her left eye is unusual

Chapter 237 Self-improvement, Ghosts Don't Invade

Chapter 237 Self-improvement, Hundred Ghosts Cannot Invade

Grandma is the warmest person in her short life, a person who will accompany her even if she dies and not let her be alone.

At this moment, the bondage of grandma made Xiaoyu, who was about to turn into a ghost, soft and gentle.

She turned around and said, "Grandma, you shouldn't come with me. You have worked hard all your life, and you should enjoy it. But I have enjoyed meticulous care and generosity since I was born." The perfection and happiness that most people don't have, now I can't go back, so I don't have the slightest regret."

In fact, ordinary people often have their souls out of their bodies. As long as the soul is not injured and the body is not occupied, it is not impossible to return to the body in time.

Grandma only held Xiaoyu's hand tightly, refusing to return to her body.

At this moment, Xiaoyu's uncle and aunt on the other side had already quarreled and demanded compensation from the hospital. A nurse yelled: "The old man is in a coma, and it will be too late if we don't rescue him..."

While shouting, the little nurse began to give first aid to the old man.

But he was dragged aside by a tall and strong man, "Say clearly what you just said, now that you are almost curing people to death, who dares to ask you to save them, maybe you deliberately made people like this of……"

"That's right, what kind of broken hospital is this? We're going to sue you for doing some outrageous things..."

"Yes, don't let them touch them, maybe they will kill a good person, I don't know what to do!"

Several doctors and nurses were surrounded by a group of people, and some even pushed and shoved with their hands.

Su Xin was fortunate to have seen the real medical trouble.

On the other side, Xiaoyu and her grandmother, whose souls have been separated, quietly float above the crowd, becoming souls, but they can see more clearly than the naked eyes of mortals, and naturally see the faces of these people below for real.

Xiaoyu looked at grandma's trembling soul, and smiled wryly: "Grandma, they are obviously trying to prevent them from saving you, they just want you to die, even if this is the case, you don't intend to..."

Grandma... "They... are the meat that fell from my body, the children I gave birth to in October, and I fed them with milk, watching them grow up little by little..."

"I'm old, I'm useless, they just don't want to be a drag, they just want a better and easier life, their nature is not bad..."

"And what I have always wanted is to let them live well, and I don't want to be a burden to them. As long as they live well, I will feel at ease."

Her voice was trembling, and she could see that she was really sad, and she was extremely disappointed and saddened by what her children had done to her at this moment.

But her soul is very weak from the beginning to the end. It can be seen that no matter how the children treat her as a mother, the mother's love for the child is always the same!
"Actually, I really don't want to be a burden to them. It's just that I never know how to end, or don't have the courage to end. Now, it's time for me to leave."

"Xiaoyu, let it go. Only when you let go can you start."

"I can only accompany you here, I have to go."

"The old man has been waiting for me there for a long time. Every night I dream that he is watching me under the sycamore tree in front of the courtyard. I am going to accompany him."

As grandma talked, her soul gradually faded, and then disappeared completely.

Xiaoyu looked at the farce in the ward, and everything started because of her.Maybe grandma is right, they are selfish, even chillingly indifferent, but... they just chose a way that is more beneficial to themselves.

Since she couldn't kill these people with her own hands to get rid of her hatred, she didn't want to chill her grandma.

Then there is only one way, and that is to let yourself live, to live strong, then, what is hers is hers, and no one can take it away.

As for the "loneliness, death" that has been muttering in her consciousness, go to hell, only those who feel that they are lonely are truly lonely.

From this moment on, she must be herself firmly, no one can make her lonely!

Xiaoyu transformed all the resentment into infinite willpower, and her soul faded, but it was very stable.

It's just that a lot of soul power was swallowed up by that weird black hole before, so she looked very weak. Even the yang energy from the stranger below made her feel very uncomfortable.

It is even more impossible for her to just return to that cold body, because that weird black hole is inside her body, unless it completely swallows her life energy and soul, it will not disappear.

She seemed to be thinking of Su Xin who helped her break free just now, and she said firmly, "If you can help me, you will definitely be able to help me, right?"

Su Xin replied: "Yes, I can help you, but why should I help you?"


"One hundred thousand."

"it is good!"

With a thought, Su Xin took Xiaoyu into the yin space of Lingyan.

Xiao Tao isolated a small room, which can enhance the Yin power of the Yin, last time Su Xin used it to enhance the power of a ghost.

Of course, Su Xin will not let Xiaoyu remember everything about Lingyan, let Xiao Tao do this, just erase this memory.

Xiaoyu's soul has become stronger, and she has completely broken away from the shackles of her original thoughts. The influence of the black hole on her has become very small.


The snow-white frost on Xiaoyu's body gradually faded, she tried her best to open her eyes, and shouted: "What the hell are you calling here, get out of here..."

Suddenly, the noisy room became silent.

Looking at Xiaoyu, it's like seeing a ghost.

Everyone knew very well that she suffered from a very rare "self-freezing syndrome", which is a disease in which she freezes herself to death.They have even found out that the female classmate with her died of this disease.

There is no good recipe, it can be said that death is inevitable.

Because of this, they dared to "discuss" the issue of inheritance distribution in such a tearful way.

Unexpectedly, this person who was already a "dead person" in their eyes suddenly came back to life!
A group of nurses and doctors hurried over to examine her. As for the others, they came back to their senses and asked Xiaoyu, "How is your body?" "Is there any discomfort?" "Just now you passed out, I I'm so worried and distressed..."

Xiaoyu only said coldly: "I already knew that you wished for me to die early, and then justifiably take possession of my parents' inheritance. Fortunately, God favored me, I didn't die, and I didn't live up to your wish, so you must be very disappointed. I forgot to introduce, this is Su Xin, the psychiatrist I specially invited, it was she who used hypnosis therapy on me just now to let me get out of the demonic disease in my heart, and now my disease is completely cured!"

These words were communicated with her by Su Xin before, but she was able to speak so casually and seriously, Su Xin still admired her vigilance and resilience.

 Thanks for undoing the renaming, you have given me many times, and I am the leader of the school, as a gift to you.Add more compliments! !

  Thanks to Ke Lan, Dandan Lanxiang, Yeer Yeerpiao, co^0^co, LTS911, hellcn, Bangkong 202, pink, and book friend 20170603122716572 for their support. They are all familiar old friends. Chili will definitely be more Those who work hard to update the code words, love you! !

(End of this chapter)

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