her left eye is unusual

Chapter 255: The Dreamy Commission of the Celebration: Mother's Gaze 3

Chapter 255: The Dreamy Commission of the Celebration: Mother's Gaze 3
Su Xin took a tissue from the coffee table and handed it to the other party.

Ni Jia wiped her eyes, looking a little embarrassed.

"I made you laugh..."

Su Xin: "It's human nature."

She noticed that when Ni Jia was crying in memory, the energy group behind her also fluctuated.

Ni Jia calmed down a little, and continued: "Mom left, we are all very sad, but thinking that my mother left relatively simply and didn't suffer much, the feeling gradually faded. Over the past half a year They were all very peaceful, but just over 20 days ago, I suddenly dreamed of my mother, and then she appeared in my dream every night. She was wearing the clothes she wore when she was buried, but she was sitting in the old house of her hometown. The door of the house. For this reason, I went back to my hometown specially, because no one has lived in it for many years, half of the wall has collapsed, and weeds as tall as a person are growing everywhere.”

"...So, I don't know what Mom means every time she enters my dream, or does she have some unfulfilled wish?"

Ni Jia finally finished speaking, leaning forward slightly, looking at Su Xin expectantly.

"I also asked someone to ask Mi before, but it was unreliable. I know my mother too well. The upper body they mentioned is not my mother, so I want you to ask my mother for me. Where is she? Okay? Is there anything we need to do? As long as I can..."

Su Xin nodded and said: "I understand, I will try my best."

She subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, when she saw a flickering energy group behind Ni Jia, she thought there was some grievance between them. Now it seems that if the energy group is really her mother, it should not be malicious to her, and even with the previous contact. The same case as in the previous case - guarding.

Su Xin asked: "By the way, does your brother have this dream? Or is it about your mother?"

Ni Jia shook her head, "No, because I asked them about this, but they didn't dream about it."

"oh, I see"

Su Xin was meditating, but she was actually trying to use her mental power to see if she could connect with that mass of energy.

The energy cluster seemed to be covered with a barrier, which she couldn't touch with her mental power.

The breath on the enchantment made her feel a little familiar, and a word suddenly popped up in her mind-hell.

Su Xin thought for a moment, and she asked Ni Jia to rest here for a while, and she went back to her room, intending to contact her.

The relationship needs to be maintained by the favor of you coming and going, otherwise it will gradually become indifferent.

Su Xin took out the black stone and touched it with his mind. For a moment, the space in front of him was like water ripples, a circle of ripples rippling from the center and spreading around.

A figure appeared from inside, it was Lu Wentao who fell into her dream that night.

Still wearing a black long-distance runner and a black gauze hat, he looks a bit scholarly and elegant.

Su Xin said: "I would like to ask if the energy group following Ni Jia just now is her mother? Is there an enchantment in that state?"

Lu Wentao flipped his wrist, and a thick book appeared in his hand. He flipped through it casually, but he didn't see the pages turning, so he heard him say: "Oh, it's indeed her mother, but... it's not a dead end, it's a sudden death. Her life was plain and without merit, so she basically entered reincarnation after crossing Huangquan Road. The sentence above was to record a sum of money on the person who planned to kill her, and she would be punished for a hundred years after death, but she insisted on refusing to do so. Accept the punishment. She still has her obsession, so she must stay on the Wangxiang Bridge."

Listening to Lu Wentao's narration, Su Xin probably understands why Ni Jia's mother had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage... She insisted on refusing to let the other party suffer, could it be her son?

If it is said that she has been guarding the Wangxiang Bridge to protect her two children, why didn't her son dream of it, only Ni Jia did?
Also, I didn't cast a dream in the past six months, why did I only cast a dream in the past month?
When Su Xin expressed his doubts, Lu Wentao smiled and said, "This is the secret. But what I can tell you is that something may happen to your client in the near future."

Su Xin repeated: "Secret? Is it the so-called destiny?"

Lu Wentao smiled and shook his head, "No, that's just people's superficial way of escaping from reality. The secret of heaven is derived from the laws of operation of all things. It's like why a person falls down when he walks there. A result of the operation of things, including the external environment and its own reasons. Of course, now the external environment is playing an increasingly important role in the Dao of Heaven, and even directly interferes with the operation of the Dao of Heaven. That’s why we need to come out and do some balancing.”

Su Xin listened to the implementation instead, as if she understood something, but when she thought about it carefully, she felt that there was a fog in front of her eyes.

I guess it's because I don't have such a high awareness yet.

Su Xin probably understood the situation of this entrusted task, and thanked Lu Wentao, "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your confession. If there is a need, I can help, please speak up."

Lu Wentao chuckled, "It's easy to say."

With the sound, the water ripples in front of me are like the reversed lens when it spread out just now. The ripples converge towards the middle, and finally converge into a point and disappear into the air.

When Su Xin came to the front hall, Ni Jia stood up and asked her anxiously, "Do you know what's wrong with my mother?"

Su Xin said: "Your mother is fine, she just stayed here because she couldn't worry about you..." She suddenly paused here, and suddenly realized that there are many things that cannot be said too much, "So your mother still cares about you. This time, you suddenly dreamed for a month, if my guess is correct, you probably need to pay attention during this period, lest something unexpected happen."

Ni Jia: "Unexpected misfortune? I... now work very regularly. My child is in junior high school and lives in school. My husband is a draftsman for the company. Could it be them..."

Su Xin: "Don't worry, this situation will be resolved within a month at most. Now you say that it has been almost a month, if not, we will protect you in secret these days, let's see what happens. You continue to work and live as usual, we will not interfere with your family, and we will not let your colleagues know about it."

Ni Jia looked panic-stricken, thought for a while, and said, "Okay. I most want to know if my mother is okay over there. I blame myself, and I didn't even say the last word to her..."

Protection starts now.

Ni Jia drove here by himself, and Su Xin and Shi Feng Moli followed behind in a van.

Su Xin gave a general account of the exchange with Lu Wentao just now.

Shi Feng knew about Lu Wentao, although he couldn't see it, he could sense it.So there is absolutely no need for Su Xin to hide anything.

(End of this chapter)

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