her left eye is unusual

Chapter 253: The Dreamy Commission of the Celebration: Mother's Gaze 1

Chapter 253: The Dreamy Commission of the Celebration: Mother's Gaze 1
Seeing Su Xin coming back, the two stopped discussing, Shi Feng asked: "Is there any progress with the guards?"

Su Xin: "I found a little remnant soul from the previous evidence, but I don't know if I can find useful information from it."

Shi Feng snorted, and said: "This is the information we sorted out. This is more likely to be in the supernatural category."

As he spoke, he handed her a stack of printed materials.

Su Xin listened to what the other party said, and now the three of them have officially implemented a division of labor. She is in charge of supernatural direction, and they are in charge of ordinary entrusted tasks.

Of course, it is not completely done independently, and we will cooperate with each other when necessary.

This may be the most reasonable distribution method for them.

She has no specialties in ordinary detective tasks. If she had to say one or two advantages, it would be hard work and being able to spy quietly, but obviously these were far from enough for a good detective.

So each other does what they are good at, and they won't be idle.

Su Xin took the file and glanced at it, it was the sorted QQ chat records.

Jiaqi is like a dream: "...I dream every night, dreaming that my dead mother is sitting on the rattan chair in front of the old house and looking at me with an anxious expression. I asked her what happened and she didn't say anything. I went to her grave I burned the money candle, but the next day and the third day were still in my dream, and I looked more and more anxious every time... During this time, it was like this every day. I went to ask fortune-telling to see yin and yang, and they either explained that it was my day. Suosi had a dream at night, or it could be that my mother might have some demands, but I couldn’t express them because Yin and Yang were separated. So I bought a whole set of paper clothes, a house, and a TV... and burned them for her. But it’s still the same, I really can’t help it. "

Shi Feng: "How long has it lasted?"

Jiaqi Rumeng: "It's been almost a month. Do you really say that there are hells and hells? I was wondering if my mother had a bad life there. What are the requirements? My mother has suffered and suffered all her life. I don't want her to go there." I am still suffering, but I have tried all the methods I can think of, and it is still the same, so..."

Shi Feng: "What do you want?"

Jiaqi Rumeng: "I just want to ask my mother what's going on, is it something I didn't do well or is there anything I need to do."

Shi Feng: "I think you've already seen the requirements of our detective agency. We need to pay a deposit of [-] before starting the investigation."

Jiaqi Rumeng: "This is completely fine, to be honest, I have also heard the name of your detective agency, and now I only asked about it after seeing it on the Internet."

Shi Feng: "Then let's make an appointment, and you come to the detective office."

Jiaqi Rumeng: "Okay."

...Suxin remembers that her grandmother passed away due to illness not long after entering middle school. Because she lived in the school, when she received news from her family and rushed back, she only saw her calmly lying in the coffin.

At the thought of being separated from life and death forever, I couldn't control my emotions at all, and threw myself on the coffin lid and burst into tears.

Later, after the grave was built, I sat in front of the grave and cried for a long time. I kept recalling my grandma sitting under the sycamore tree in summer, shaking the cattail fan to beat the mosquitoes on her body, and talking about it over and over again. previous stories...

She also dreamed of her dead grandma several times, wearing the blue slanted skirt and black trousers she wore when she was buried, sitting under the plane tree in her hometown, looking at the door of the house.

I only dreamed about it a few times, but never again.

At that time, she read a dream book and said that she thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night.It made sense after thinking about it.

As time went by, that feeling gradually faded, and grandma never appeared in her dreams again.

Until now, when Su Xin embarked on this completely different path, she was completely relieved of these things.

A life is between life and death.

She can't keep the footsteps of life passing by, let alone the people around her who come and go, cherish what is worth cherishing, and let go of what should be let go.

However, it is clear that the client's situation is somewhat special.

For nearly a month, I dreamed of my dead mother every day, and it was the same scene, which was a bit abnormal.

After receiving Su Xin's answer, Shi Feng began to message "Jiaqi Rumeng" and agreed on a meeting time, and the other party said that he would be here in an hour and a half.

Su Xin used this time to go back to her room to tidy up.

Conscious contact Xiaotao: "Can you restore some memory fragments of this remnant soul?"

Xiao Tao: "It's a bit difficult. She should have turned into an evil ghost after her violent death, and then she was beaten to death. This thread of remnants is because she happened to have a little body tissue left, which was attached to it to avoid the end of complete annihilation. But because of the awe-inspiring aura of the police station, no matter how tightly it is attached to it, it will eventually be annihilated in ashes."

Su Xin feels a little heavy. This is the only clue she has found so far. If it is broken, the serial case may continue.Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Said: "Recover its soul power as much as possible, and see if we can find the first scene of the crime with the remaining instinct."

The first scene is the key to solve the case.

Little Tao changed his previous laziness and indifference, and solemnly replied: "Okay."

Su Xin sat quietly for a while, then came to the living room in the front yard.

But after a while, the voice of "Welcome" sounded at the door, and the client came.

Su Xin greeted her at the door, a lady about 36 and seven, with a leather bag on her arm, light makeup, medium build, shoulder-length curly hair, a turtleneck sweater and a dark green coat.

It looks simple and elegant.

Su Xin passed the lady, her eyes paused for a moment not far behind her, and then she took two steps forward and said: "Welcome to Zero Zero Detective Agency, my name is Su Xin, you are the 'Jia Qi Ru Meng' who left a message earlier. "

"Jiaqi Rumeng" looked at Su Xin in a daze, "Su, Su Xin? This name sounds so familiar. My real name is Ni Jia, and I'm older than you. You can call me Ni Jia or Sister Ni."

"Sister Ni, please come inside."

Entering inside, Su Xin made introductions respectively, served tea, and sat down on the sofa of the coffee table.

"Tell me about your situation, mainly between you and your mother. Be as detailed as possible. This will help me make a more accurate judgment."

Ni Jia began to speak.

My father passed away when I was very young, and my mother took care of my grandparents and me alone.

My grandparents are in poor health and never leave me with medicine. When I was 13 years old, my grandma fell ill, and my grandpa went to the mountains to collect medicine... In fact, he also wanted to lighten the burden on the family. Unexpectedly, he fell down from the mountain and left before my grandma.

Grandma went on a hunger strike, saying that they had hurt my mother, and that grandpa was waiting for her, and he couldn't be allowed to wait on Huangquan Road for too long.My mother took her to the hospital but failed to save her.

For a while, two people left the family and owed tens of thousands of foreign debts.

(End of this chapter)

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