in nightmare time

Chapter 23 Murder in Dreamland

Chapter 23 Murder in Dreamland

Qiu Zhuo and Fang Yun were taken separately to two interrogation rooms. Qiu Zhuo felt that things might not be as optimistic as he had imagined. He was in a daze and began to worry about their situation.

Fang Yun's questioning here was very unsuccessful. No matter what the police asked, she would always ask three questions, and she would cry if she asked again.

The two policemen exchanged glances with each other, and one of them went out. The remaining policeman continued to ask her, "Say what you know. Why are you crying? Is it because you are afraid?"

Fang Yun wiped away his tears and looked at the policeman with neither humility nor condescension, and said, "No, it's because you wronged me and wanted to harm me on purpose. What kind of questions are you asking? Let me tell when the deceased died, let me tell you Who was the last person the deceased saw, and why did the deceased marry me, how should I answer?"

Police: "These are normal inquiries, just answer truthfully."

Fang Yun: "It's not a normal question at all. I didn't kill the person. How would I know when the deceased died? I didn't kill the person. How would I know who the deceased saw last? As for what you just asked The matter on that note is my privacy, and I have the right to refuse to answer."

After asking and asking again and again, what Fang Yun always emphasized was 'I don't know', 'I didn't kill anyone' and 'I have the right to refuse'.

Qiu Zhuo's performance was much more stable. He was calm in the face of the police's questions, and he also gave reasonable answers to the police's questions one by one.

The policeman who asked the question stared at him for a moment, then bowed his head and whispered to another policeman beside him, then raised his head and said to him again: "You can go back first."

Qiu Zhuo paused for a moment, then nodded, and asked, "Where is the girl who came with me?"

Police: "She may not be able to go back for the time being."

Qiu Zhuo's heart tightened, "Why? She has been with me for the past few days, this matter cannot possibly have anything to do with her."

Policeman: "Well, you also said in the transcript just now, but she still has a few doubts on her side, and she is not willing to cooperate with our colleagues, so maybe you can only go back by yourself today."

Qiu Zhuo walked up to the police, took out his lawyer's certificate and said, "I want to release her on bail."

The policeman seemed a little hesitant, but soon agreed to take him to see the colleague who interrogated Fang Yun. Qiu Zhuo sat alone in the reception room. He looked around the reception room.

Then when he looked up, he saw the camera quietly installed in the corner, and the corner of his mouth smiled lightly.

As soon as he turned his head, he found that the door of the reception room was opened. Two policemen walked towards him one after the other. Qiu Zhuo glanced at the big brown window next to the door, and pulled the corner of his mouth lightly again.

"Comrade police, you still seem to be suspicious of me. I don't understand why you insist on me and Fang Yun as soon as this case arises. Do you really have solid evidence to prove that we are the murderers, or is someone accusing us?"

Qiu Zhuo went on to say: "Don't tell me it's because we appeared in Baikou Village. This obviously doesn't prove that we are the murderer. Fang Yun and I were not the only people who went to Baikou Village that day."

The policeman who was interrogating Fang Yun looked at Qiu Zhuo sharply, and asked unhurriedly, "How do you know that someone besides you must have been to Baikou Village that day?"

Qiu Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said, "Didn't you say that? Someone told you that you saw Fang Yun and me at the scene of the crime."

The policeman's face froze for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal, and asked, "He said you want to release that girl on bail?"

Qiu Zhuo: "Yes."


The incident a few days ago may be just a small episode in Qiu Zhuo's life. After all, he has been a lawyer for so many years, and he has never seen such a big storm.But it is not so easy for Fang Yun to pass, tonight is already the sixth morning when she was awakened by the nightmare.

In the dream, a teenage boy has been chasing after her, his toes closely following her heels, chasing her all the way.

Fang Yun in the dream was only about ten years old. She had been chased for too long. She couldn't run anymore. Her feet were soft and she fell to the ground. The little boy behind her took the opportunity to quickly ride on her body and pinch her neck. In a second, he would be strangled to death.

Her breathing became more and more rapid and short of breath. She pinched the hand of the boy who was strangling her neck with her hands, and then she suddenly woke up.

After waking up, Fang Yun's body was still trembling slightly, his hands were strangling his neck tightly, and he was forced to open his mouth to breathe heavily, feeling as if he could strangle himself to death as long as he slept for a second longer.Fang Yun lay on the bed for a long time unable to regain his senses, his whole body was in a daze, and then fell asleep again drowsily.

"Have another nightmare?"

In the morning, Fang Yun went to the tea room to wait for water with a cup in his mouth. When he met Zhuang Xiaoyan who was waiting for water, Zhuang Xiaoyan was startled when she turned around and saw Fang Yun's black eyes.


I remember that on the morning of the third day of consecutive nightmares, which was also the current scene, Zhuang Xiaoyan was taken aback by her big dark blue eye bags, and asked her if she stayed up all night last night, and then Fang Yun told her about the nightmare. Zhuang Xiaoyan.

Zhuang Xiaoyan saw Fang Yun's coyness, probably because she had nightmares after being questioned by the police, which made her a little embarrassed, and felt that she was a bit too useless.

Zhuang Xiaoyan did not continue this topic, but changed the subject and said, "How do you plan to deal with the medical case in hand? If you don't want to do it, just tell me, and I will follow up."

Fang Yun: "Thank you Director Zhuang for your concern, no need, I have already contacted the other plaintiff, and she said that the lawsuit will continue."

Zhuang Xiaoyan: "...Is that so?"

Fang Yun: "Well. I made an appointment yesterday, and she came to Xinxin to talk to me about it today."

As soon as Fang Yun raised his eyes, he saw a fat woman with short hair wandering back and forth outside the glass door. It was Mu Guan.So he went to the door and pressed the electronic door button, and the door opened.

Fang Yun: "Why don't you call me when you arrive?"

Mu Guan cast her a glance, his whole body exuded a sluggish aura, "Why should I call you, why can't you come and wait for me at the door?"

"You come with me."

Fang Yun didn't want to have another quarrel with her, and he didn't want this kind of thing to happen in the law firm. He took Mu Guan directly to the reception room and locked the door from the inside.

Seeing Fang Yun sitting down, Mu Guan continued to roll his eyes, "I already know everything."

Fang Yun was baffled by her nonsensical words, "What do you know?"

Mu Guan: "You were investigated by the police in Baikou Town. There is also a man who is said to be your colleague."

Fang Yun: "Your news is quite well-informed, but I didn't invite you here today to discuss this matter, but to discuss medical cases. Now things have become like this, and the research I did before has confirmed that it is your son. I increased the dose of the drug without authorization, and this result was not caused by the hospital."

Mu Guan: "I know."

Fang Yun was puzzled: "What do you know?"

Mu Guan: "You let Mu Mu take the medicine."

Fang Yun suddenly felt a tremor in his liver, and his heart tightened suddenly.

 Let me tell you a piece of news, my manuscripts have become less and less

(End of this chapter)

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