Chapter 242

Opening the door, a filthy smell mixed with feces and urine came to the face.

The few people who followed Su Xin quickly backed away, or covered their noses and frowned, or simply lay aside and retched.

Su Xin frowned slightly, the filth was nothing compared to the level of disgust she felt when she was turned into a carrion by that human skin puppet.

The most important thing is that when the person has already smelled the smell, it means that the molecule has entered the respiratory system, and it is impossible to vomit it out again.

Furthermore, unless you no longer enter this door, you will always have to face it.Why do you need to put on a set of hypocrisy to highlight your cleanliness.

Su Xin saw that in the mess, the young man in her impression who was a little pale but generally handsome was staring at his father with a stern look on his face, and there was a whining sound in his throat.

He stuffed a towel in his mouth, and his nose was covered with snot.

Mr. Zheng hurried over, "Xiaoxing, this is the psychiatrist I invited, just tell them if you have anything on your mind..." As he spoke, he pulled out the towel from his mouth and wiped his face carefully .

Zheng Xing turned his head in disgust, and shouted: "Get out, I hate you, I hate you, you owe me, you owe me..."

He yelled several times in a row, but Mr. Zheng just responded, "Yes, it's my father's fault..." Then he said to Su Xin: "Just, as long as he doesn't get involved in gambling in the future, anything is fine."

Su Xin asked, "Anything is fine?"

"Well, as long as you don't gamble and are obedient, you can do whatever you want, I..."

Su Xin waved his hand to express his understanding.

Shi Feng brought a stool over, and Su Xin sat down at the door.

She looked at this 27-eight-year-old man, who was almost [-] years old, but still looked like a child.

Who actually stifled his growth?
Su Xin sat down, Shi Feng drove the others out, closed the door, and stood by the side like a door god.

On the one hand, Hui Xinjie and the others had something very important to ask Su Xin for confirmation, fearing that she would disappear suddenly, so they followed closely; on the other hand, they also wanted to see what was unique about her.

But the room is so bad, close the door and close it, so wait outside.

Mr. Zheng began to wipe his tears and tell how difficult it was for him to raise his son alone, but no one listened to him.Even Hui Xinjie chose to automatically block when she listened.

Zheng Xing's hands and feet were tied to the foot of the bed with iron chains, and cloth strips were wrapped where the iron chains came into contact with his skin.

After his father tore off the cotton towel from his mouth, he kept yelling and screaming at the top of his lungs. All the words had only one meaning: everything was owed to him by his father, and everything was due to him.

Su Xin sensed that Zheng Xing's mental fluctuations were very chaotic, but the tone was very single.

She tried to use her mind to read the information in the opponent's consciousness. Unknowingly, the divine consciousness hanging in the sea of ​​consciousness emitted a lustrous light, like a gentle tentacle, and her mind gently grasped those who were more active. The idea of ​​beating.

Information extraction was much smoother than before.

The son must eat the food on the table first, eat as much as he likes, and fill the table with what he doesn't like.

A woman said: "This is not good for children. The diet must be balanced and nutritious. If it is not good, you must have all of it. If it is not good, it will be ruined."

The father said: "He is just a child, you are an adult, how can you care about it like a child?"

For all the son's requests, he only needs to say "If my mother is here, my mother will never treat me like this", whether it is to buy a toy game console or directly ask for money, my father will always agree.

A woman said: "This is not good for children. You should know how to be restrained and be grateful."

The father said: "He is just a child and his mother is not here. If I don't treat him better, others will poke my back."

It was the first time for the son to borrow money, and he was still a little apprehensive, so he locked himself in the room.

As a result, my father became mad, and found out that it was because he owed money to others, so he gave him the money without saying a word, and gave him an extra part so that he would not wrong himself.

With the first time, there will be the second time and the third time, he found that he only needs to keep silent and indifferent, and then shut himself in the room, and his father will automatically pay back the money.

The son felt that all of this was taken for granted, that his father owed him.

He didn't think the money he borrowed was a big deal, but he found it hard to accept seeing his father start preaching to him.

No, is this still the father who completely obeys him and loves him?

It must be that woman who bewitched my father, didn't she just take some money out, and she really thought that she was the mistress of the family, and wanted to discipline herself? !
If it was her own mother, she would give him everything without reservation!

So he kicked the woman out.

He felt very unhappy that his father scolded him for the first time because of that woman, so he went to relax as usual.

After borrowing some money, his father became more and more fierce to him.

The son found that the tricks he was good at: silence, face-shaking, shutting himself in the room, and moving "mother" out were useless. He felt extremely wronged. He was just playing, and he lost some money.Doesn't it mean that everything is his?Was it wrong for him to use his own money?No, he is not wrong.


Su Xin found that the memory of the other party's entire life was only these superficial self-centered and selfish consciousness, and had formed a fixed thinking pattern, and there was no way to recover.

This is Mr. Zheng's sorrow, so why not Zheng Xing's own sorrow.

In his whole life, apart from feeling that the whole world owed him, there was nothing he could strive for and yearn for.

So there is no possibility of even guiding.

With a thought of Su Xin, since these deep-rooted thoughts have influenced his thoughts, if they are eliminated, will Zheng Xing be able to restore his original innocence?

The consciousness turned into gentle tentacles, slowly dispelling those thoughts, and Zheng Xing's entire sea of ​​consciousness became empty.

Su Xin withdrew her consciousness, and suddenly felt a dizzy sense of collapse.

Shocked, he quickly calmed down, adjusted his breath and looked inside, and found that his spiritual consciousness was dim, and the energy in the spiritual power sea also bottomed out.

She quickly took out the brewed ginseng tea and drank a few sips. As the energy gradually gathered, the feeling of weakness was slightly weakened.

Xiao Tao quietly watched her die in the spirit inkstone... Oh wrong, it should be said that she was allowed to explore by herself, and the experience she summed up with her own lessons was the most reliable.

Fortunately, this is just a simple-minded person. If she meets those complicated or even extremely vicious people, she will suffer a big loss this time.

(End of this chapter)

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