her left eye is unusual

Chapter 191 Two extremes

Chapter 191 The Two Extremes
After coming out of the hospital, Su Xin received a call from another house-watcher.

When we made an appointment just now, the other party did not agree, saying that he would consider it.

I didn't expect to call them over so soon.

An hour later, in the villa complex on the edge of the second ring road, a middle-aged woman dressed as a lady claimed to be Mr. Tian's wife and took them to a villa.

The decoration inside is very luxurious. As soon as the lady walked in, someone opened the door and handed her shoes and clothes.

"My surname is Huai, you can just call me Sister Huai." Sister Huai looked at Su Xin, "I heard you on the phone earlier, and I began to suspect that all of this had something to do with him going to see the house."

"Since he came back from there, he has been doing all kinds of things wrong. First, he gave the company's shares to outside women, and then deposited the family's savings to other people. In fact, I also handed him over to the hospital after he had an accident on the construction site. I only found out when I was paying, and I found out that everything in the house was emptied by him. Now I suddenly received a call from a stranger, saying that my son owed usury outside, and if he didn’t pay it back, he would..."

It was precisely because after hanging up Su Xin's phone that she received a debt collector from a usury, not only to deal with her son, but also to punish her, that's why she wanted to call Su Xin.

On Sister Huai's face, there was no trace of fatigue or emaciation, and her well-maintained face did not look at all like a mother with a son in her 20s.

"Now there is only this house left. If there is no house, where should we live?"

Su Xin said casually: "You can change to a house in an ordinary community..." You can also work by yourself.This is a completely normal comforting and motivating word for self-reliance and self-reliance.

But before she could finish her sentence, Sister Huai suddenly became agitated, and she gave Su Xin a disgusted look: "You mean to let us live in a house that looks like bricks, crowded together with those rough people, How can that work? It will reduce our quality of life."

Su Xin opened her mouth slightly, choked by the other party's words, and realized that they were not on the same channel.

Consciously making a slip of the tongue, he quickly changed the subject: "You said on the phone that you would tell us about your husband's inspection of the house, can you tell us now?"

After meeting several "house inspectors" one after another, Su Xin has roughly figured out that they were indeed influenced by some kind of mysterious energy.

Sister Huai looked nonchalant, and waved her white and delicately painted hands, "Oh, everyone is dead, so what's the use of talking about that."

Seeing that both of them were staring at her, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Actually, it's nothing. He was just talking nonsense there, saying that there will be retribution. He even asked us to move out of the villa, and then changed the company What kind of charity organization, he must be out of his mind. Hey, if there were retribution in this world, there wouldn’t be so many harmful things, right? There are so many murderers and arsonists, so many law-breaking people, isn’t he And live very chicly..."

Su Xin interrupted her: "So you stopped his behavior?"

"That's for sure. How could he let such a large amount of wealth go to waste? So I asked my brother to get the money back and take over the company. Is there anything wrong with that?"

want?I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Su Xin replied: "It's not wrong to ask for your own money back."

"That's right. But the problem now is that the company is facing bankruptcy, and the bank has sealed all the accounts. Now the usury is chasing after us for money, which makes us unable to live normally now. I have seen you Detective Zero The news agency reported that as long as you have money, you can do anything, right? You go and find out those loan sharks, "

Sister Huai said it as a matter of course.

Su Xin: "How much do you want us to investigate? For example, do you want to know the address of the other party or the contact information of the person in charge?"

Sister Huai frowned, and looked at Su Xin with a look of 'you don't even understand this': "Why do I want their contact information? I want them all to go to jail..."

Underground usury is rampant, if there is no support behind it, it will have been taken over long ago.

But the crux of the problem is, why do they arrest people and put them in jail?
This Sister Huai and the previous "bumper" Su Hui are completely two extremes.

Su Xin looked at Shi Feng and felt that there was no need to talk any further.

Shi Feng glanced at Sister Huai indifferently, and said in an unhurried tone: "Since you have read our report, you should know that we will not do anything without any return. And we have to find out a huge The underground organization, the cost may not be much less than what you owe. Besides, even if it is found out, what you owe is ultimately what you owe, so why don’t you pay it back?”

Sister Huai's face immediately changed, and she cursed in a low voice, "It's really a money-seeking thing."

"Those loan sharks have harmed so many people. Aren't you just doing this? Why don't you have such a sense of public morality?"

Su Xin took a light breath, why did she get involved with "public morality" again.

Shi Feng's expression was calm, and he said indifferently: "Just ask me, with your current good life, why does your son want to borrow money from usury?"

Sister Huai's eyes flickered, "Oh, it's not that children are ignorant and think it's fun. He, of course he was bewitched by those people. What does this have to do with my son? My son is so forced by usury that he dare not go out He's a victim, okay?"

Shi Feng didn't seem to see the resistance and evasion in the other party's expression at all, and asked, "Your son, how old is Gui Geng?"

The subtext is that others can be fooled by just a word of demagogy?
Sister Huai stood up, pointed at Shi Feng and shouted: "Hey, what is your attitude? I am your customer, and I am your God. You said that you want to know about my husband, but now it is just a passing word I asked you if you want to accept the case and start investigating us?"

"Investigation, of course, is to find out the ins and outs of the matter. If you don't ask the reason, just meet your request, you can go to the killer, and they won't investigate."

Sister Huai said angrily: "Let's go, you all get out. It's really the same as the report..." I thought that the other party has something to ask for, so I can take this opportunity to order the other party to solve my problem, but I didn't expect that these two people looked ordinary , How dare you fight yourself.

The conversation broke up badly.

The two came out of the villa and smiled at each other.

Anyone who engages in this line of work is doomed to see it.

Su Xin got into the van and looked at the villas through the window.

No mistake, it really is that woman has problems.

In the villa before, Su Xin felt a little strange. The Mr. Tian who went to see the house had passed away, but she still felt the chill.

Presumably, there was dirty money in the large fortune that Sister Huai laid down, or there was some ulterior secret about her.

She had a premonition that this usury debt collection was a precursor to the complete collapse of the building.

But she didn't intend to warn the other party at all, or that they looked down on them at all, let alone listen to their advice.

For such a person, just like Su Hui, I don't bother to pay attention to it, so I like it.

(End of this chapter)

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