her left eye is unusual

Chapter 4 Special Recruitment

Chapter 4 Special Recruitment
Su Xin slept on the bed for another two full days, and when she woke up, she found that both her mental state and her physical strength were much stronger than before.

After moving my hands and feet, everything is normal.

It's just... the left eye is slightly itchy, like itching coming from the depths of the eyeball.

Su Xin subconsciously rubbed it with the back of her hand, and the whole eyeball felt warm, and the itching was temporarily relieved.

When she opened her eyes again, she found some blurred shadows appeared in her vision.Blinking hard, vision returned to normal.

Su Xin has sorted out many problems subconsciously, whether it is because she saved her life because of her premonition of danger, or the rebirth of going back in time.

The reality is, she's alive, and she has to face the most pressing problem of all - her livelihood.

She was the only one who survived the accident that happened a year ago.

Although she didn't die, she became a vegetable, and her parents didn't know how to maximize her benefits, so the insurance company made a one-size-fits-all payment based on death.

In the first rescue and this year, I relied on machines and tubes to maintain my life. The daily medical expenses, nutrition expenses, and nursing expenses had already used up the insurance money half a year ago.

In the past six months, the two elders have gone bankrupt, throwing all their belongings into this bottomless pit.

The heavy burden has already exceeded their burden. Xin's mother takes care of her daughter in the hospital every day, while Xin's father, who is only sixty years old, goes to work on the construction site to earn money.

Everyone told them to give up, but they refused to put their fingerprints on the document of "giving up treatment".

... Seeing the old and thin body and the bent back of the two old men, Su Xin felt sore in his heart.

Originally, I thought that I would be able to take care of my parents after graduation and work, but I didn't expect... to let my parents worry about me now, I really shouldn't!
Su Xin understands that what is said now is false. Only by recovering as soon as possible, finding a job and earning money can the life of the family be improved and the parents truly freed.

Suxin puts all thoughts behind her and tries to get back to her workouts.

On the second day after waking up, I was able to barely walk on the ground, and I was discharged from the hospital immediately.

Immediately afterwards, she began to look for work everywhere.

But for a year, Su Xin felt that she was completely out of touch with the world.

Opening the mouth is education, work experience, and more than three years of experience in related industries... Suxin worked as a clerk in the sales department of that company as soon as he came out of university. Where did he get the skills?
Every day, Su Xin calls all the phone numbers on the advertising papers she sees one by one, trying to get an interview opportunity, even if there is only a little hope, she will run over.

Even the information about recruiting restaurant waiters that usually fly all over the sky seems to be extremely urgent at this moment.

She hit a wall for several days in a row, but fortunately, this kind of exercise allowed her body to recover faster.

Father Xin was so tired that he couldn't straighten his back on the construction site, because of the heavy dust, he also got asthma... Mother Xin didn't take care of Su Xin, and went to pick up trash every day to exchange money...

Su Xin looked at the current situation of the two elders, and knew that it could not be delayed any longer. I am afraid that it was really "the child wants to support but does not want to be loved".

The mood became more urgent.

On this day, Su Xin waited until the neon lights came on, and then dragged her tired body back.

She was still holding a stack of advertising papers in her hand, and she was looking at them as she walked, planning to find two more reliable ones from the sea of ​​job postings, and continue to make calls.


His head hit the telephone pole firmly.

While rubbing her head, Su Xin bared her teeth and muttered to herself: "It really deserves it, this is the end of walking with one mind. Fortunately, it's just a telephone pole. If it's a latrine pond... ah bah bah..."

A piece of ordinary A4 advertising paper was gently peeled off from the telephone pole, and it fluttered down onto Su Xin's stack of advertisements.

Recruitment inspiration:

We urgently need an assistant.

Requirements: able to bear hardships and stand hard work, live a positive and sunny life

Job Content: Negotiable

Salary: negotiable

Address: No. 139, Jinyuan North Road

Based on Suxin's research on recruitment information, this kind of simpler request for recruitment information is actually the real request of the other party.Those who describe the various requirements in detail, instead ask for something other than "requirements".

Just a moment of thought, Su Xin decided to make this call.

Not to mention one percent chance, one thousandth, one ten thousandth, she has to give it a try!
As soon as the phone was connected, there was a low and urgent voice: "Aren't you here to apply for an assistant? Come to No. 32 Fuxing Street immediately..."

Su Xin still wanted to ask, but found a busy tone coming from the other end.

32 Fuxing Street?When she was studying in the past, she used to search for part-time jobs all over the city with her classmates. She took the bus all day, from the starting point to the end point, seemingly passing through that place.

In my impression, there seems to be an unfinished building project. I don't know if there has been any change in the past few years.

Su Xin looked at the time on the phone, calculated the distance, and called Xin's mother: "...Well, yes, I will go to the interview now. Mom, don't worry, I am an adult now. If I don't call you after two hours, you should call the police, yes, the address is No. 32, Fuxing Street..."

After explaining to her mother, Su Xin glanced at the bus hotline on the bus platform, and inquired about the bus route from Huayang Station to Fuxing Street...

An hour later, Su Xin got off at the stop before No. 32 Fuxing Street.

Large sycamores are planted on the sidewalk, and the dense canopy looks like guards holding huge dark green umbrellas in the night, lined up to the end of the whole street in an orderly manner.

Su Xin walked under the tree next to a "cold cup" [1]. The bright lights and lively crowd made her feel more confident.

Just when she took out her mobile phone and was about to call again, the phone suddenly vibrated with a "buzz", followed by a monotonous ringtone...

The number on the caller ID was the one she had just dialed.

Su Xin only hesitated for a moment before connecting the phone. Before she could speak, an urgent voice came: "Are you there yet? Come on, I'm in the white van next to the pavilion outside the courtyard."

Su Xin said "oh", looked up, and saw a gazebo not far away, and there was indeed a white van parked beside it, and she replied calmly: "I saw the van, you can get out of it , I want to confirm."

After Su Xin finished speaking, she called up the camera mode of her mobile phone, adjusted the focus on the van, took a photo of the license plate number, and sent it to her WeChat.

A low grunt came from the receiver, "Hey, women are troublesome, maybe I can still eat you."

Following the voice, Su Xin saw a man wearing a long stand-up collar windbreaker getting out of the car, wearing a hat, sunglasses, and an... umbrella in his hand?
He glanced around, and his eyes fell on Su Xin, the corners of his mouth raised, he reached out to take off his sunglasses, and waved at Su Xin.

 "Lengta Cup" [1]: Every summer night in Chili, there will be many supper stalls on the street. Refers to the meaning of the supper stall.Previously, Chili mistyped the word "taste", thank you readers who raised questions.

(End of this chapter)

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