her left eye is unusual

Chapter 270 Pay the Price!

Chapter 270 Pay the Price!

"I don't care that much. My daughter went out with you and the accident happened. She has to pay, 200 million, oh, the mistake is 500 million, 500 million is fine."

"My sister must have been harmed by this heartless thing. I have pity on my sister. She is at such a youthful age that she has suffered such misfortune. My God, my poor sister."

"My sister..."

Outside the courthouse, a man in a black suit was surrounded by a group of people, crying and howling, while grabbing his clothes. If it wasn't because he was taller, these people would have jumped up and scratched his face.

The lawyer and two bodyguards came forward to make a rescue. "Everyone, please be quiet and don't get excited. The police have already conducted a thorough investigation of the scene. I believe the law will give a fair verdict."

"You are all lackeys of the rich man. Of course you are helping him. I don't care. My daughter went out with him and the accident happened. She must pay for it."

"That is, who knows what you guys are doing behind the scenes. My sister is gentle and kind, and she doesn't know how to drive. How could she drive herself into a cliff? It must be this man."

Lawyer: "Ms. Michelle is a person with full capacity, and my client has no obligation of guardianship. As a humanitarian, my client has made a kind reminder to Ms. Michelle. It is Ms. Michelle who does not listen to the advice..."

"Ah bah, of course you helped him speak, my God, is there still the law of heaven and king? My daughter who has worked so hard to raise has been ruined like this. How can I live in this life?"

... Under Anan's guidance, Suxin soon found Lu Junsheng, the man he said had killed Michelle.

At this moment, he was surrounded by a group of men and women. It seemed that he was about to go to court, but he was stopped by these people.

Those who surrounded him should be Michelle's family, looking at him, I always feel a little familiar.

Su Xin got off the taxi, sat on the stone platform in front of the court, and asked Anan, "Are you sure that Michelle was killed by that man?"

Because she sensed that the other person's body was very clean, without any sign of karma.

Anan: "If it wasn't for him, Axue wouldn't have died, it was him!"

Well, this sentence is very interesting.

It seems that there is this sentence in many TV dramas, "If it is not XX, XX will not die", the truth basically has nothing to do with it, but because of anger.

The farce didn't last long, and a crowd of people entered the courthouse arguing and clamoring.

Su Xin was waiting outside, she was very patient, and they didn't come out until the afternoon.

This time it was not a formal trial, but a pre-court mediation.

All the evidence points to the tragedy caused by Michelle's own driving mistakes, and the driving recorder of a car recorded the car accident at that time, which became the ironclad evidence of this case.

Therefore, Michelle is fully responsible for her death, so Michelle's family hopes to mediate before the court and ask Lu Junsheng for huge compensation.

A group of people came out and surrounded Lu Junsheng, threatening, "We are not afraid of you rich people. What is so great about being rich, you can ruin other people's lives? Let me tell you, no matter what the court decides, you still have to pay for it." , otherwise we will look for you every day, and if you are capable, you will kill us all."

Lu Junsheng glanced at the people around him, and said lightly, "You know very well in your own hearts, how many things you got from me, houses, cars, money, of course, I gave these to Axue, she died, this Everything is written off, and I will not pursue it. But you, now you want to ask me for a huge amount of compensation that does not belong to you, are you sure you are ready to pay the corresponding price?"

Although the face is calm and the voice is very gentle, but for the restless Michelle family, it is obvious that they don't understand the meaning.

Doubt in my heart, do I need any psychological preparation for compensation?
That's right, they have already prepared, and even planned how the money will be allocated and spent.

Su Xin has a keen sense now, and they are three to forty meters away, and she can hear their quarrel clearly.

Inexplicably, when I heard Lu Junsheng say "pay the corresponding price", I felt a chill from the bottom of my heart.

"Whether you are ready or not, you promise to pay compensation and leave, otherwise you can't just send us away like this."

"That's right, you have to lose money to leave, don't think we are easy to bully."

"Losing Money Losing Money"

"Not one point less than 500 million!"

Lu Junsheng said: "In this way, I will give you three days to think about it. If you are ready to bear the corresponding price, then go to Wafer Law Firm to go through the formalities in three days."

When everyone heard this, they saw that the other party finally let go, so they confirmed again and again, and then let Lu Junsheng leave cursingly.

Lu Junsheng got into a car and left.

Su Xin also hired a taxi to follow, she was not worried about getting lost, she had Anan to guide her in the direction.

When the car drove out of the city center, the driver looked at the sky and the road ahead, and asked Su Xin with some doubts: "Hey, I said big girl, where are you going? It's getting dark, this……"

At this moment, the car ahead pulled over and stopped, and Su Xin said, "Just stop here."

The driver subconsciously slowed down and pulled over, "Is this here? Are you waiting for someone or...?"

Su Xin looked at the meter, gave a little extra tip, and replied: "Thank you, master, I am waiting for a friend here."

The driver took the money and looked at it, "You won't be able to call a car later, how about I wait for you here for a while? Anyway, I have to go back to the city later."

Su Xin realized that Lu Junsheng should have known of his existence long ago, so he deliberately drove to a secluded but not particularly remote place.

She can't say what the scene will be like, and more importantly, it's better for ordinary people to avoid contact with ghosts.

Even if it was just blown by the dark wind, a serious illness would be inevitable, and the innocent would be implicated, so Su Xin directly rejected the driver's kindness.

So he thanked him and got out of the car. After the car left, he walked forward.

Instinctively, he held a defensive talisman and a golden shield talisman in his hand.

Su Xin stopped at a distance of about 20 meters.

The front door opened, and Lu Jun was born, closing the door gracefully.

Adjusting his suit, he approached Suxin and asked, "You've been with me for a long time since this morning, do you think there's something wrong?"

The other party got straight to the point, and Su Xin didn't need to hide it, and said truthfully: "To be honest, I came here on behalf of a ghost. I want to know if you have imprisoned a soul, and... if possible, I want to know Why imprison her."

"You should know that I have no obligation to answer you."

Lu Junsheng looked calm, with one hand in his pocket, with an innate elegance.

Su Xin didn't think that the other party's hand in his pocket was a sign of leisure, but more likely a hidden murderous intention.

(End of this chapter)

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