Chapter 682

Su Xin was very surprised, because just now she saw with her own eyes that the giant wolf had been protecting the woman with her body and life, why did she actually want to kill the woman with her own hands now?
Well, even without the knife of a woman, the giant wolf would definitely not be able to survive, it's just...

Su Xin was very surprised by this result, but she did not rashly step forward to stop her, or question her aloud.

Just like the previous case, I am just a passer-by passing through a certain part of someone else's life, and I don't know the ins and outs of the matter, so what qualifications do I have to question whether other people's actions are right or wrong? !

Everything has its own cause and effect!
At this moment, the woman yelled and drew out the sharp knife, and then slammed it into her chest.

Oh no--

So cruel!

Su Xin was shocked, and rushed over quickly, hugging the woman who was about to fall from behind.


The woman ignored Su Xin's words, she felt that life was passing by quickly, and she wanted to do her last strength to fulfill her wish.

Looking hard at the giant wolf on the ground: " gave it to me, and now I finally give it back to you, I don't owe you anything..."

The woman tried to turn her head to look at Su Xin, trying to raise her hand to give her something, but in the end, because death was approaching, all the strength in her body disappeared, and she died completely before everything could be completed.

Su Xin was still a little confused, but from the scene just now and the woman's last words, she finally understood some of the situation here.

These beasts were all transformed by the villagers. These villagers were all involved in the trafficking of women and children. This is their retribution.

And this giant wolf should have a deep entanglement with her, that's why there was such a scene of loving and killing each other.

She put down the woman's gradually icy body, feeling a sigh in her heart.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, let's see who it spares!
She saw the hand that the woman wanted to raise just now, holding it, as if holding something.

Su Xin opened the woman's hand and saw that she was holding a note.

The note was crumpled and very old.It should be a corner torn from a page, and it has been written for some time.

There are two lines of words crookedly written on it, with an address above and a few names below.

This is the address of her hometown and the names of her parents and younger siblings that the woman wrote down a long time ago. She is afraid that because she has been isolated in this place for a long time, she will forget her own home and the names of her parents.

She should have wanted to say something just now, but...

Su Xin put the note in her sleeve, and she will go to see it when she has a chance. It can be regarded as a complete fulfillment of the woman's last wish.

But now, she can't leave.

Those blood races are like maggots attached to their bones, and they will never let themselves go.

Those blood clans would not care about the people here when they fought, just like here, they directly treated the people in Mo'an Town as their tools and slaves.

But she can't, this is her home country, no matter where she goes, she will bring devastating harm to the people there.

Simply wait here and make a complete break with them!
Let's say that Yu Chenzi responded to Zhan Yunfei's order and temporarily summoned dozens of supernatural beings to gather in Mo'an Town.

Before they arrived, earth-shaking changes took place in the town.

Yu Chenzi used the air-defending technique to arrive first.

Seeing Su Xin strolling leisurely on the ruins, she seemed to regard herself as a target, for fear that others would not see it.

That seemed to be her style.

But seeing that she was intact, Yu Chenzi's hanging heart finally fell,

Su Xin looked in his direction, paused for a moment, and moved his gaze to other places.

It's a member of the special case team, Su Xin is relieved.But since the other party chose to use the invisibility talisman, it meant that he didn't want to be exposed.


At this moment, they actually said that several people from country A were missing in the country, and asked their people to intervene in a thorough investigation, and at the same time demanded that they hand over a "murderer" they believed to be Lin'an.

This is the disguised identity given to Su Xin by the special case team, even if there is a traitor, they cannot break through the defense of the file.So based on Su Xin's appearance, they only found a person named "Lin'an".

How can this work?Who do you say is the murderer?Who did you say you handed it over to you?Could it be that this is your private plot?
These people were so anxious that the holy spirit crystal fell into the hands of that woman. It was their bond with God to sacrifice and ask to descend. Once it fell into the hands of the other party, the consequences would be disastrous!


For Su Xin, this new year is destined to be a "pass".

She waited quietly in Mo'an for a week. It was the middle of winter at the end of the new year. Although there was no snowfall, it was bitterly cold in the border area, and the fierce north wind was blowing.

Next to it is the completely annihilated Mo'an Town. Whether it is a real beast or a mutated villager, life and death battles of hunting and being hunted are staged in it.

Su Xin's heart is cold, maybe for "they", this is the state of life that really belongs to them.

Since "meeting" with Yu Chenzi that day, they have reached a tacit understanding with each other.

Now she is the target of the blood clan, instead of hiding, it is better to come to a complete end.

In other words, she is the "bait" now, and they are secretly planning.

Su Xin has no objection to this arrangement, even if the special case team doesn't come, she still intends to have a complete end with these bird people!Otherwise, let her keep pestering her, if she knows her parents and relatives, how can she feel at ease? !
Now that the special case team has sent someone here, it gives her a little more comfort.

On the fourth day of the lunar new year, at sunset, the setting sun in the sky is like blood.

A black cloud rose from the mountain peak in the distance, and moved towards her in an instant, covering the sky and the sun, and the sky and the earth were dark.

Rao Suxin was already prepared in his heart, but seeing this situation, he still felt a little soft on his feet.

Damn, this, so much?

This is the rhythm that wants to sweep them away.

(End of this chapter)

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