her left eye is unusual

Chapter 292 Chapter 303 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting 6

Chapter 292 Chapter 6 The Entrustment of Xiaoyao Didie: Ghost Hunting [-]
Su Xin retreated from Fei Zhai and was waiting for news from Fei An.

Now she only needs to hand over this ghost to the other party, and this entrusted task will be considered complete.

She wasn't worried about Fei'an's safety.

For it was her home;
Because tiger poison does not eat its offspring.

Although Su Xin was preparing to complete the commission as soon as possible, she did not really relax in her heart.

This Fei family hides too many secrets, and the condensed dead air and resentment did not bring the Fei family into decline. There is only one explanation-the other party is eating this bowl of rice!

Although I used means to advance and retreat freely inside, but left a lot of information and loopholes.

The key is that I broke the evil formation of refining ghosts... I think it is evil, but others are so deliberate, it can be seen that they attach great importance to it.

Will not let it go.

If you want to find out your own information, or even a detective agency, it's easy.

So while waiting for Fei An's call, Su Xin began to check the information of Fei's family.

She called Shi Feng directly.

Su Xin gave a general introduction to her situation, and then explained what she meant.

Shi Feng replied: "The information I can find now is that Fei An's father, Fei Cheng, started his business by shipping, and has three shipping companies under his name, basically monopolizing the trade with country M. They are very powerful, but they are very powerful. Keep a low profile. From the information we have found, there is no record of getting involved with the underworld."

"Shipping?" Su Xin repeated, a strange thought flashed in her mind.Because there is no more information to support this idea, it is fleeting.

Shi Feng hummed, and then asked: "What did you find?"

"No..." She couldn't think of a person who made his fortune by shipping for the time being. Why would there be such a heavy resentment?

"By the way, what's the relationship between Fei An and her father?" Su Xin asked.

"Oh, I was about to tell you this." Shi Feng said: "One thing is very strange is that Fei Cheng has been married many times, and each wife gave birth to several children for him. That's not counting those A child born to a mistress."

This is a bit strange, but as a rich person, it is not surprising that he wants to have more children and have that financial ability.

Someone in a certain country married dozens of wives and more than 100 children.

Only listening to Shi Feng's voice continued: "The problem is that he has many children, but most of them died in various accidents. Now we can only know about a dozen..."

"Accidental Death?"

There was a hint of hesitation in Shi Feng's voice, "Well, although the information shows that those abnormal deaths are very reasonable, but..."

"But with so many reasons put together, I'm afraid it's not just a coincidence." Su Xin continued the other party's words.

Shi Feng: "That's right, that's how it is."

Su Xin: "Okay, I understand."

Hanging up the phone, Su Xin's hanging heart completely fell.

It turned out that they had already made preparations and started to investigate the matter of Fei's family.

In this way, the detective agency is prepared, no matter what the Fei family does, they will not be in a passive situation.

After a while, an unfamiliar number was called.

Picked up after two rings.

It was Fei An. Su Xin was obviously relieved when he heard the other party, and said, "I think I've found what you're looking for...Damn it, where do you want to meet him?"

The other end of the phone paused for a moment and said, "Okay, where are you, I'll send someone to pick you up, and we'll have an interview then."

Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock

Morse code?Su Xin had read some books about ciphers.

Was it a coincidence that she tapped her finger on the phone's microphone, or did she do it on purpose?
If it's the latter, then it means that Fei An is in danger now... So, who gave her the call?She sends signals so "blatantly", is there anyone around her who understands Morse code?

In just a moment, several thoughts turned in Su Xin's mind.

Su Xin said: "You tell me the time and place, and I will come by myself."

The other end of the phone paused, "Yes, tomorrow... no, at eight o'clock tonight, Qinghe Peninsula Building No. [-], I will send you the map later."

"it is good."

"Don't forget the entrusted task I gave you. If you don't want to be a dishonest person, you'd better not break the appointment."

Su Xin: "I understand."

Hanging up the phone, Su Xin waited for the other party to send the map coordinates, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't get any information.

I checked Qinghe Peninsula Building No. [-] on the Internet, and found that it is a real estate under construction, covering an area of ​​tens of acres. If there is no specific coordinates, it is impossible to find it.

... After Fei Cheng got Su Xin's information from Fei An, he immediately called Feng Bin.

Feng Bin said, "So it was her."

Fei Cheng's heart immediately became aroused. It turned out that he really accidentally offended a "superior" today?
But obviously it's too late to regret it now, so I can only go to the dark one by one.

Asked: "Do you know her?"

Feng Bin snorted lightly: "A newcomer who just came out helped Cao's family with one thing before. In fact, everyone in the industry knows that Cao's family enshrined Mr. Han, but he didn't know why he wanted to support a newcomer, so Give her the credit."

Feng Bin said contemptuously based on the information he knew.

Fei Cheng had heard of Mr. Han's name, and heard that he had been to the ghost market, and he was very capable, but it's a pity that he was only enshrined in the Cao family, and no one else was seen.Completely subconsciously answered: "Is she related to Mr. Han?"

"It is rumored that she seduced Mr. Han with shady tricks, causing him to turn against his apprentice, and even abolishing his apprentice's yin and yang eyes with her own hands. Tsk tsk, the most poisonous woman's heart. I didn't see it at your house that day. He looks plain and honest on the surface, but he is such a person..."

Feng Bin is still not afraid to measure Su Xin with the most evil thoughts.

On the other hand, Fei Cheng was a little worried. He was in a shopping mall and knew he couldn't offend anyone casually, especially someone who had a certain relationship with some big shots.At this time, hearing Feng Bin talking more and more vigorously, he couldn't help but sweat.

After the other party finished speaking, he told the situation on his side and asked how to deal with it next.

Feng Bin said nonchalantly: "I know you are worried that Mr. Han will intervene, right? Don't worry, he is currently retreating, and he seems to be preparing for a ghost market four years later, so don't worry. This kind of ignorant person, directly Just get rid of it, a few years is enough to annihilate all the evidence."

Fei Cheng: "I asked An An to agree on a time and place to meet her. Do you think there is anything else to prepare?"

Feng Bin: "Although it's just a little-known character, after all, he has two brushes, and naturally he needs to make some preparations. Don't send the coordinates for now, wait for me to come, and then send after the arrangement."

Fei Cheng kept making promises.

(End of this chapter)

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