Chapter 344
Xiao Tao waited for Su Xin to eat and drink enough, and his body had basically recovered before he said, "That... Susu, what are you going to do with this God's Domain?"

"How to deal with it? Of course it's gone. It's too much to stay in there for a long time before. I plan to come out and take a rest before doing it."

Su Xin said bluntly.

"Uh, that... you know the purpose of God's Domain..."

At this moment, Su Xin was lazily lying on the bed, feeling refreshed and comfortable after extreme exhaustion, allowing spiritual power to nourish the over-tired muscles and bones over and over again.

Responding casually: "You can say whatever you want, it's not your style to speak so hesitantly."

Xiao Tao: "Forget it, come to think of it, you already know that gods are created in response to people's countless powerful thoughts, and then have their own independent will and special existence of souls. that is…"

"You mean that I can control this domain of the gods and then control this six-armed evil god?"

Xiao Tao further added: "You must know that directly using the huge base of people's beliefs can accumulate more energy than you can accumulate bit by bit. And you don't need to come forward, just..."

Su Xin waved his hand, restraining Xiao Tao's words: "Forget it, don't say it, I understand what you mean, with the help of God's Domain, it's like having an energy absorber, right? But I'm Su Xin, I am not an evil god. Of course, I am not saying that I am nobler than an evil god, I mean, I just want to be myself."

"Actually, when I was in God's Domain, those thought powers entered my sea of ​​consciousness like a whirlwind... Sigh, it's really hard to describe. It's full of things like 'make me last longer', 'make XX die badly', 'make me change Be more beautiful (strong)' and the like. I don't know where those people got such a big heart, thinking that they want to get these by worshiping a stick of incense and chanting a few words? If I inherit this god domain, I will listen to these chanting every day , I’m afraid it’s not much better than the evil gods, and we have to sign some kind of contract with them, so let’s forget it, it’s not easy to be a god.”

Xiao Tao thought that Su Su would say something because of the principles of justice and ideals, but he didn't expect that he was afraid that he would become the second evil god.

Xiao Tao said: "Now you have absolute control over God's Domain, so now, as long as you smash this pottery statue, everything will be over."

Su Xin groaned, turned over and sat up, immediately smashed the pottery statue to pieces, then swept it into a dustpan, and poured it into the dry well in the courtyard.

"Huh, it's finally done."

Little Tao: "...uh."

This woman is really a "salt and oil" guy, compared to his fortitude, it is even worse, but now she is just on this path, and her future achievements will be limitless.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, those thought powers began to dissipate gradually, turning into wisps of energy and converging into the pool of spiritual power.

The huge stele is like a piece of heated wax, slowly fused, and finally only a small stone is left.

The main body of the evil god has been wiped out by Su Xin's soul, so this stone is the stone of the gods, an important material used to refine space magic weapons, and it is worth a lot of money in the ghost market.

With a thought of Su Xin, the Stone of God's Domain fell into his hand.

Like an irregular piece of black crystal, once the thought passes, it is thrown into the universe in the sleeve.

Let's say that because of Su Xin's decision, the stele was completely destroyed and the lives of countless people were changed.

At this moment, earth-shaking changes took place in countless homes that enshrined the six-armed statue.

The distraction without successor support began to bite back on the owners who enshrined them:

Those who wanted to be "longer-lasting" suddenly changed their "temperament" and threw themselves on the belly of a woman, almost dying of exhaustion, and then exposed many secret affairs of a certain official, certain wealthy businessman.

Those who wanted "XX to die a bad life" wanted to commit suicide one after another.

Those who want to be "beautiful (strong)" destroy their appearance, or inexplicably grow abscesses all over their bodies...

How many families have been changed because of this is another story.

Let's say that just after Su Xin destroyed God's Domain, her cell phone rang. She thought it was Shi Feng and Mo Li, but found out that it was a call from a stranger.

After a slight pause, he connected the phone.

"Please, is this Su Suxin?" came an eager and somewhat weak voice of inquiry.

Su Xin: "Yes, I am Su Xin, how can I help you?"

"Just now, I felt a sudden pain in my head again, and it was more severe than before. I went to the hospital for an examination and took painkillers, but it didn't help..."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, I'm the salesperson of the cake shop in the mall, and you gave me a note, so"

"Oh, I see, where are you? I'll come over and take a look for you first." Su Xin suddenly remembered the kind and beautiful female salesperson.The contact information that I voluntarily send out is equivalent to making a promise.

"22-3-9, Jingcheng Community, Baishi Road"

"Okay, hold on, I'll be there in about an hour."

Su Xin hung up the phone, packed up, and set off with her backpack.

Arrived at the destination in an hour.

Su Xin stood outside and knocked on the door. After waiting for a long time, she saw a pale and tired girl holding the door frame to open the door.

She looked at Su Xin, "You, you are here, I'm really sorry..."

Su Xin said, "Well, let me go in and have a look first."

The girl nodded, and as soon as Su Xin entered, the girl immediately closed the door.

As soon as Su Xin entered the door, he glanced around, and had a panoramic view of the furnishings in the house, giving people a clean and refreshing feeling.

Coupled with the vigilance she showed just now, it stands to reason that such a girl is not easy to provoke those dirty things.

Then there is only one possibility, which is being plotted against.

"My name is Mo Yao. You can call me Xiao Mo or Yaoyao. I have had a faint headache since two weeks ago, but the pain was not so severe. I always thought it was because of the car ride. Until the old lady said that day, After what you said, I started to think carefully. I went to the hospital and saw that I didn’t have a cold, and there were no other lesions on my body. I took a picture and said that my head was fine. It might be a headache caused by neurasthenia. But you know, mine It doesn’t take much brains to work, and I’ve been working there for more than two years, and it’s been fine.”

Mo Yao poured water for Su Xin while talking.

"Three nights ago, I felt dizzy and dizzy. I woke up from the pain in the middle of the night. I got up and took painkillers, but it didn't help at all. Instead, my body became very tired. It didn’t get better until dawn this morning. I couldn’t go to work, so I asked for leave and went to the hospital to get the medicine. I fell asleep very badly, so I slept for a while, probably because the medicine took effect, and I didn’t wake up until just now... "

Su Xin couldn't help interrupting the other party: "You said you have been sleeping for three days?"

(End of this chapter)

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