Chapter 371 (Adding a new chapter to the Mo Mo League)

Mo Li continued what he just said: "Wei Yan's parents went out yesterday, but they haven't come back yet. The neighbor said that it seems that their son called to pick them up to go back to their relatives, and happily boarded a taxi with big bags and small bags. The last clue pointed to the direction of Shidong District."

Su Xin's heart sank again, needless to say, she must have been held hostage by those people.

Here, Shi Feng has unfolded the map, pointing to a large area in the east of the city.

Residential districts, shops, hotels and entertainment clubs, as well as several food processing factories, a pharmaceutical factory, the scope is too wide, there is no place to start.

Su Xin couldn't help but think that when she watched movies and TV, she clearly saw criminal gangs gathering, but the jc couldn't find them, or they just missed.

Now that I experience it personally, I know what it means to "find a needle in a haystack".

They are all equipped with supernatural powers, and they are much superior to ordinary JCs who rely on inquiries and screening information, but that's all.

Both looked at Su Xin, hoping that she could lock the target.

Su Xin said: "I saw a man at Duan Ju's house earlier, named A Dou. He used to be a policeman and worked as an undercover agent. Now he is the owner of a private club. Because it is not open to the public, outsiders don't know the name of the club. I asked After a while, do you know the general location? He said that A Dou asked him to go to the clubhouse to play, but he immediately refused, so..."

Shi Feng: "Since the clues left by Wei Yan and his parents point to the East District, we will start to investigate from there. It is impossible for a group to be in a residential area, so we will target hotels and entertainment clubs."

Both Mo Li and Su Xin agreed.

Although it is definitely more efficient for the three to be in charge of one area separately, the problem is that neither Shi Feng nor Su Xin can sense each other's memory; if they encounter something like a ghost, Mo Li and Shi Feng can't deal with it either.

So it's better to be together.

Before that they did a division of labor.

Shi Feng took the lead, Mo Li was at the side collecting information, and Su Xin was hiding from the side to support.

Without further ado, the three of them discussed it and started to act immediately.

A few people went to several shops and hotels, and they probably didn't ask the right people, so Mo Li didn't collect any valuable information.

Seeing the time passing by, the three of them went from around eight o'clock in the evening until it was past twelve o'clock.

This feeling of "finding a needle in a haystack" is even more difficult than squatting.

The three of them were tired and hungry, so they sat back in the car to eat to replenish their strength and take a rest while discussing countermeasures.

Shi Feng: "It's not the way to find it like this."

Of course Su Xin understood this truth, she was thinking of Wei Yan's severed finger, if she dragged on, she might not be able to connect it.And the dying female reporter who was tortured, the woman who even risked her life to the guards, must be a good person.

Mo Li said: "Aren't we acting too timidly? Now we are buying time. Why don't we go to places with a lot of people? I let go of the spiritual realm and call out their names directly. This way it will be faster."

"Okay, Mr. Yimo, shout out loudly, if anyone dares to make trouble, I will deal with the aftermath."

Su Xin also felt that she was afraid that their actions would scare the snakes, but the problem now is that the snakes have already panicked and wanted to bite people everywhere because of the information.

Simply go all out, anyway, they are all within the Eastern District, and shouted at the top of their voices!

Shi Feng and Mo Li Qi Qi looked at Su Xin, nodded in unison, "Yes."

They absolutely believed that Su Xin could do it.

The three set off again with the mood of fighting to the death.

Most of the clubs that are still open at this time have some gray transactions, pornography, gambling, and du always have a little edge... These people are also the closest to the underground forces.

Mo Li stood in the center of the venue, letting go of his spiritual realm, and then Shi Feng went to the DJ's position to grab the mic and shouted "Brother Dou, Brother Dou is looking for—"There was a moment of silence in the entire venue.

In Mo Li's spiritual realm, these people's thoughts immediately became active, some memories were blank, while others instinctively emerged some memory fragments related to "Brother Dou".

Mo Li directly collected the information into his sea of ​​consciousness, and the thin threads were automatically disassembled, and then reassembled into a complete piece of information.

Almost two seconds after Shi Feng shouted, Mo Li gave him a wink. "Done!"

The two mingled with the crowd and ran out immediately.Su Xin hid in the dark, making sure that neither of them was noticed or followed, and then disappeared into the night.

Half an hour later, the van stopped outside a hotel.

Mo Li said: "A piece of information I got is that Brother Dou will be gathering with some friends here today."

Xiangshe Hotel.

Shi Feng opened the car door and was about to rush down.

Mo Li added: "It's just that it's past two o'clock in the morning, so I don't know if I'm still inside..."

"It doesn't matter so much, just go and have a look. Those people's gatherings will not be picked at random, and it is expected that this place will also be involved." Su Xin answered and opened the car door quickly.

The three cooperated tacitly, and still followed the old rules, Shi Feng and Mo Li were in the open, and Su Xin was in the dark.

Shi Feng and Mo left to stay, Su Xin still stealthily explored the layout of the hotel to find out where Brother Dou was.

The layout of the hotel is similar, and Su Xin feels a little confused after turning two or three corridors.

To Xiao Tao: "Xiao Tao, is there any magic weapon that can quickly record the traveling route?"

Little Tao: "Of course, there is a star compass, but even the ordinary storage space in this place is priceless, and the star compass is even more unthinkable. Forget it, seeing that you are in a hurry now, I will reluctantly help you Come on."

Su Xin knew her current strength and the time and space of the primary stage of technological civilization, so she just ignored the other party's previous words and only needed the latter sentence.

With Xiaotao's help, the place Suxin walked will become a winding three-dimensional road map presented in the sea of ​​consciousness.There are more blank places that she has never been to.

The hotel has a total of twelve floors. Su Xin searched from the first floor to the eleventh floor. No one has the perseverance.

With Su Xin's speed and Xiao Tao's help, it took two full hours to search the entire hotel!
Then, just as she paused for a while, and was about to head to the twelfth floor, she heard the sound of the elevator running...

Are you still driving the elevator at this time?Almost subconsciously, she rushed towards the elevator door and pressed the down button.

...Brother Dou looked at the other four men with a flattering face, and he was not at all as arrogant as he was at Duan Ju's house in the morning.

Today, although he ran away several current bureau-level leaders in a row, none of them succeeded in lobbying.And the information was not retrieved here, so they all turned their fire on him, and even asked him to do "ideological work" for Wei Yan later.

In fact, to put it bluntly, they still don't trust him.

 Thanks to Mr. Mo Mo for your generous gift, dear, now the fans have been able to keep chili peppers for several years!Pepper can only repay by working harder to update the codeword!
  Thanks to Mr. Jingjing, Mr. Lois·W, Mr. Mouse, Mr. Nuannuan, Mr. Ye Zi, Mr. Tingyu, Mr. Zisu, Mr. LTS911, Mr. Baiheshi Rose for their support. Thanks to all friends who cast valuable votes them.

  I wish you all peace and prosperity!
(End of this chapter)

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