her left eye is unusual

Chapter 240 Going up a level

Chapter 240 Take it to the next level
After completing several tasks in a row, Su Xin felt that there was a faint sign of a breakthrough in his cultivation, which had reached the peak of Tongmai.

In addition, I have taken in a few more evil spirits, accumulated some energy, and then bought medicinal materials such as ginseng and shouwu, maybe I can try to hit the bottleneck.

Once a breakthrough is made and the cultivation level is raised to a higher level, then there will be more means available!

She can draw falling stone talismans, ground subsidence talismans, fire talismans, water gathering talismans... especially water gathering talismans, which Su Xin feels is especially important to her now.

If it is in a water-scarce environment, as long as there are two water-gathering charms, it can last for more time, which is equivalent to saving lives.

Certainly not in a rental house, now it’s the end of the year, Aunt Yu’s family lives here, and you can hear voices in the room when you go up and down the stairs.

If they know that they are at home but shut up for a few days, they will definitely knock on the door out of concern.

So she decided to go to the hotel.

Say hello first, and don't bother her unless she asks.

Just like last time, all the telephone lines in the room connected to the outside world were unplugged and a barrier was made.

Do all the preparatory work well, concentrate your mind and breath, and keep your mind on the sea of ​​consciousness.

The soul that was originally like a cloud of scattered smoke finally condensed into a human form, like a miniature version of Su Xin, sitting quietly cross-legged on one of the yin and yang fish eyes.

The yin-yang fish is supposed to be balanced and derived.

The soul was condensed and formed, and the spiritual power on the other side gradually showed signs of condensation.

The calm sea of ​​spiritual power slowly raised a whirlpool, spinning around, completely absorbing the surrounding energy into it.

Just like stirring a paste, Lingli has a sticky feeling as more flour is added.

It wasn't until all the energy prepared by Su Xin was absorbed that the whirl of spiritual power slowly calmed down.

There is a feeling that the meaning is still unfinished, and a shallow layer is laid on the bottom of the pool.

This level of spiritual power is more than Su Xin's previous full pool of energy.

Like the last promotion, the Lingtai also wanted to spread out more than twice as much.

A white ball rose from the jade-like altar... Su Xin immediately realized something—spiritual consciousness.

Spiritual consciousness is the third eye of a practitioner, which can perceive things that neither the naked eye nor the ghost eye can "see".

Su Xin tried to control the consciousness to perceive, and suddenly, the outer space was reflected into the sea of ​​consciousness like a moving image, and a feeling of control emerged spontaneously.

It's just that in this short moment, she clearly sensed that the energy in the spiritual power sea was a little less!
This is a big move to burn energy, unless there are special circumstances to activate the consciousness, otherwise it is better to keep a low profile.

Finally, Su Xin experimented with the coverage of her consciousness. If it spread out in a circular arc with herself as the center, she could only sense the area around three meters at most.

If you condense your spiritual consciousness into a bunch, you can detect the situation within ten meters.

Su Xin retreated and advanced in the hotel, and on the other hand, the people she met because of several cases disappeared in the place where she used to live.

Half a month later, Su Xin came out refreshed, and still called home to report her safety, and then called Shi Feng.

Seeing Su Xin calling, Shi Feng shook his head, the call came at the right time.

He just rejected those people in the group for the third time, and rejected Mr. Zheng for the second time.

Checked the office area of ​​New Zero Detective Agency for the last time, including the flowers and plants on the balcony where she pampered her, all of them had been placed in place.

It feels like she is watching all this secretly from behind, and then waits for you to arrange everything, and then she walks out leisurely with her hands behind her back.

When Su Xin heard the call was connected, she just wanted to talk about her situation. Although the other party understood and supported her, it would be better to explain.

Just as she was about to speak, the other party said in a clattering voice: "I have completely rectified the new office location... You can understand it as a refined decoration that can be directly checked in with your bags. The people in the team have looked for you several times, and it seems that there is something wrong with you." Something happened. Mr. Zheng’s son had an accident, and he planned to entrust us, but I refused. I’m going to establish a new business model, and we’ll talk about it when you come.”

Su Xin tidied up, took a taxi, sat in the car and started checking her phone.

There are dozens of messages in QQ and mailboxes.

Wang Yang sent her a few messages about the follow-up to the Luo Yinyin case last time.

Luo Yinyin finally recognized her husband's true colors. Originally, she wanted to divorce directly, and she never wanted to see such a disgusting person.

But under the persuasion of her parents and friends, she gave up this idea. Now she has food, shelter, parents and friends, and her life is still happy and comfortable. What is really urgent is that couple of dogs. Xiao San'er, even if she is pregnant with a child, it is still an illegitimate child who cannot be seen.Now that you make way for them, you have fulfilled them instead.

So Luo Yinyin didn't get divorced.

Under the persecution of his parents and self-balance, if Zeng He divorces, now that the other party has the evidence, he is likely to lose most or even all of his family property, so he plans to get back together with Luo Yinyin and maintain the current situation with Luo Yinyin's best friend. extramarital relationship.It is necessary to have the colorful flag fluttering and the red flag not to fall.

Although my best friend broke through Luo Yinyin's appearance of happiness and felt very fulfilled, but this man actually wanted to kick her away just to play with her?too naive.

It just so happened that the female ghost retaliated against her after being beaten up by Su Xin, and she did not hesitate to pull Zeng He back.Both were sucked dry by the female ghost.

The female ghost killed people in this way, turned into an evil ghost, and was exterminated by Ke Lan.

Because Zeng He died with another woman, naked and ugly, and the forensic doctor found some semen spots and the like.

This is obviously the death of an affair and excessive indulgence, so Zeng He's parents and relatives have nothing to say.

They are still weak because they were entangled with Yin Qi last time, so naturally they can't make a fuss.

Su Xin read all the messages and checked the news again.

It was found that there were no cases of those deaths from frostbite. It seems that the influence of that resentful spirit is very far-reaching, but the matter is over, and it is good to eliminate the silence.

...Hui Xinjie and Xiao Yixuan, in order to track down the last case of Luo Jing in Province X, asked their superiors for instructions, and then followed to Province S, where they encountered evil spirits.

And this evil spirit turned out to be the death of two innocent lives because of man-made deliberate connivance.

Xiao Yixuan has a mirror of karma, which can trace the root cause within a certain period of time.

So follow the vine to find out the case of the self-frozen man, and chase him to the old house.It was still a step too late, just like what they saw at Luo Jing last time, there was no trace left at the scene, including soul, resentment, nothing at all.

In this way, they can basically be sure that all this has something to do with Su Xin.

But Su Xin couldn't be found after looking around, so he went to pester Shi Feng.

 Thanks to Mr. Jingjing for the huge reward, Fulu Shuangzhi has reached a higher level, single chapter greetings! ! ! !

  Thanks to the little tiger who loves pudding and hellcn for your many rewards, thank you very much! ! !

  Love you guys, Chili will continue to work hard to code and update!
(End of this chapter)

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