her left eye is unusual

Chapter 289 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting 3

Chapter 289 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting 3
Although it is more convenient to let the opponent turn his back, it is more convenient to start from behind.

And in that case, it will also make her less fear and pain.

But since she insisted on facing these and feeling the fear of death, she couldn't blame him.

The hunter's greatest interest in the prey is not only the sense of accomplishment of reaping the spoils at the end, but also the greater pleasure in appreciating the fear of the prey and the process of chasing abuse.

He thought that she would be terrified, frightened, calling for help, and running away in a panic when she saw his "outrageous face" at this moment.

Then he could calmly press her step by step, delaying her will and life little by little.

However, the other party stood quietly at the same spot, facing him directly, without showing the expression of surprise and fear that he was familiar with.

This somewhat surprised him.

Generally speaking, based on his past experience, when she saw him walking over with such murderous intent, and saw the knife in his hand, shouldn't she have stepped back and asked "what are you going to do"?
Could it be that he was intimidated by his own aura?
Looking at the other party's beautiful face, even without makeup, it is difficult to conceal the youthful atmosphere, and the exquisite figure, even the wide school uniform cannot conceal the plump curves inside.

If he hadn't looked so carefully, he would have almost missed such a beauty... It's a pity that such a wonderful person would be buried in the mouth of a crocodile before he could enjoy it. It's a pity.

As a qualified killer, he only did things regardless of the reason, which earned him the reputation of being cold-blooded and yellow, and only then did he have the status of Fei Cheng's number one bodyguard.

So it doesn't matter so much, this is the boss's order, if he wants her to die, he can just do things.

Next to it is the crocodile pond, and there are two big crocodiles in it, so there is no place to dispose of the dead bodies.

As for the young lady, of course the boss will give an explanation. It can be said that this woman accidentally fell into the crocodile pond by herself.

Even if the police track it down, there is no evidence that they did it.And the boss has a certain relationship with the people inside.

It is precisely because of such confidence that he has become so ruthless now!

You don't have to pay any legal liability, you don't have to bear any punishment, you just need to be ruthless, it's too simple.

Su Xin saw that Xiao Huang had revealed his fierce face, and thought to himself: so fast!
Thoughts were spinning rapidly in his head, calculating his current solution.

Call for help directly, so the place is about [-] meters away from the front hall, and there is a wall and rockery in the middle, even if you shout loudly, the people in the living room may not be able to hear it.

Moreover, even if Fei An could hear her calling for help, there was still her father beside her.Xiao Huang dared to do this only after receiving Fei Cheng's instruction, so Fei Cheng only needed to interrupt Fei An a little bit... So, no one can help him at this moment.

Out of the corner of her eye, Su Xin saw the pool on the other side of the rockery, with green duckweed floating on the water surface, and a piece of "dead wood" protruding slightly.

Resentment condensed above.

Xiao Huang stood two steps in front of Su Xin. For some reason, facing such a calm person, he always had the feeling of not knowing what to do.

"If you want to hate, hate yourself for your bad fate, knowing things you shouldn't know..."

Xiao Huang's voice was rough, and with this opening sentence, it felt a little bit more justified.

So he grabbed Su Xin's head with his left hand, and stabbed Su Xin's heart with the dagger in his right hand.

Unexpectedly, seeing that my hands were about to grab the opponent's head, and the tip of the knife was about to pierce the opponent's heart, I suddenly felt the strength of my arms loosen, as if... I lost control and perception of my arms in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, in a blink of an eye, the girl in school uniform appeared on his right side strangely, a sudden thrust came from his shoulder, he staggered, and tripped over something, he instinctively wanted to reach out and grab her, but the two The arms flew past his eyes like two arcs, and at the same time, the body uncontrollably fell into the nearby pool, and the arms fell back and forth into the water, and there were several thumping sounds one after another.

Only then did he realize that his two arms had been cut off at the elbow.

The pool is not deep, but there is silt underneath, and all kinds of rot are silent.

Xiao Huang, who had no arms, sank directly into the mud, lost his balance, and fell into it.

"Ah, help—ah, wow..." Struggling desperately, I even took a few mouthfuls of dirty water.

Blood gushed out from the severed arm, turning the surrounding area scarlet.

The two pieces of "dead wood" hidden under the shade of the tree moved quickly towards this side, then opened their big mouth full of jagged fangs, bit their body, then turned their body, and shook Xiao Huang inside.

Not to be outdone, the other one bit a leg, turned its body, and tore it off abruptly...

After a few minutes, there was only a cloud of mud in the pool.

A black soul floated up from the water, and with a thought, Su Xin stretched out her hand to grab it, and the soul flew into her hand.

Throw it into Lingyan.

Su Xin looked down at the "bracelet" on her wrist, and trembled slightly, as if expressing her pleasure.

Just now she was controlling the "Fish Intestine Sword" completely with her thoughts, but she didn't expect it to be much more agile than controlling it directly with her hands.

The movement here did not attract anyone else, thinking that there are many secrets hidden in this villa, it is impossible to just invite a few ordinary people to clean and manage it.

Su Xin took out an invisibility talisman and slapped it on her body, then walked along the place where the yin qi condensed, twisted and turned, and came to a hut.

From the left eye, it looks like a thick cloud of lead is pressing on the top of the hut, forming a funnel-shaped spiral nest in the middle, and the bottom of the funnel is connected to the inside of the hut.

There are traces of enchantment around the hut, so these solid resentments are not inherent in the things inside, but are forcibly added to it through the formation.

The ghosts refined through this only have the desire to kill.

Su Xin sacrificed the spirit inkstone, flew into the air, projected a ray of light, and absorbed all the resentment condensed above the hut.

The hut was empty of pressure, and Su Xin opened the door and walked in.

There are less than ten one-story houses, and there is a large vat in the center, covered with talisman paper.

The mouth of the tank was still covered with a black slate, and the surrounding area was sealed with black paint.

It was exactly the same as what she had found in the mine earlier.

The only difference is that the formation for refining ghosts has just been completed, even though the birth formation was used, but the foundation is not strong, so Su Xin directly smashed the big vat, and took the ghosts inside with the spirit inkstone.

Then he drew out a fireball talisman, and with a thought, the talisman paper suddenly turned into a blue fireball.

Su Xin threw his fingers on the corpse, and the blue flame instantly engulfed the corpse and burned it completely.

The last time I used gasoline, it was mainly because I could save as much as possible without using the magic talisman, but right now there is no such condition, so it is unambiguous.

Thinking of Fei An's narrative, Su Xin can safely deduce that this ghost is the man she described.

(End of this chapter)

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