this place was peaceful, and when I came back, it became an empty house. At the beginning, people often heard various noisy voices and screams coming from inside, as if they were in the house. Interrogation is like torturing a prisoner."

"I remember that there were two daring people who climbed over the wall to look, and they didn't know what they saw inside. When they came back, their eyes were frightened, their bodies were cold, and they said that the ghost yamen was a ghost yamen, and then they died within a few days. Later, when some people even walked to the door, they could feel the dark air inside. After being blown by the dark wind, they came back with high fever and serious illness. Over time, people didn't go there. "

"Originally, this alleyway was a market, because this has gradually become deserted, and many people have blocked the doors here."

There is no way to verify the things the old woman said, but Su Xin guessed that if what the other party said was true, then perhaps the supernatural events in it had a lot to do with the wronged couple.

But I didn't see anything in it just now, not even a trace of Yin Qi, it was too clean.

At this time, a thought suddenly popped up in her mind, that ungrateful adopted son, but she didn't know what happened to her

Su Xin asked casually: "Grandma, do you know what happened to the adopted son who framed his adoptive parents? Did he not live in this house anymore?"

The old lady rubbed her eye sockets: "If that beast is still there, it should be in its seventies or eighties now. It seems that once, I heard a few old ladies say that I seem to have seen it in that hotel, with a red face... oh , What’s wrong with this world, good people don’t live long, and evils last for thousands of years.”

Ask again, the old ladies mentioned by the old woman have aged in the past few years, so this clue cannot be further investigated.

After chatting for a while, Su Xin pointed to the dried radishes in the dustpan and said, "My mother often pickled dried radishes in my hometown, but it's a pity that it's hard to go back now, I miss it."

The old woman laughed, showing her mouth with only a few teeth left, "My kids don't like to eat this, you can take some back if you like." Then she took a plastic bag and filled half of it.

Su Xin took out two red notes, and the old lady pushed them away again and again, "It's just as long as you like it, now there are still people who like what I make, I'm too happy to be happy."

Her sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren and grandchildren didn't like these things, and she was very bored by herself, so she found something to do.

Su Xin said: "If my mother knew that I wanted other people's things for no reason, she would beat me. To be honest, we came here today to investigate the information about that house. Just now you chatted with us for so long , Treat this as buying some tea.”

Su Xin took the plastic bag and left quickly, but the old woman couldn't help it, and with the money in her hand, she shouted at the backs of the two: "You must not go inside..."

Back in the car, Wang Yang called and said that he had sent all the information that could be found on that house to his mailbox.

While Shi Feng was driving, Su Xin began to make phone calls one by one with Zheng Huacheng's list.

The first phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Su Xin made a mark and dialed the second one. It took a while to connect, and a rough female voice came: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Su Xin replied: "Hello, I'm from Lingling Detective Agency. The client asked us to investigate a house. I heard that Mr. Qin visited the house last month, right?"

"Zero Zero Detective Agency? It's the private detective agency that will do anything for money, and kneel down without money, right?"

Su Xin gave a dry laugh, and found that she didn't have any resistance to this obviously teasing and mocking question, which seemed to sum it up quite well.

"You're right in saying that."

The woman said: "What do you want to ask? Is there any reward?" After a pause, she added: "You can solve problems for others without money, so I should charge you for providing information, right?"

Su Xin replied: "That's right, if it is the information we want to know, we will pay the corresponding fee. Then let's make an appointment?"

Dealing with straightforward people is neat, and the two quickly set a time and place.

Su Xin wrote it down in her notebook, hung up the phone, and said to Shi Feng, "No. 23, Unit [-], Building [-], Xingfu Community, Changqing Street..."

As she spoke, she quickly called up the navigation from her mobile phone.

Shi Feng glanced at it, wrote it down, and then drove directly over.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Xin called the remaining few.

Strangely, either no one answered, or the owner himself did not answer, and the ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

More than half an hour later, when they arrived at the Xingfu Community, a very capable middle-aged lady picked them up at the gate of the community.

The lady introduced herself as Mr. Qin's daughter, Qin Bing.

"...My dad thinks it is very hard to climb the stairs every day. He asked him to buy an apartment with an elevator. He said that the elevator often has accidents and it is even more unsafe. He has always wanted to find a house like a courtyard house."

"I remember that day when he saw such an advertisement, he ran to look at the house immediately. When he came back, something was wrong, his expression was a little dazed, and he said some inexplicable things. The most annoying thing is that he donated all his savings behind our backs. If we hadn’t found out and stopped him in time, I’m afraid he would have donated even the house he lived in in the end.”

"People don't recognize the donated money at all, alas, people are getting more and more confused as they get older..."

(End of this chapter)

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