her left eye is unusual

Chapter 209 Domineering

Chapter 209 Domineering (addition for Grandmaster Momo)
According to previous experience, no matter how cold-blooded the killer is, when they suddenly see such a majestic male body, they will instinctively lower their heads, cover their eyes, and express themselves The shyness and purity of the horse drop.

And at this time, he can directly... counterattack.

However, Su Xin is not an ordinary woman, so he didn't wait for the scene where the other party was "shy" covering her face.

I only felt a burst of spiritual pressure coming, followed by the sound of leather splitting "Zi la".

Following the sound, this absolutely handsome man was like an inflatable doll being cut, and died at the speed he saw.

Xiao Si's eyes were full of fear, "Are you a woman? How could you turn a blind eye to me..."

Who will tell him why this woman doesn't even have any sense of shame?At least you can show that being shy like a daughter will kill you...

Well, it's really going to die.

As the skin shriveled and collapsed, the sound he yelled became strange.

Sometimes it's a female voice, sometimes it's a male voice, and sometimes it's a baby again...

All of a sudden, there was a gust of wind in the whole room.

Seeing that the men in black could blend into Shi Feng's body, Su Xin knew that they could switch between virtual and real.

Earlier, when she pushed Shi Feng into the room, and the icy air behind her was overwhelming, she knew that the other man in black would definitely join forces to deal with her, so regardless of 21, she pulled out the soul hammer and smashed it down.

When the hammer failed, he was afraid that the other party would be afraid that he had a magic weapon on him, so he ran back to report the news, and immediately sealed the whole room.

Su Xin originally thought that it would take a lot of trouble to make him show his original shape, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually take the initiative to show his figure, tsk tsk, when will we wait if we don't make a move at this time? !
It doesn't matter if it becomes a male body, even if Venus is in front of her now, she can still stab.

He didn't even think about it, just now his companion turned into a mass of rotten corpses on his body, and now he still wants to seduce himself with beauty?
I have to say it was really naive.

Therefore, Su Xin used all his resilience and reaction speed to complete this perfect kill.

The Fish Intestine Sword pierced through this perfect body without any hindrance...

Well, this feels like cutting through a sheepskin raft with an extremely sharp knife.

As the blade was pulled down, there was a sound of "time la la" cutting the skin.

In an instant, countless ghost energy poured out!

The ghost qi turned into black tadpoles, dancing randomly in the air, as if they could finally escape from that suffocating space and gain freedom.

And that skin bag floated out completely along with these ghosts, and finally turned into a pale and pale human skin, which fell on the ground, as light as a tulle.

A master ghost condensed into a human form in the air, howling at Su Xin: "Why, why did you kill me. I have never had any enmity with you, why did you put me to death..."

Su Xin turned a deaf ear to such eerie ghost howls, but immediately turned around, gathered a mass of spiritual power in her hands, and slapped Shi Feng.

Unexpectedly, within a few breaths, the human skin puppet had already broken through the defense of the jade talisman and was about to attach itself to Shi Feng again.

If he succeeds in possessing Shi Feng and completely controls Shi Feng's body, even ten of them may not be able to do it.

A phantom escaped from Shi Feng's body.

Without hesitation, Su Xin raised his Yuchang sword and stabbed at it.

time -

The sound of the blade cutting through the leather was as smooth as a sharp scalpel cutting the skin on the operating table.

More ghosts were flying in the room, screaming again and again, or howling, or screaming unconsciously, instantly turning the room into a terrifying hell.

As for the one who has been sticking to Su Xin's back, I don't know if it is Xiao Wu or Xiao Liu.

Su Xin slapped a defensive talisman directly on his body, and in an instant, the energy shield propped up completely bounced it out.

Su Xin stretched out his hand to grab it, and with great spiritual power in his hand, he grabbed the opponent's neck.

No matter how hard you struggle.

He swung his fist packed with spiritual energy, and hit the head hard.

Just now this guy was lying on top of him, doing everything he could to disgust him.

"Turn you into carrion, turn you into maggots, turn you into maggots—"

Su Xin's movements were too fierce, every time he punched, the opponent's head was sunken like a plastic doll, and before he recovered, he punched again.

Until finally the whole head was punched into the neck.

Su Xin then picked up the Yuchang sword, raised the sword and dropped it.

With a clap, it was pulled down from head to toe.

Only a piece of thin and delicate human skin was left hanging on his hand.

It's really fun.

The ghosts in several human skin puppets were released, and more ghosts joined the carnival in the room.

In their eyes, a comatose mortal body has become the most tempting delicacy in their eyes.

So they rushed towards Shi Feng one after another.

Su Xin stood beside Shi Feng, and put a magic talisman on him again.

As soon as the ghost fell, it was bounced off by the activated defensive cover.

Compared with human skin puppets, these ghosts are much weaker.

Of course, they dare not provoke Su Xin even more. In their eyes, Su Xin at this time is like a sun that can annihilate their burning fly ash.

They didn't dare to mess with Su Xin, but Su Xin didn't intend to let them go, took out the spirit inkstone, and collected all these ordinary ghosts.

The scene of dancing and dancing was over, and there was only the main ghost huddled in the corner of the room, and the four, five, and six were missing the cracks in the floor.

In the eyes of little four, five and little six, Su Xin at this moment is definitely more terrifying than Yan Luo.

It's simply too terrifying. I've never seen such a brutal woman.

Yan Luo's conviction will at least point one, two, three in your life file, but she doesn't even give them a chance to appeal for herself.

It's so bullying.

Knowing that you can't escape, knowing that you can't do it, knowing that the other party is cruel...

All they have left now is to beg for mercy.

Kneeling on the ground and kowtow like pounding onions, he told all about his most tragic experience.

The whole room resounded with ghostly screams, and everyone who heard it felt desolate.

Su Xin has absolute reason to believe that what they say is true.

If you want to refine such a human skin puppet that can be called a work of art, you don't know how many processes it will take to make it.

Whether it is the perfect human skin or the ghosts that make up the body, they must have experienced inhuman torture.

But so what, how could she be kind to the human skin puppets who had tried everything before to completely control them as tools?She is not the Virgin Mary who came to rescue them.

Death is the complete salvation of them.

go to hell--

Without any hesitation, Su Xin swung the soul hammer to break up the three main ghosts, and then collected them into the Lingyan.

After collecting all the ghosts, the room suddenly became clear.

 Thanks to Mr. Mo Mo for your generous gift, a generation of masters, admired by thousands of people! !
  Thank you for not being able to cure the second disease in the late stage, co^0^co, yeer yeerpiao, myyoungs, Zisu 666, yoyo from Zuo Zuojia, Bangkong 202, Mengwu Miaoniang, thank you very much for your many rewards and support.

  Thank you to all those who cast valuable votes.

  Today is a special day, the sixth chapter of "Stud" wishes everyone good fortune, good fortune and happiness in marriage, good luck in six and six~~
(End of this chapter)

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