her left eye is unusual

Chapter 579 Greed

Chapter 579 Greed (End)

This is not in the human world, those vows and promises are just as worthless as p, here is the real underworld that decides whether they live or die.

The two are still unyielding to each other to this point, and both want to fulfill each other.

Su Xin couldn't help but feel a pity for them. At this moment, she heard Lu Wentao formally pronounce the sentence on the two.

"Since you are so determined, I will give you a chance to do good today..."

Following the sound, Su Xin noticed that the two images were going on.

When Lu Wentao waved his hand, a pale golden talisman flew towards the people in the hall and sank into their foreheads.

"This is the talisman of heaven's reward and punishment. You can cultivate it according to the merits and demerits of good and evil above. When you get a balance, you can restore your freedom. Until then, you can serve under my seat temporarily."

Su Xin showed a look of surprise, and there is such an operation?
Serving under the judge's seat, wouldn't it be like Wei Ran and Qu Lin, becoming soul arresters?Then wander the worlds of yin and yang?

Anyway, from Su Xin's point of view, this is simply a great job.

Although I thought so in my heart, I subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief for Liu Jun and Jiang Yue.

Afterwards, Su Xin's consciousness gradually left the scene of the underworld trial and returned to her body.

Lu Wentao asked her to read all these, which was also to let her know that the case was over, and indirectly introduced his two new recruits to her.

But regarding Jiang Yue's grievances before his death, although Jiang Yue has now become a soul arrester, he still cannot directly kill mortals whenever he wants.

Otherwise, the secret reward and punishment talisman in her soul seal will directly crush it into fly ash, and it is truly doomed.

After waking up the next day, Su Xin went directly to the person who tortured her based on the information about Jiang Yue that she had sorted out in her consciousness last night.

The driving target was too big, Su Xin changed cars along the way, and did not arrive near the destination until the next afternoon.

Only then did I realize that all of these people are wealthy and powerful people, and their interests are intertwined, so how could an ordinary commoner be able to move at will.

Moreover, there are Feng Shui transfer arrays around their residence, as long as he is not exposed, it will be difficult for even Orthodoxy to bring him to justice.

Even if Jiang Yue becomes a ghost, it will be very difficult to get close to him. He can only wear down the other party's will and destroy the other party's spiritual support little by little.

It's a pity that just when she was about to succeed, the other party invited the soul arrester, forcing her to become a lonely ghost.

...A middle-aged man in his 40s who was well-cared for was standing in front of an exquisite shrine, devoutly burning incense and worshiping, muttering words, and in the thick incense smoke, the man's face was also coated with a layer of Buddha nature.

At this moment, the statue enshrined in front of him suddenly fell to the ground without warning.

A sound of "pa——" startled him back, his expression was stunned, and the other statues also fell down one after another.

For a while, the sound of "papa" was endless, and the fragments of pottery statues were shattered on the ground. In panic, they rushed to the ground and kowtowed for mercy.

At this moment, his mistress walked towards him coquettishly with a tube of purple potion in her hand, and he scolded: "What do you bitch want? Do you know what's in it?"

This is a new type of hallucinogen developed specifically to deal with those "disobedient" people. Usually, only a few milliliters can make them survive or die, but now, there are at least 20 milliliters in the syringe. Injected into the body, that, that...

He found that he couldn't move even if he wanted to, as if there was an invisible force firmly fixing him on the ground, and then he watched the bitch walk in front of him, no matter how much he yelled and scolded, the woman's expression was always dull and unrelenting. Hesitantly pushed all the potions into his body.

In the sight of Su Xin's left eye, under the action of the potion, the man's soul was melting little by little, struggling and twisting frantically, breaking away from the consciousness of the main body, and then controlling his body like a monster with condensed smoke. tear yourself apart...

And he was conscious while doing it.

Su Xin patted the invisibility talisman on her body, and kept watching quietly until the people on the ground became silent, then she collected the remnant soul without any conscious existence, leaving the dazed woman behind and walked away .

Regarding this mistress, Su Xin also found a little bit of information about her, and she was exactly the same as this person.I didn't expect to see the two of them together, so I simply borrowed a knife to kill someone.This person died in the villa, and there were traces of her everywhere, making it impossible for her to fly.

Su Xin used similar methods to get rid of all those who framed Jiang Yue. As for those who raped her and dissected her body in the end, Su Xin directly treated her as a human being. How did she treat Jiang Yue so cruelly? Yue's will affect them tenfold.

There is the last person, the first gentle scum who stretched out his claws to Jiang Yue.

It's too cheap to destroy a person and kill him casually.

Coincidentally, I saw a large truck carrying a load of pigs.

With a thought, he grabbed the man's soul and patted it into a pig's body.

These are all pulled into the slaughterhouse.

He realized that he had turned into a pig and was about to be dragged to be killed. He became more excited than all the pigs around him, barking desperately and rushing left and right crazily, but since he was in the slaughterhouse, how could he escape Understand.So those people threw iron hooks at him one after another, grabbed him deeply into the meat, dragged him to the chopping board and stabbed him a few times, "Md, this pig has become refined."

From one pig to another, there was wet pig feces and urine in the pen, and dirty and smelly pig food in the stone trough in front of him. He screamed desperately, trying to rush out.

A man came over with a penny and whipped him, every time he called, and finally he was honest. "It's really cheap, it's dishonest if you don't hit me."

Then he was pulled out to mate with a boar, only to find that he was now a sow, and he struggled desperately again, and then, then
When his soul was photographed back to his body again, he completely believed that he was a pig.

As for the issue that their families will ruin the livelihood of their wives, children, and parents after these people have accidents: These, when they enjoy the good life these people give them, when they know the true appearance of these people, they know what they did. When you still want to cover up, you should have this moment of awareness.

very fair.

...Jiang Yue, who was carrying out the task with Liu Jun, suddenly felt that his soul became lighter, and the strong hostility in his body gradually disappeared.

Liu Jun looked at her and said pleasantly: "Yueyue, the obsession in your body is gone, you are finally free now!"

Jiang Yue was also very excited. She suddenly thought of something and murmured, "Could it be her?"


"It's the woman who has harmed us to this extent." Jiang Yue is obviously full of hatred for that woman. If it wasn't for the lightning trap she laid on Ah Jun, they might have cultivated into true spirit bodies by now... ...But no matter how much she gritted her teeth, she subconsciously realized that she didn't hate as much as she imagined.

Liu Jun is also very emotional, it is indeed a pity that the success fell short, but I have to say that everything now makes them truly steadfast and magnanimous.

(End of this chapter)

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