her left eye is unusual

Chapter 217 New Enmity, Old Enmity, 1 Combined

Chapter 217 New Enmity and Old Enmity Together
Su Xin looked at the talisman in front of him, it was obviously much higher than the talisman he had drawn before, even slightly better than Xing Mu's talisman.

I was overjoyed, it seemed that the material really determined the grade of the talisman.

Now I don't have to worry about not having enough talisman paper.

With a rough calculation, Su Xin can draw one talisman with the width of two fingers, and at least hundreds of talismans can be drawn on this one piece of human skin.

Five human skins, that is...

The key is that the level of the talisman is much higher.

Simply make a fortune.

Su Xin immediately cut dozens of pieces, drew five invisibility talismans, and drew the rest as defensive talismans.

Because she only knows these two kinds of talismans now.

Su Xin looked at Xiao Tao who emerged from the spirit inkstone again, and asked with a smile: "By the way, Xiao Tao, do you know how to draw other talismans?"

Xiao Tao could tell what kind of calculations she had in mind when she saw any of her fine hairs moving, Sesame's small eyes slanted to the side, and said with a pursed mouth: "You shouldn't ask me what I know, but you should think about how to let me know. I tell you."

Su Xin was good at being kind, his eyes almost narrowed into two crescent moons, and he quickly responded: "Hey, yes, but I'm just afraid that if I ask, you are such a high-end and high-end ancient beast. What do you do if you are embarrassed by these trivial tricks?"

Xiao Tao was about to say that there is no talisman that it does not know, so just ask.He stopped immediately, it really was the hole this guy dug for himself, waiting for him to jump into it.

It is not fooled.

Xiao Tao snorted, "However, if you treat these evil spirits as snacks for me, I might consider..."

Su Xin hurriedly said: "We are now in the same front alliance, we cooperate with each other, help each other and support each other, as long as you need it, just take it. Look, didn't I just send them to you directly. "

Xiao Tao sounds very useful, but after thinking about it, there is still something wrong.

It seems that those people are right, this is a character who really pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger.Unknowingly, it traps you.

In fact, both of them knew very well in their hearts that if Xiaotao really didn't want to help Su Xin, even if Su Xin had a brilliant tongue, she wouldn't be able to persuade her.

If Su Xin really wanted to kill Xiao Tao, with her personality, she probably wouldn't care about whether it would provide her with any help in the future.No matter how terrible it is, it depends on whether they can come together, otherwise, they will die!

To put it bluntly, it is a process of testing each other and then choosing and forming an alliance.

The two gagged and joked to adjust the dullness.

Xiao Tao said: "With your current cultivation base and all the materials you have, maybe you can try the Stellar Talisman, which has double the lethality against ghosts. If you want to take over that evil ghost's lair, you'd better Get some of this."

While listening to Xiao Tao's explanation, Su Xin cut out the talisman papers and prepared more than 20 pieces in one go.

Take out the spirit ink stone, use your own blood as a guide, and grind the ink.

After everything was ready, Su Xin calmed down again, closed her eyes, and silently recited the key points of how to draw the Lightning Talisman that Xiaotao just said in her heart several times, and only after confirming that there were no mistakes, did she start to pick up the brush and dip it in ink, Mental power, spiritual power and pen are completely integrated.

The pen walks around the dragon, and it is done in an instant!

Once the talisman was completed, when I touched it with my mind, I felt a faint thunder and lightning flashing inside, and an extremely terrifying aura came from it.

But Su Xin was startled to realize that the spiritual power in her sea of ​​consciousness was exhausted!
Originally, a dozen or so ordinary defensive symbols could be drawn, but now only one Thunderbolt symbol is consumed. No wonder Xiao Tao said that she might be able to "give a try".

Taking advantage of the time when Su Xin was eating to restore his spiritual power, Xiao Tao said: "The Thunderbolt Talisman you are drawing now is also called the Landmine Talisman, which can be used at any time, based on the simple consumption of the energy of the Talisman itself. The effect is very limited .There is also the Heavenly Thunder Talisman, which uses the Talisman as an array to attract the lightning to kill. But even if you have the spiritual power in your heyday, it is not enough to draw it."

Xiao Tao told Su Xin the method and key points of drawing the Tianlei Talisman, and Su Xin remembered it firmly.

Throughout the whole day, Su Xin spent the cycle of eating to restore spiritual power and drawing symbols.

Because the Gang Thunder Talisman does require a lot of spiritual power, if the stamina of the spiritual power is insufficient, the drawn Talisman will be scrapped.

So in the end it was only nine.

During this period, Xiao Tao found some information from the main souls of the other two human skin puppets.

Pass the number to Su Xin.

Su Xin sorted out all the information, including the opponent's lair.

In addition, Su Xin also found a piece of information inside:
... Two human skin puppets were carrying things, passing through an alleyway, they were bumped into by three gangsters.

With naked eyes, the gangster only saw a few huge boxes moving, so he yelled.

The two human skin puppets killed them without hesitation.

That's right, these three gangsters were the ones who bullied Min Ru and were then taught a lesson by Brother Dong Hai.

Because the death of the three people was extremely miserable, like mummified corpses made by people.

His whole body was blackened, his skin shriveled and collapsed as if he had lost all moisture, and his expression stayed in the panic at the moment of death.

Because of the instinct of being a puppet of human skin, after harming someone, it will automatically absorb all the essence and even the soul of the other party.

Luo Jing was not afraid of the police investigation, but worried that this case would become an unsolved case and be put on the desk of the special case team.

So they used some tricks to destroy these corpses, but three people died suddenly, and they had some relationship with a small gang, so they had to give an explanation to the public.

So Su Donghai was used as a scapegoat, and Donghai brother and Min Ru were tortured, and later almost wiped out the entire Su family!
... Now, it can be said that it is a new hatred and an old hatred, let's end it together this time!
As soon as Su Xin opened the door, he collided with the young male waiter who was eavesdropping on the ear door.

She looks thin and tender, but her body is very weak, she walks "floaty", and her eyes are swaying, so she doesn't look like a good guy.

Well, these are all calculated by her sensing the thinness of the other party's vitality.

Seeing that he was smashed, he quickly explained: "Oh, I... I just wanted to ask you if there is anything you need here..."

Although his tone was humble, his body blocked the door, showing no intention of getting out of the way.

Su Xin glanced at the camera at the end of the aisle, wondering if it was broken.

She controlled the urge to punch him, but it was unavoidable, and her mind moved.

Just let Xiao Tao walk around the other party... If she wasn't afraid of making things worse, she really wouldn't mind taking this black hotel.

Presumably now Luo Jing is looking for himself like crazy, if there is any disturbance here, it is really a small loss.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up in the quiet corridor, whining and whirling around the male waiter.

He couldn't help shivering, his head buzzed suddenly, and his body involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

He could only watch Su Xin leave.

(End of this chapter)

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