her left eye is unusual

Chapter 273 Silent Watch at the Alleyway——

Chapter 273 Silent Watch at the Alleyway——

"I... don't know, all I'm left with is exhaustion and emptiness, like a long dream."

Lu Junsheng first broke the seal of Anan's soul voodoo, shaking his mind a little, but he was just like facing his parents back then.The more he objected to him being with her, the more he insisted, and he even made extreme behaviors in order to show that he was the greatest true love.

For example, in the end, he reached an entrusted transaction with Su Xin at the cost of his own soul.

This time, Su Xin almost refined his soul, leaving only a ball of pure soul power beating.

Naturally, the power of the soul Gu attached to it gradually disappeared, and what remained was Anan's most authentic state.

He would say that he was like a dream.

For some reason, Su Xin saw Anan's completely different attitudes in the past few minutes, and they were all presented so realistically, which made her suddenly think of a person——Xing Mu.

Sometimes it gives people a dark and ruthless feeling, but sometimes it is very gentle and sincere...and humble.

Both states are so natural.

Could it be that he also has something on him?
Su Xin immediately dismissed this idea, knowing that his cultivation base is much higher than his own, and from the information learned from Shi Feng, Xing Mu seems to have grown up in the sect since he was a child.

With such a high cultivation talent, he will be the pillar of the sect in the future, and the sect must cultivate it with care, who can play tricks on him?
Su Xin swept away these thoughts, completely refined Anan's soul, and obtained a drop of energy.

The energy group that had been flickering beside Anan's soul also completely disappeared.

Even across the plane, Su Xin could feel the deep sadness coming from inside.

After all, it is an independent soul and an independent life. No matter how deep and loving the parents are for their children, they need the other party to feel and understand it.

Just like the case of Ni Jia, Mi Xue and Anan, the three cases have completely different results.

Ni Jia has always been grateful for her mother's kindness in nurturing, so even if her mother dreams every night, she is not terrified and wants to escape, but is thinking about what she is not doing well enough.

The kindness of kneeling and breastfeeding and the righteousness of feeding back made Su Xin very willing to help her and her mother be a bridge to transmit information.

But Michelle, she only used Anan in her heart, and she probably didn't even look at Anan in her heart, so she would not respect Anan's warning to her.In the end, I can only pay a heavy price for my greed.

Anan, first of all disobeyed his parents in the name of true love, which gave Michelle the opportunity to let him take the "spiritual voodoo", and then fell into it step by step, so that he couldn't receive what his parents passed on to him in the dark. Information.In the end, Lu Junsheng broke his seal. As a ghost, he actually had a better chance to break free from such shackles of thought, but he still paralyzed himself with "true love, no regrets", and missed Su Xin's last opportunity to be with him. A chance for parents to meet again.

After all, when he was in the detective agency, Su Xin was ready to fulfill him when he asked that sentence.

He gave up on his own. The other party is an independent person with his own mature thoughts. Su Xin has no reason to chase after others and entrust him with work.

Therefore, Su Xin concluded that protection depends on whether the other party is willing or not worth being protected.

He and Lu Junsheng took a look, and found that it was really the same as what Anan said—they were of the same breed.

It's just refining other people's souls in different names to complete one's own cultivation.

this is the truth.

The strong decide the law.

"Do you want to go back to the city? I can give you a ride." Lu Junsheng said politely casually.

Su Xin said, "Thank you, I still have something to do."

"We talked for so long just now, I don't know how to address you."

"Su Xin, there is a zero-zero detective agency in Ten Mile Lane. If you need it, you are welcome to patronize it. The price is negotiable."

Su Xin made an advertisement for the detective agency by the way, and then left in the dark.

She didn't intend to take Lu Junsheng's ride... because it could be heard from the other party's tone that the other party was just casually saying polite words.If you take it seriously, it's really casual.

Based on instinct, this person is very dangerous, it is better not to provoke Wei Wei.

As for the people around him today, Su Xin probably knows their fate without asking.

There is a saying, don't be greedy for cheap, or sometimes you will pay a price that you can't afford.

It's someone else's business, she can't control it.

Even if you want to take care of it, if you tell Michelle's family, they may think that Lu Junsheng hired a babysitter to cut off their money.

Lu Junsheng didn't force himself, and drove away in a hurry.

He had to set up a new game as soon as possible. Although the soul power of those people was very weak, mosquitoes were still meat no matter how small they were, not to mention that they were delivered to the door automatically.


It was past one o'clock in the morning when Su Xin returned to Shili Lane. As soon as she got out of the taxi, Su Xin saw a figure passing by the entrance of the lane.

Although she was very agile, she could still tell at a glance that it was Shi Feng.

Feeling inexplicably warm in my heart, the corners of my mouth involuntarily lifted slightly to reveal a smile.

Just when Su Xin was about to come forward to say hello, the mobile phone in her pocket vibrated untimely.

"Hello, boss?"

"Can you...can you come here now?"

Through the screen, Su Xin could feel the fatigue and apology of the guards, and quickly responded: "Yes, I will be right there."

Shi Feng walked very fast, and suddenly became very conflicted in his heart. He wanted to wait for her here, but suddenly he was afraid of being seen. The moment he saw the other party get off the car, he felt a deer bumping against his chest. .

This feeling is very strange, very strange, and there is a trace of indescribable panic.Could it be... I was sick?
He subconsciously placed his fingertips on his wrist pulse... Well, the pulse was very rapid and powerful.

He knew that she was going to deal with some things related to supernatural powers, and his supernatural powers hadn't been fully awakened or controlled, so it wouldn't be of much help if she went there.

But when she left, she felt a little uneasy in her heart for no reason. She walked to the entrance of the alley without knowing it. Looking at the passing cars, she always felt that the familiar figure would get off a certain car.

It went on and on like this until the early hours of the morning.

When the taxi stopped on the side of the road, even in the dim night, even if it was more than ten meters away, the person in the back seat could be recognized at a glance.

The hanging heart suddenly fell, but when he saw the other party walking quickly, he suddenly felt a little inexplicably guilty, and subconsciously accelerated his speed and walked towards the depths of the alleyway.

When Shi Feng walked a certain distance, he found that the people behind hadn't followed up, so he involuntarily slowed down.

Until he walked to the gate of the courtyard and waited for a while, he still didn't see anyone coming.

So I found it along the alleyway again, and saw Su Xin just got into a taxi and left.


(End of this chapter)

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