her left eye is unusual

Chapter 329 Concentric Locks

Chapter 329 Concentric Locks

Xiaotao understood Su Xin's worries at the moment, and patiently explained: "Don't worry, a real contract also emphasizes a fair, just and open principle, that is, it can only be reached when both parties fully understand the rights and obligations. So she Even if this kind of person is killed by others, there will be no karma."

After hearing Xiaotao's explanation, Su Xin felt a little relieved.

If you clearly understand the consequences and sign a contract, even if you are cheated to death, you can't blame anyone.

While walking, Su Xin asked, "Just now you said that this old nun's soul is a puppet, what's going on?"

Xiao Tao: "I'm also wondering, it stands to reason that it is impossible for such a person to hand over the control of his own soul to others, there is only one explanation..."

Su Xin continued: "Unless you are in a desperate situation."

In other words, she had been severely injured before, and now she let herself take advantage of it.

Su Xin's thoughts turned, thinking of her first assignment in the detective agency, when she was visiting Mei Xixi in the hospital, she had such a strong grievance, and she just barely resisted it before passing out.

After waking up, she was still worried for a while that the other party would come back for revenge, but everything was calm all the time... Could it be that Xing Mu seriously injured the old nun?

Right now, there is only one explanation.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Su Xin had already walked out from the second entrance of Yama Hall.

Opening the green curtain, I saw Fu Xiaohe standing beside the pavilion on the phone, with one hand propped up on the pillar, his head lowered, and his toes teasing an unknown grass, his face full of sweetness.

It looks like a woman in love who is on the phone with her boyfriend.

Su Xin solved the old nun, knowing that she was not the culprit of Fu Xiaohe's mission, and there was nothing abnormal in Yan Luo Temple.

So now I can only put my doubts on Fu Xiaohe's sister and boyfriend.

Su Xin didn't disturb the two of them talking on the phone, and subconsciously walked over slowly... Well, she just wanted to eavesdrop.

Unexpectedly, just two steps away, Fu Xiaohe glanced at her in a trance, and was stunned for a moment, the sweetness on his face turned into surprise, and he blurted out: "Ah, you finally came out..."

She put the phone into her cheek a little further away, and Su Xin heard a male voice from inside: "Hey, Xiaohe, where are you now? Who are you with? Hello..."

Fu Xiaohe was probably thinking about entrusting Suxin to bring the safety talisman earlier, so he said to the phone: "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, let's talk back"

"Hey, hey, Xiaohe, who is next to you—"

Fu Xiaohe walked up to Suxin in two or three steps, and looked at Suxin's hand eagerly: "Have you got the safety talisman yet?"

Su Xin looked honest, with a trace of regret: "No, I didn't see anything when I went in. It seems that I was almost destined."

Fu Xiaohe's mood was obviously much lower, "Oh, maybe, it's almost fate."

The two headed to the Marriage Bridge.

Because Fu Xiaohe was in a bad mood, he didn't talk much. Su Xin asked, "Did you call your boyfriend just now?"


"Don't tell him who I am just yet."

"Huh? Why?"

"This is just my suggestion. After all, we still don't have a clue about the origin of that thing. Everyone is suspicious."

"Are you suspicious of him? Lin Linhao, he won't, he, he..." Fu Xiaohe argued.

Su Xin said lightly: "You tell him my identity now, it's just a simple sentence or two in your countless chats, I just want to reduce unnecessary troubles, of course, whether you say it or not is up to you. "

"Oh, in fact, he was still persuading me just now, why don't you ask Mi or see the 'Master'. I didn't tell anyone about going to you yesterday..." Fu Xiaohe paused, "Actually, I I originally wanted to discuss it with him, but..."

"But what?" Su Xin looked into the other's eyes, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I can't explain why, it's just..."

Su Xin said: "In fact, people's intuition is very magical. It seems that there is no reason, but it is often the closest to the truth."

There are more pilgrims leading to the Marriage Bridge, and most of them are couples.

It's just a very ordinary cable bridge with vines attached to it.

All kinds of concentric locks are hung densely on top of each other.

At the head of the bridge, there is a small wooden house built against the mountain, where concentric locks and lettering are sold.

There are ordinary locks and personalized locks, starting at at least [-] yuan. For engraving, it is [-] yuan for ordinary engraving, and [-] yuan if you want to add patterns or seal script.

There was already a circle of people in front of the door.

Su Xin asked: "Do you still remember the approximate place where you padlocked?"

Fu Xiaohe: "Of course I remember." She walked to the middle of the bridge, looked around, pointed to one side and said, "This is it."

This is the center of the bridge.

The two peaks seem to be split from above, and the bridge connects them.

From a height of at least six to seventy meters, one can vaguely hear the sound of gurgling water coming from below, and the water vapor condenses into white mist and wraps around the bridge.

It looks quite ethereal.

Su Xin said, "Now find out the lock you hung, and I'll take a look."

Fu Xiaohe nodded and began to look for it. In fact, she started to look when she came here.

Many people who hang the lock will leave a kind of concern here. If the marriage is smooth in the future, they will regard this place as a matchmaker.

If it is divided, there will be more sorrow for parting, and I will come here to miss it.

So the popularity here will last forever.

Fu Xiaohe picked up each lock one by one to look at them, searched for a while, and muttered: "Hey, why is it gone? No, we both pressed the locks at the same time..."

Su Xin grabbed a lock from the place Fu Xiaohe had already seen, and asked, "Is it this one?"

Fu Xiaohe said in surprise: "Ah, that's right, this is it. When I carved my name, I said I added an extra mark on the side so that I can recognize it later. It was also I who asked to engrave the pattern of Bingdilian... Eh, that's not right, This is my name and the imprint I left, but this, who is this person?"

Su Shin noticed at first.

"Do you know this guy?" he asked.

Fu Xiaohe's face was pale at this time, and he came back to his senses when he heard Su Xin's question: "I don't know, I clearly remember that it was Lin Hao's name at that moment, how could it be like this, this, this... ..."

Su Xin said: "I think I already know why that thing haunts you."

Fu Xiaohe's body trembled slightly, and his mouth trembled: "You, you mean this concentric lock?"

Su Xin nodded, "Did you swear when you padlocked the lock, that you will live in the same bed and die in the same acupuncture point..."

Life is the same quilt, and death is the same coffin, as evidenced by the emperor, I (Fu Xiaohe|Lin Hao") wish to be united forever, life and death will never change...

(End of this chapter)

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