her left eye is unusual

Chapter 560 Temporary Task 8

Chapter 560 Temporary Task 8
At first, Wen Li's boyfriend was quite polite for the sake of the other party's father-in-law. He was afraid of offending the other party, so he gave as much as he wanted.

In his opinion, the other party probably wants to test whether his son-in-law really likes his daughter. After all, based on common sense, what father doesn't really want his daughter to be good and want his daughter to live happily?
But in just over two years, the other party is going to leave millions of dollars.

Only then did he faintly feel that something was wrong.Once, after the "father-in-law" said again that he wanted 60 yuan to buy a house, he thought, no, last time he said that he wanted to buy a house with [-] yuan short, did he already give it to him?Haven't bought it yet?
He had an extra thought, so he asked Wen Li if her father wanted to buy a house?
Wen Li immediately became vigilant when she heard this, and after repeated questioning, her boyfriend finally revealed what had happened over the past two years.

It wasn't until this moment that Wen Li realized that her father was looking for her boyfriend behind her back, and in the past two years, her boyfriend hadn't said a word about it...

She knew in her heart that he didn't want to expose these things for the sake of the relationship between the two, didn't want her to feel that he was mean to her, and didn't want her to be in a difficult position between "father" and "boyfriend".

Wen Li knew that her father was a selfish, indifferent and greedy person, but she didn't expect that he was a greedy person with no bottom line at all. Even if he gave so much, there was no satisfaction, but it only fueled his arrogance, and the lion opened his mouth.

If things go on like this, how can even if it is Wan Guan's wealth, withstand his oppression like this?
And I heard from her boyfriend that her father often went for a stroll in his company recently, and even revealed to the workers inside that "I am the father-in-law of your boss, and you all come to fawn on me and please me", if the two It's okay to really get married, and it has seriously affected normal life.

Wen Li saw her father's insatiable greed. If she really married her boyfriend, he might ruin both families.

The two who had decided to get married a long time ago had to call it off.

Six months ago, Wen Li and her boyfriend "completely" broke up, and also cut off his father's money from blackmailing, and there was the first report.

Wen Li lost her job because of this, and was hit hard. At the same time, she felt cold from her neck to the back of her head, and occasionally felt a sharp stabbing pain in her head. .

...At this moment, Wen Li remembered everything.

Tears rolled down silently.

Why, why is this happening?

Seeing Wen Li's appearance, Su Xin knew there was "something going on".

In fact, just mentioning one sentence, the other party has already almost understood.

I didn't understand it before because none of those things really entered her subconscious mind.

After a long time, Wen Li looked at Su Xin with tears streaming down her face, and asked abruptly, "What should I do? What should I do to win their hearts?"

Indeed, she has reached her limit, but they are still dissatisfied and still asking endlessly, so what should they do?Since he keeps saying that he gave his life, then give it back to him!

Su Xin said: "Once upon a time, there was a beggar. When he was about to starve to death, a rich man casually threw away a steamed bun that he couldn't finish. The beggar picked it up and ate it. The half steamed bun saved his life." The beggar feels that the rich man gave him a life, otherwise he would have starved to death, so he wants to use his life to repay him."

After listening to Su Xin's words, Wen Li stared at her blankly, the decadent air suddenly dissipated from her body, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in her eyes.

After a while, Wen Li said to Su Xin: "You are really different from those people."

Su Xin said in her heart that she was not an ordinary person, but a supernatural being.

Feeling that because of the real relief of the other party, the connection with the evil hag in his hand was completely severed, so I was really relieved. Fortunately, this trip was not in vain.

This is why Xiao Tao said that the human soul is the most mysterious and complicated thing in the world.

The evil hag in Su Xin's hand felt that it was not bound, so it could no longer attach itself to the granddaughter to suck vitality, and it would dissipate if it couldn't suck vitality, and it couldn't help becoming panicked.

Chao Wenli screamed sharply: "You rebellious thing, you killed me, you will be punished by God, God will definitely take you, you..."

Su Xin's eyes were like lightning, and he snorted coldly: "You should be punished by God, you are greedy!"

The spiritual power in his hand was so strong that he directly refined it into a wisp of green smoke, and his soul flew away.

Without the entanglement of vitality machine, this is a ghost, an evil ghost possessing a living person, get rid of it and hurry up!
Things are basically settled here, Su Xin took out a wad of money and put it down, and said: "This is the fee for our interview program to the material provider, please accept it."

Wen Li used to be a capable white-collar worker, with such a clear mind, how could she not understand that these people just pulled her up from the abyss of eternal doom.

Bean-sized teardrops rolled down rustlingly. If the tears just now were lamenting the fate of life, but now I feel that there is justice in the world, there is hope in my heart, and there is a turning point.

Her lips twitched a few times, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just said, "Thank you."

Su Xin is really "wealthy" now, but she doesn't just pay "interview fees" when she sees "difficulties".

For example, those who live in the bamboo forest but don't have chopsticks to eat, even if they let the money rot in the garbage dump, she won't give half of it.

That's right, it's that stingy.

But for Wen Li at this moment, this is the boost to her real rise.

For a woman who grew up in such a harsh environment, no matter how hard life pushed her, she never forgot her roots.

This is undoubtedly a resounding slap in the face for those who easily push their faults to "caused by the environment" and "caused by poor parental education"!

Therefore, she is the one who deserves freedom and happiness the most!
Su Xin stood up, and with a thought, the talismans stuck on the ground and walls were retracted.

It was just hit by the ghost power of that evil hag just now, and the spiritual power on it was barely consumed, and it could still be used.

As soon as Shi Feng opened the door, the old man almost fell forward, rubbed his hands, and looked at Shi Feng obsequiously: "That... are you all satisfied? Should I give this, the three of you..."

Mo Li's spiritual realm shrouded, and in an instant, the old man obediently stepped aside.

Just as Su Xin and the others walked out of the room, they heard behind him that the old man entered the daughter's room and snatched away the wad of money she left earlier.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he left with his two partners.

...smeared her dirty fingers on her lips, and counted the money in a hurry, with a lustful gleam in her eyes.

As he counted, the money in his hand fell with a bang, falling to the ground like leaves of a tree.

He hurriedly picked up money on the ground, he picked it up and picked it up, as if he couldn't finish it...

(End of this chapter)

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