her left eye is unusual

Chapter 557 Temporary Task 5

Chapter 557 Temporary Task 5
Because Wen Li is not only disobedient and unfilial to her father, but also stubborn and unwilling to repent, which has touched the moral bottom line of the public.

Someone on the Internet threatened that if XX company continues to use such people, it means that this company is also a wolf-hearted dog without filial piety, and the products produced by such an enterprise are also dirty, calling on everyone to boycott it.

Coupled with the competition in the industry, some people took the rhythm to make things more and more troublesome.

In order to quell the "popular indignation", Wenli could only be sacrificed and fired.No way, who told this is an information explosion society.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the company fired Wen Li in name, but they did it with a bit of conscience and gave her a large amount of termination fees in private.

Wen Li also knows how powerful it is. Generally speaking, she has caused the company to suffer, and she is very grateful that the company can treat her like this.

It's a pity that the money didn't reach Wen Li's hands at all, and was taken away by her father: Huang, gambling, and du, they squandered it in less than two months, and when they came back, they were still the same as before, entangled like leeches. with daughter...

Then, no matter where Wen Li goes to apply for a job, although the other party has a heart of pity, it is a pity that they are powerless against the pressure of external public opinion. There will be an ice age.

In the end, Wen Li was forced to make a living and became a bartender.

Being a bartender is basically exchanging their own lives for money: if they want customers to buy more wine, they sometimes need to drink more than the customers.

Wen Li's father didn't care about how she was doing outside. In other words, if they really cared about their daughter, they wouldn't have blackmailed her boyfriend in various ways and extorted huge sums of money from him... and these things Wen Li only found out later, and it was precisely because she didn't want to hurt the other party that she forcibly broke up.

The money Wen Li earned every day was wiped out by her alcoholic father as soon as she returned home, and sometimes she would even beat and scold her because of the lack of money.

As long as Wen Li resists, he will say, "Where did you come from without us, don't forget your roots in life", "If you don't take money, go to the street and let the whole world know that you are a disobedient and unfilial person."

Once, Wen Li wanted to sell a few more bottles of wine, but was coaxed by several people and got drunk.

Unexpectedly, she was slept by a man, who gave her a sum of money afterwards.

Wen Li's father saw that there was a lot more money than usual, and asked how it came from. Wen Li cried and said that she was raped... But her father scolded her, didn't she do that a long time ago? Consolation and pity, but encouraged her to continue like this.

If it was said that her father's oppression of her sisters in the past was just more indifferent, selfish and greedy than ordinary parents, but this time, she felt a chill to the bone.

Even if the whole world spurned her, scolded her for being disobedient and unfilial, scolded her for forgetting her roots, she should not be squeezed by him any longer.

No wonder the younger siblings never went home after studying, because that is not home, but hell.

Wen Li didn't compromise at all, and she was determined not to be that kind of person.

But her father began to "teach me well":
The daughter of the XX family in Murakami is going to be a young lady, and ended up earning a big house in two years. Now her mother is wearing a big gold bracelet, and her father is also wearing a gold chain. What a sight in the village;
The daughter of the XX family is also a mistress for others. She only eats and sleeps every day, and she gets tens of thousands of dollars a month.The whole family wears high-end clothes, and the home is full of imported electrical appliances.

Wen Li refused to go to the bar to work again. Two days later, her parents had spent all their money. Seeing that she was determined not to go out to earn money, what would they eat, drink and play?
It's a pity that those two white-eyed wolves couldn't get in touch, otherwise, would they only count on this useless thing now?

So Wen Li's father rolled around in the garbage bin again, and then ran to the street to meet people and said that he was kicked out of the house by his own daughter, and now he is homeless, with no food or drink...

People were full of kindness and enthusiastically donated money and materials, and then helped them find the naive "daughter".

It turned out that this was the bitch who asked her father to dig through the trash can three months ago?
Wen Li was completely overwhelmed by the overwhelming condemnation and insults.

A newspaper came to interview.

Wen Li's father burst into tears and said, "Wa's mother died of illness when she was very young, and she spent all her family's savings and couldn't save her."How difficult it is for him to be a father and a mother to raise this daughter by himself, and how hard it is to support her to go to school, and then finally see his daughter has a job, a house and a boyfriend, thinking that he can finally live easily , but did not expect that when he took care of all the things in his hometown and took refuge in his daughter, the daughter actually wanted to blame him for dragging her down, and even complained about him, saying that it was because he had ruined her relationship with her boyfriend, and now he was going to kick them out... …

Such a tearful accusation really made those who heard it sad and those who heard it cry.

Then the reporter put the microphone with the logo of a certain radio station in front of Wen Li in a condescending manner, and asked her aggressively:
"Why did you drive your father away?" "I didn't drive him away""

Why don't you support your own father? ""I did not support him"

"Why did he go to the trash can to pick up food?"

Wen Li was forced by the other party's attitude, and said: "How do I know why he is going to pick up trash? How do I know that he wants to say this about me? I am a person, an independent individual, and I just want to live a good life. Is this wrong too?"

She didn't tell the story of being raped by a guest when she was drunk, nor did she talk about her father's reaction and "persuasion" to her.

Reporter: "So you only know that you want to live your own independent life, but you have forgotten how you came to this world, and the father who once gave birth and raised you through all kinds of hardships?"

Wen Li sneered after hearing this: "Give birth to me? I admit that my mother gave birth to me, but I have been working since I can remember, and I have been self-reliant since I was ten years old. Everything I have now is earned bit by bit. Yes, why did he go through so much hardship?"

The reporter looked at her with a look of pity: "So, you completely deny how you survived in this world before you can remember?"

...Wen Li cried with her head in her arms. Even the debts she owed during the years when she was completely unable to live independently should have been paid off in the past 20 years.

The reporters and the audience left satisfied with the "answers" and "truths" they wanted to see.

(End of this chapter)

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