her left eye is unusual

Chapter 522 Visit

Chapter 522 Visit
This time, none of the four people sent by the special case team came back, and the communication between them was completely cut off after entering the thorny forest.

The loss of four mid-level superpowers at once shocked the special case team.

What kind of place is that that can make four supernatural beings disappear without a sound at the same time? !
Some of the missing people had good relations with other people, so these people volunteered one after another to find these four people.

Zhan Yunfei pressed the matter down, and only sent another person to search around the Ci'er Forest, and gave a stern warning: Don't enter it easily.

Those who went to search again found nothing on the periphery, so they put the matter aside. It didn't take long to discover the secret place deep in the desert.

The special case team had to shrink its strength and try its best to deal with the secret realm, so the case was moved to the "unfinished" file room.

At the back of the dossier is a stack of information, all about the personal information of the four missing people with supernatural powers.

Su Xin flipped through the pages and had a preliminary understanding of the whole case and all the supernatural beings involved.

After closing the file, Su Xin felt his head was in a mess. Except for Xun Feng and Ni Zhen's description of the place when they came back, Su Xin knew nothing about the case.

She even couldn't help but wonder if all the traffic accidents that have been increasing in the past few years have something to do with that dead village?

If this is the case, it would be too terrifying, and it is no wonder that the special case team knew that this case was weird and still handed it over to them.Want to find clues.

Su Xin decided to visit the two seniors Xun Feng and Ni Zhen first. After all, the records in the file were not more appropriate than face-to-face communication, so she called Fu Liansheng to ask for their addresses.

Of course, this is also a greeting to the special case team.If the other party asks her to visit, she will tell her the address, otherwise, she can only investigate by herself.

When Fu Liansheng heard that Su Xin was going to investigate this case, he paused for a moment before replying: "This case is a bit strange, you have to be mentally prepared."

Su Xin replied: "Thank you, I understand."

Fu Liansheng then told her the current addresses of Xunfeng and Nizhen.

Finally, he added: "Since they came back from the Death Village, the situation has been very bad, and now maybe... I can only see them for the last time."

Su Xin was very surprised. According to the records in the file, the two of them just reached the edge of the thorny forest, they didn't go deep, and they came out soon. How could this happen?

Moreover, a person with supernatural powers is far superior to ordinary people in terms of physical fitness and psychological endurance.What was mentioned in the later records was only that Xun Feng's body had not recovered, and it had only been a few years, how could Fu Liansheng say such a thing?
Without further ado, he acted immediately and searched for it according to the address Fu Liansheng provided.

The two are recuperating in a secluded place provided by the special case team. There are no direct planes or cars, so Su Xin left a note with Shi Feng and Mo Li, and then drove over directly.

In the evening of the second day, the car drove into a valley.

Now in September, autumn tigers are rampant, but as soon as you enter the valley, you will feel that the air is clear and clear, which makes you feel tired.

Su Xin found a villa hidden in the forest, which was lively and peaceful, with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

Looking carefully, there is actually a large array of life force built around it according to the terrain.

It seems that the special case team treats the people in the team very well.

As soon as Su Xin entered the villa, she heard a faint voice in the air: "Is this Su Xin here?"

Su Xin greeted the voice and replied: "I am Su Xin. I have bothered you a lot this time. It is really because there are many puzzles in that case. Please clarify. I hope the two seniors will forgive me."

There was a soft sigh in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the winding mountain road in front of him turned into a road paved with bluestone slabs, leading directly to the villa.

The villa is built in the valley, with fully automated water and electricity supply, and the special case team sends people to deliver supplies every month, which can be described as a paradise.

Su Xin was very surprised when she saw Nizhen. Their personal information was in the file. Although they were in their 30s when they took over the case, they looked like they were in their 20s. But now, it is only three years old. For more than a year, a 70-year-old withered old woman stood in front of her.

Su Xin had prepared a lot of words when she came, but at this moment she didn't know how to speak.

Seeing Su Xin's appearance, Nizhen raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "You must be surprised to see me now..."

Su Xin found that Ni Zhen's voice was surprisingly gentle, like a ray of spring breeze caressing her heart, which made Su Xin feel a little bit more cautious.

Without waiting for Suxin to answer, Nizhen continued: "Listen to them, you plan to re-investigate the death village case?"

Su Xin nodded, and mentioned the death village case, a trace of imperceptible sorrow flashed across Nizhen's expression, and then faded away, as if talking to herself: "I don't know if you see Xun Feng, will it change?" What's the idea now. Come with me."

She said, stood up, and took Su Xin to the back of the villa.

Just now Su Xin stood in the distance and observed the layout of the villa. Behind it should be the center of the Shengyuan Formation... So Nizhen is going to take her to the Shengyuan Formation?Could it be that Xun Feng is living in the Shengyuan formation now?How did the situation get so serious?

Because all those who need to use the vitality array to maintain their vitality are in extremely dangerous situations!
In an instant, several thoughts flashed through Su Xin's mind.

Previously, Su Xin asked Fu Liansheng about the addresses of the two of them, but the other party just sighed and said that she would have to go and see for herself, but she didn't expect the current situation of the two of them to be like this.

Soon, Ni Zhen brought Su Xin to the front of the enchantment, and opened it with a jade card in her hand. Su Xin paused for a moment and then walked in.

After entering it, Su Xin knew the methods of the special case team.

This grand formation of living origin is even worse than the ones established by the Cao family and even Luo Jing. The only difference is that there are no little ghosts here.

In the center of the formation is a large bed surrounded by complex runes, which emit a faint light.

It seems that the energy is not enough, and Su Xin doesn't know what is urging this large array of vitality.

Generally speaking, energy stones are used as energy sources for formations, but she thought about it, since the special case team has given them such a favorable environment, is there still a shortage of these spirit stones?

Since it is not a matter of Lingshi, then this array must use other things as energy sources.

Su Xin couldn't help asking: "This array is..."

Ni Zhen seemed to have not heard Su Xin's question, she had already walked to the bed, looking at the person on the bed, with a calm and gentle smile on her face.

The person on the bed stretched out his hand and held Nizhen tightly, "Zhenzhen, thank you..."

(End of this chapter)

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