her left eye is unusual

Chapter 572 Complaints

Chapter 572 Complaints
Seeing that the female ghost was beaten back to its original form, Su Xin was overjoyed, and when she was about to stop and finish it completely, there was a slight twitch in her left eyelid.

somebody is coming!So fast?

In a whirl of thought, Su Xin hastily withdrew the primordial energy in the Lingyan, but the Lingyan was still hanging in the air, showing that she was fighting the female ghost.

The female ghost felt that the power that could definitely wash it off suddenly loosened, and when she was about to move, the vest suddenly cooled down, and a black hook passed through her body, protruding from her front chest.

She lowered her head slowly, looking at the exposed black hook in disbelief.

Soul hook chain!
The Yin Division turned out to be the soul arrester of the Yin Division again!
It's a pity that no one can save it from Yinsi's ecstasy chain now.

"Evil barrier, Hugh's arrogance!"

The other end of the chain extended into the void, and accompanied by a deafening roar, the majestic and mighty man grabbed the chain with one hand and walked out of the void.

It was none other than Lu Wentao.

Changing into an armor suit, he looked much more burly and majestic.

Behind him, two men and women in long gowns, one black and one gray, came out.

The black shirt stepped forward and stood beside Lu Wentao, pointed at the female ghost, and said angrily: "My lord, it was this woman who lost my brother last time, oh yes, she has another accomplice."

The female ghost glanced at the black-clothed soul arrester, and sneered, "I didn't expect to be defeated by you. Hmph, if Ah Jun hadn't been soft-hearted that day, how could you have escaped? But today, even if you have tried your best to lay down If you catch me, what can you do to me? I am almost a true spirit now, and you guys are not qualified to touch me!"

The female ghost swept away her previous delicate style, and now she became sharp and crazy.

At this time, Lu Wentao was fully controlling the soul-hunting chain in his hand, but it was a pity that the other party was a true spirit body who had almost cultivated a physical body, and it was very difficult for him to control it.

That's the beauty of having a body.

He said to the female ghost: "You have violated the way of heaven and harmed living beings. Today, you will do justice for the sky. Take you down and lay down eighteen levels of hell. You will endure the pain of eternal life in purgatory to taste the evil debt you owe in this life."

"Humph, pay off the debt? Go to tm's way of heaven, and act for the way of heaven. It sounds nice. If you have the ability, why don't you catch those old things who use infant spirits to make alchemy every day? You know how to bully the weak and fear the hard all day long, and play tricks in front of ordinary people." Prestige. If there is a spirit in the sky, why doesn't God punish those who really hurt the sky and reason?"

"Excessive words and unreasonable words, the way is fair, you kill innocent people arbitrarily, set up a private boundary, don't escape today!"

"Kill innocent people? What evidence do you have that I killed those people?"

"You—" the black-clothed man paused for a moment, and said loudly filled with righteous indignation: "You set up a game to let those who shouldn't die die in vain, isn't it just killing innocent people?!"

The female ghost snorted coldly: "People who shouldn't die? I want to ask you, is there anyone who is not worthy to die? According to the way of heaven you keep saying, those people have been endlessly criticizing the world. Asking for it is of no value at all, shouldn't it be damned? Besides, they found everything by themselves, and their own choices have nothing to do with me?"

"You, you are making too much sense..."

"Don't you see that those things are in front of people every day, but why some people can't see them, or even if they see them, they are not moved? They just want to get in? You don't know that your eyes saw me pushing What did they say to them? It's all because of their own greed, endless, insatiable, and it's their own fault!"

The female ghost raised her chin slightly, her expression was haughty, she swept over the three Yin soldiers in front of her contemptuously, and continued: "I know you must want to talk about the parents of those people, they shouldn't die, right? But you have to figure it out, I didn’t tell them to die, it wasn’t us, it was their own sons and daughters who wanted to drag them along, and they themselves wanted to accompany their sons and daughters! Don’t they want to do their best to love their children as parents? I have a deep love with Licking Calf, can we still stop them? Haven't you seen those people who lost their loved ones, crying and clamoring to follow them to death? The more others stop them, the more they will go to the pit Those who jump in, do you think it is for their own good to go against their own will?"

The female ghost was so emotional and aggressive that the three of them were speechless.

Indeed, although there are many souls in this small realm created by them, none of them died in vain.If not, how can they be free and unrestrained until now? !

Lu Wentao said coldly: "But if you use the power of creation in their souls to cultivate, this is taking other people's creation, and it is also a crime that cannot be redeemed!"

"Take other people's creations? Why doesn't every living being in this world exist by stealing other people's creations? In your words, everything has a spirit, but isn't what those people eat every day a part of everything? I just changed the way, why not?!"

"It's so preposterous, it's nonsense!" The black shirt held a long black mace in his hand, and was about to be smashed by the female ghost.

The female ghost was the first to catch the black-clothed man, and shouted sharply: "Hit it, hit it if you have the ability! I am half-human and half-spiritual now. If you want to catch me, you have to break my body first. I don't have karma on me. If you kill me, you will suffer in purgatory. Seeing that you can go from ordinary ghosts to ghost soldiers step by step, it is not easy to get to this step, so why put your own future on it?"

"But you killed my brother." The man in black was very excited.

"Your senior brother? Huh, he deserves to die!" The female ghost's voice suddenly became high-pitched and sharp.

Before the other party could ask another question, the female ghost complained fiercely: "Half of the reason why I became what I am now is due to your senior brother. Where was the law of heaven when I was threatened by my parents to insult me ​​in every possible way? Where is the way of heaven when I was tortured by those scumbags after I was useless? Even if I was finally tied up by those people and drowned in the bottom of the river, who would come to avenge me? It was your big brother. It was he who was ordered to arrest my soul and return to the underworld, but I was unwilling to be killed because I was killed, so I voluntarily left my body and looked for that beast. I didn't expect to let me see with my own eyes what that beast gave your senior brother, so that he could get rid of me. Of course I wouldn't go straight up and be beaten to death, so I ran away."

Speaking of this, the female ghost sneered: "Since there is no way of heaven, no one will avenge me, and I will avenge myself. It's strange why I didn't directly turn into a ghost, right? Because Ah Jun, he can not only see me, but also take the initiative Help me, help me to be truly resurrected."

(End of this chapter)

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