her left eye is unusual

Chapter 258 Do it——

Chapter 258 Do it——

Su Xin followed Wei Yan to the scene.

The place where the body was dumped this time was the sewer of the main road outside a residential area on the outskirts of the city.

The traffic police completely blocked the entire route, not only pulling up a cordon, but also surrounding it with blue plastic paper.

Su Xin thought of what she saw at the garbage disposal site that day.

There is a residential area around this road with a dense population. If such a horrific scene is shown to ordinary people, it will be a nightmare at least, and it may cause deeper panic.

There were policemen standing around the cordon to block the crowd watching.

On the edge of the cordon, several police officers were giving statements to the parties.

What is being recorded now is a middle-aged woman in an apron who is the proprietress of a restaurant on this street. According to her:
Since about yesterday afternoon, there has been a rancid smell on this road.

At that time, the customer wondered if there was something wrong in their store, so they went to the kitchen to check.

She only thought that there were dead mice somewhere, but the next day, the smell became stronger and several nearby shops were also affected, so everyone joined forces to look for it.

Finally locked on this half-open inspection shaft.

The proprietress said: "At that time, the lid of the manhole was only half covered, and the smell came from inside. We lifted the lid and took a closer look, and found a pile of rotten things inside, packed in black plastic bags. The opening has been completely opened, and the contents inside are scattered out..."

When she said this, she looked horrified and had that indescribable nausea.

His gaze subconsciously looked into the enclosed shed.

Trace investigation and forensic medicine all came over.

Preliminary tests revealed that they were indeed human organs, with a total of three sets.

In addition, there were several bags of minced meat whose parts were completely indistinguishable. It was completely rotten, with maggots crawling on it, and the stench was pungent.

No bones were found, and after searching for a long time below, it was confirmed that it was discarded in another place.

There are traces of metal scratches on the small hole of the manhole cover, which is a new mark.

I think the other party used a transport tool to pull things here, pulled the manhole cover with something like an iron hook, and then threw the things directly down.

The other party chose to throw it away at this place, and deliberately did not cover the manhole cover completely. It should not be concealed, but to be exposed.

Soon, a few unlucky police officers below got all those things up. I think they will leave a psychological shadow after eating meat in the future.

"Boss, here's another bag." A police officer hooked up the black plastic bag.

Inside were three ladies' bags.

As in the previous case, the victim's personal belongings were completely contained in the bag.

In other words, the other party is not worried about exposing the identity of the victim at all, let alone being found out by the police.

This is not only an extreme indifference to life, but also a provocation to the police!

Not only Wei Yan, but everyone was extremely angry.

But what about the anger, there was no trace of the criminals left on it.

The forensic doctor examines the minced meat bit by bit, because all clues must be found in the clues.

Su Xin directly scans with consciousness... although it consumes a lot of consciousness and energy.

Sure enough, she found a trace of energy fluctuations left after the talisman was burned.

It has been confirmed that it was the same murderer as the previous case.

There is no clue, no breakthrough.It is also impossible for Wei Yan to lead someone into someone's house without any excuses, not to mention that the other party has an extraordinary status and background, and a brother who is not good at him will be implicated.

So Yu Mao'an was included in the scope of key monitoring, just waiting to find a breakthrough.

Su Xin also knew that she might encounter a tough problem this time, so she didn't dare to confront her head-on.

Go back to the detective agency to discuss countermeasures with Shi Feng.

She said all the clues she had found and what she had sensed, and finally added her guess: "I think it's second that he is demonstrating to the police, it's more like holding some kind of ceremony."

Both Shi Feng and Mo Li were lost in thought.

Unless evidence is found, then a search warrant can be applied for to enter the villa grandiosely.

Otherwise, they could only go there secretly, but according to Su Xin's description, the other party's background was not simple, and he didn't dare to do anything.

Mo Li finally broke the silence and said, "That is to say, the police have closely monitored him now, but they still have to wait for him to commit another crime before they can obtain evidence?"

It's hard to accept, but it's the way it is.

Su Xin lowered her head and thought for a long time, then suddenly raised her head and said, "Let's make another plan and go for a break tonight."

What are the supernatural powers for?Isn't it just used at such a moment?
She is no longer an ordinary person, and if she is still timid like an ordinary person, it would be better not to have this abnormal pupil!


Shi Feng slapped the table, and there was a kind of heroism and grandeur of a strong man: "Do it, this is the real happy life!"

Mo Li looked at these two lunatics, although it completely subverted the normal situation, but it made his chest that had been resentful all the time suddenly relieved, that's right... In fact, what I have been looking for is this kind of feeling of being able to feel free and carefree!
Even if he tried so hard to restart his abilities, it was for such a pursuit and state of life.

Mo Li followed Shi Feng's example and slapped the table, "It's done——"

Probably because his staid image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he is not used to roll up his sleeves and pat the table for others, so that pat is more like a palm lightly placed on the table, which does not match the momentum of the speaking tone at all.

The air was silent for a moment, and then the three looked at each other and laughed.

Suxin doesn't have to worry about how to enter and escape routes, she now returns to the room and starts preparing the talisman.

Although it has advanced to the spirit-gathering stage, the spiritual power required for higher-level talismans has also increased correspondingly.

You can only draw three or four pictures at most every day.

Falling stone talismans, ground subsidence talismans, and fireball talismans are all drawn.

She is now going to draw a few more Golden Shield Talismans.

There are still some differences between the golden shield talisman and the defensive talisman. The former mainly defends against energy attacks, while the latter mainly deals with physical attacks.

Since Yu Mao'an has no yin energy in his body, nor does he raise little ghosts, most of the attacks are material-oriented.

Su Xin cooked a few ginseng and velvet antlers that she had saved and ate them together, and drew a total of more than a dozen pictures.Sit quietly and adjust your breath, and join Shi Feng and the other two after your body basically recovers.

She divided the defensive talisman and the golden shield talisman into three pieces each, and gave each person a bundle of spirit talisman.

Let them stick directly to the body, so that you don't need to deliberately activate them. When you are attacked, they will be activated passively.

She herself did the same, and put many stickers on her body... because Mo Li and Shi Feng showed equal skills in the rescue incident in the water last time.

Su Xin has always been very aware that her physical fitness is a major weakness, so she deliberately makes herself a little tired every time, and then deliberately let the spiritual power nourish the body's meridians and bones before returning to the sea of ​​spiritual power when practicing.

However, the opportunity to fight against human skin puppets like last time is really rare.

Even so, the gap between her and these two is still very large.

(End of this chapter)

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