her left eye is unusual

Chapter 199 Chapter 208 See you again

Chapter 199 Chapter [-] See You Again

Cai Jun, male, 26 years old

He was sentenced to one year in prison for child molestation two years ago, and he came out six months ago.

A week ago, the landlord did not respond to the rent collection for a long time, and only when he opened the door did he find the decomposed corpse.

The autopsy found that only the spine was injured. Combined with the on-site investigation, it was suspected that the foot stepped on the soap that fell on the floor while taking a bath. Can't even cry out.

If the spinal nerves are damaged, people will not die immediately, but will go through a very painful and long process, and finally starve to death.

During the investigation, it was found that six years ago, a little girl from the same village as him was found in an abandoned cesspit.

The corpse was badly decomposed when it was found, because it was covered with dung and rotting weeds.

After checking for a long time at that time, the parents of the child did not have any enemies with others, the child was also very well-behaved, and no outsiders entered the village.

There was no clue about the case. In the end, I thought it might be a child playing hide-and-seek and slipped into the cesspit by himself.

But now, after sorting it out carefully, I found that Cai Jun just came back from the technical school at that time, and then went out again after staying at home for two days.

Because when the girl's body was found, he had been out for a while, and people didn't think of him at all.

In the eyes of the neighbors, he was just a very shy and introverted young man, and they didn't think about him at all.

Behind those people who had no accidents, Shi Feng and the others also investigated one by one, and everything was normal.

Su Xin let out a sigh of relief, but still felt stuffy in her heart.

Is it really like what the old lady said, that place is a ghost yamen, and everyone who enters will be judged by it?
There is a pair of "God" eyes who see everything and put it in their personal files?

Su Xin sensed a murderous aura in the homes of several of the families where the accident happened, just like the law of changing seasons, and she could not resist.

A hoarse voice came from the side: "Have you read it all?"

Su Xin came back to her senses, turned her head to look, and saw that Shi Feng had woken up, sat up, and moved his stiff body a little.

His eyes were bloodshot.

Su Xin replied, "It's over."

Shi Feng didn't speak, he got up and went to the water dispenser to pour a glass of water.

Su Xin took out two breads from the bag and handed them to him. Shi Feng raised his head and drank half a cup, took the bread casually, tore open the bag and took a big bite.

Su Xin planned to wait for the other party to finish eating before discussing the next question.

So I put on my shoes and went to the balcony to see the flowers and plants.

As the weather turns colder, most plants don't need to be watered very much, lest the roots be damaged by freezing.

Su Xin only sprayed some water mist on the leaves with a watering can, and picked up the dead leaves by the way.

Turning around, she found that there seemed to be something wrong with the lily plant. It had been budding for several months, but it suddenly bloomed at this time.

Although she had seen a lot of weird things, but this kind of happening in front of her still made her nervous.

Almost an instinctive reaction, he immediately activated the defensive talisman and held the Yuchang Sword in his hand.

At this time, a figure gradually appeared in the corner.

Xing Mu?

Like a statue, I don't know when he stood there?

Since the first time I took the mission, I haven't seen him again.

The few talismans he left behind were of great help to her.She has not forgotten this favor, and she dare not forget it.

Along with the excitement came a myriad of questions.

Su Xin's thoughts turned, and she suddenly thought of a possibility, he hadn't returned to the detective agency for so long, and suddenly came, could it be the person Zhizhi said was helping Wang Hong and the others to exorcise ghosts and try to save her?

In a flash, she figured it out and accepted this reality.

In fact, when he was in the detective agency, he was full of disgust for the breath of resentment left in the air, and he wanted to get rid of it quickly. One can imagine how much he hates ghosts.

Later, I heard Shi Feng occasionally talk about it, and it can be seen that he is a very orthodox ghost exorcist, the kind who regards catching and exterminating ghosts as his bounden duty.

Xing Mu still looked so proud and cold, looked at Su Xin, and said in a very sad tone after a while: "That person is you, isn't it?"

Obviously, at this moment, the other party also thought of this series of tragedies as her masterpiece.

And Su Xin can be absolutely sure in her heart that he is that person!
Although Su Xin knew what the other party was referring to in his dialect, he didn't know how to answer. Looking at the other party's expression, it seemed that there was a hint of anger that was about to explode.

She thought that at least they had some contact with each other a few times, and they even offered to give her a few talismans, so she said, "Well, it's been a long time, and I haven't been able to find a chance to thank you."

Xing Mu snorted coldly: "Thank you? I can't bear your thanks."

He doesn't need thanks from someone who's allied with ghosts.

Su Xin took another step back subconsciously, the other party's words were obviously thorny, was it because of Zhizhi's matter that she was full of hostility towards her?

Thinking that the contact between them is limited to those few brief contacts, and Shi Feng's brief introduction, it is just a guess.In fact, she knew nothing about him.

Xing Mu's words were automatically understood by Su Xin as "there is a huge disparity in their strength now, and she is not yet qualified to say "thank you"."

When Xing Mu saw Su Xin's actions, the anger in his heart turned into disappointment and turned into a trace of heartache.

"I didn't expect to see you in just a few months. You not only survived that catastrophe, but also made a breakthrough in your own practice. You have become so powerful. I'm really happy to congratulate you."

Congratulations were spoken on his lips, but with Chi Guoguo's sarcasm and disdain.

Su Xin only listened to the literal meaning, and replied, "Thank you."

Xing Mu didn't wait for the other party to finish, he snorted coldly, and said with a look of great heartache: "This time, I just want to ask you, why did you get involved with ghosts?"

His next sentence was, if he had known that she would join forces with ghosts, he would have strangled her in the cradle at the expense of going against the law of heaven.

At the beginning, when he clearly saw her fighting the ghosts so desperately in the hospital, could it be that he was mistaken?
How did Su Xin know at this time that she was destroyed humanely when she was in danger at the beginning.

However, Su Xin could hear something different from the other party's tone, "Disturbance? I don't know what senior Xing Mu's understanding of the word "disruption is?"

"Humans and ghosts have different paths, and the hearts of people who are not of our race must be different. You should understand this sentence, right?"

Su Xin retorted, "It seems that all the large-scale population annihilation in the human world is caused by human killing each other. I only know that no matter who they are, as long as they have spiritual wisdom and share the same concept of right and wrong, good and evil, they are the same kind."

"Hmph, right and wrong, good and evil? What is right, what is right and wrong, what is good, and what is evil? You think that others are right or wrong, so how do you judge whether others are good or evil? It's all just your own side It's just prejudice!"

Su Xin retorted, "Yes, my view of right and wrong, good and evil is naturally what I think is right and wrong, good and evil from the standpoint of my own interests. Is it because I want to stand on the standpoint of others' interests and let others influence my view of right and wrong, good and evil? Is it? I only believe in..."

But I heard Xing Mu ask again: "Are you responsible for the few cases that happened in the past two days?"

Yep, that's what I did.

(End of this chapter)

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