her left eye is unusual

Chapter 279 Sudden

Chapter 279 Sudden
"There's nothing to avoid. What I want to say is that he didn't drive things away, but forced the yin energy back into the workers. If he doesn't get rid of the root cause, he will be disabled sooner or later. You'd better get rid of it now." He was taken to the hospital." Suspended with salt water, continued life.

Su Xin said.

With a bitter face, Zou Tao said "this and that" for a long time, and finally said it out.

"Well, I did ask someone to take a look at it before. I'm not afraid of your overthinking."

"You know, within half a year after I took over this mine, there were four accidents in succession, and the business was closed for four months. I have already invested millions in rectification, clearing up relationships, and compensation for medical expenses. I'm serious. I have sunk all my wealth into it. So I can only bear it."

"When the accident happened for the second time before, I asked someone... In fact, those of us who live underground believe in this very much. I asked someone to read Feng Shui and how to do it, but within a week, something happened again , I asked someone to look at it again, and then it was suspended for rectification.”

"Less than a week after the start of work, the same thing happened again. I invited the most famous person in the industry to look at it. He said that the cunt was very cunning and vicious. He had no choice but to ask me to find an expert... No, so I……"

Su Xin felt that what the other party said this time was more authentic, but still not all.

"What I can tell you now is that apart from the yin qi remaining on his body, there is no yin here, so the source is not here, but elsewhere. If you think about it carefully, what do the people who have the accident have in common? What have you done before?"

"What have they all done? Go down the well, eat... what they have done, everyone here has done it."

Su Xin: "If you don't actively cooperate, it's just delaying time. The person inside can't afford to wait. Even if you send it to the hospital, you can hold your life temporarily. If you don't get rid of the Yin Qi, you will die sooner or later."

Zou Tao quickly pretended to be innocent: "Hey, don't tell me, I really don't know. I beg you, you must help me. Now I really can't kill people in my mine, otherwise they will have to kill me." Gone."

Su Xin went around in and out of the mine, looked at it carefully, but still found nothing.

Then, taking advantage of the time when more than a dozen miners came up to rest and eat in turn, the three of Su Xin questioned them.

No valuable leads were found.

Both Su Xin and Mo Li could see that what they said was not full of details, but neither of them had that crooked and evil spirit.

In this way, we can only see if it is the problem of those few people themselves, the yin energy caused by something.

Su Xin could only say: "In this case, then you can give us the detailed information of the workers involved in the accident, we need to investigate further."

"Still investigating?"

"if not?"

"Aren't you all practicing the Fa directly and directly?"

Su Xin: "If there is an effect, there is a cause. The stagnant yin energy in that person is the result of treating the symptoms but not the root cause. All the information you provided just now is very limited, but I have seen this place before and after, and there is no problem. , so we can only find the reason from those few people."

"Then, how long will it take?" Zou Tao looked worried.

"It depends on the complexity of those people's backgrounds. Generally speaking, it should work in a few days."

"How many days?" Zou Tao looked very embarrassed.

"Boss Zou, if you can't wait for these few days, you can find someone else during this period, or directly cancel the entrusted task."

"Hey, don't, I didn't mean that, I mean, what if something happens again, I really can't afford it now."

"We understand, so we need your full cooperation. But the information you provided just now is really limited, and there is nothing we can do."

Su Xin and the others went to a county town more than 100 kilometers away, found a hotel to stay in, and then sent their ID numbers to Wei Yan, asking him to help check their information.

Then get together to discuss and see what you find.

Mo Li said: "When Zou Tao was talking about it, I sensed some obvious memory information, that is, he got it from the previous mine owner, and the value of this mine was much higher than The money he invested."

Su Xin didn't understand this aspect.

Mo Li gave a brief introduction: "In fact, the profits in a really good mine are very high. As long as you have connections, you can make money as long as you invest in it. Such a good mine, since others have already started it, why suddenly change hands? some problems."

Shi Feng clasped his hands and nodded.

This can only be verified from other sources.

Soon, Wei Yan replied with a message.

The three dead people were ordinary young men from the countryside, and one of them was married.

With this basic information, the three of them prepared to take charge of one person each and conduct a thorough investigation.

The transportation here is really inconvenient, and there will be no flights until after ten o'clock in the morning tomorrow, so the three of them will temporarily stay in the hotel.

In the middle of the night, the phone rang suddenly.

Su Xin is sitting cross-legged, practicing breath adjustment.

After connecting the phone, Zou Tao's urgent voice came from inside, "...It's not bad, something happened again, you guys come here quickly."

Su Xin woke up Shi Feng and Mo Li, borrowed a car from the hotel owner and drove there.

When they arrived, the entire mine was brightly lit.

People looked terrified and stood on the dam outside, and some even started to pack their things and carry packages, as if they were about to leave.

A person was thrown on the ground with his hands and feet bound and a towel stuffed in his mouth.Rolling his eyes, he made a huh huh sound in his throat, and his body was still struggling beyond human limits.

Almost strangling the rope into the flesh.

Everyone felt unprecedented fear, and an invisible cloud enveloped everyone.

Zou Tao greeted him from a distance: "Well, what can I do..."

He didn't say anything, Su Xin also knew the seriousness of the matter, not only the psychological shadow caused to these people: the successive accidents here, one or two are said to be coincidences, but the three or four times are so weird, even if he is eager to make money again, I'm afraid I dare not stay.

Instead, she saw that the man's body seemed to be covered with a layer of black ash.

Yes, it's ash, not fog.

These black ash tightly wrapped the worker's body, constantly absorbing vital energy from inside.

Such a powerful ghost power, such a deep resentment!

Su Xin stepped forward, waved his palm, the spiritual power spread on his palm, and was about to disperse the black ash.

Suddenly, she had an idea, she thought of the yin qi stuck in that person's neck before, could it be because she dispelled the yin energy without authorization, and instead let them completely retract into the neck?
Thinking of this, she quickly withdrew her palms and said to Zou Tao, "Carry him to the room first."

If it is really as she guessed, then some methods will be used later, and I am afraid that the Yin Qi will affect others, so it is better to avoid it.

(End of this chapter)

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