Chapter 68

Yesterday, Qiu Zhuo left before the postal brother reported the case. On the way back, he also reported the case to the Yangcheng police station. The victim girl in Jin Yuanchang's case happened in Yangcheng, and the Yangcheng police are also handling the case.

After much deliberation, Qiu Zhuosi decided to send some of the data he researched here to the Yangcheng police. There are some things that are inconvenient for him to do, but the police can.

He suppressed his shock for a moment, and his tone was still gentle and uninhibited, "How can a coward and a crybaby approach others first, and even approach others on purpose, that person will not be you."

"I," Fang Yun didn't expect that after reuniting with him again, he would be left with the impression of a coward and a crybaby, "I'm actually not timid, and I don't like to cry."

Qiu Zhuo really listened to her words, because Fang Yun really didn't like to cry or be timid when he was a teenager, and he was even a little bold; at that time, she would climb up trees like a boy. I picked mulberries for him to eat, because he likes to eat mulberries and can't climb trees.

Mischievous and cute, except for the time when Leng Mu bullied her, Qiu Zhuo had almost never seen her cry, at least she wouldn't cry easily like now.

"When you grow up, you will cry and be timid?"

Qiu Zhuo's expression remained the same, and he only thought that when people grow up, they will understand more and feel more helpless, so maybe they will add some new habits to release stress.

Fang Yun didn't speak, just looked at him quietly; after a while, he took a deep breath, his eyes sank, and he lowered his head.

Qiu Zhuo's eyes moved, and his lips pursed. He knew that she was hurting, but she was unwilling to tell him.

From the time when he was a teenager until the reunion, even though he had worked hard to fight for the chance of reunion and to help her to the greatest extent, he still couldn't get into her heart.

After a while, he also sighed deeply, and the unrestrained feeling that was often hung on his face during this period also subsided, and turned to his usual cold and reserved.

He thought that he should just be like this, and still be the introverted self, and don't deliberately show an extroverted personality in front of her. Maybe she doesn't like the extroverted him at all, or maybe she always likes him when she was a teenager.

In the quiet room, a needle could be heard falling, and they all felt a little unnatural. Fang Yun coughed twice and was just about to find a topic to ease the embarrassment when Qiu Zhuo's cell phone rang suddenly.

She froze when she reached the edge of her mouth, and finally swallowed it as he took out the phone.

"Hey, Officer Chen," Qiu Zhuo felt faintly that something had come to an end when he saw the caller ID.

"Well, it's Qiu Zhuo."

"Yes, I am Officer Chen."

"Thank you for the clues you gave us yesterday, and for telling us about the situation in the dormitory in Baikou Town. We have already contacted the police in Baikou Town, and the relevant cases will be further investigated. In return for your clues, I also report to You reveal a clue that will definitely be useful to your case."

Qiu Zhuo's smile spread across the corners of his eyes, but his mood was still very calm, because he could basically guess what the clue that Police Officer Chen wanted to tell him. This clue was originally discovered by him and the postman at the scene, but he needed the police's investigation methods Get the final exact answer.

"Then I really have to thank Officer Chen, I will treat you to tea when I go back."

Police officer Chen said with a smile: "You don't have to drink tea. In fact, you should have guessed it. The JY check on the bedding in the dormitory not only belonged to the person involved, but also belonged to the girl victim in the case involving your defendant Jin Yuanchang."

Qiu Zhuo let out a long breath, his heart finally settled, "My client in this case can basically be ruled out of suspicion?"

"It should be like this. We have to wait until we catch Leng Lianshui to see the details. The current evidence collection can only prove that Leng Lianshui violated the victim, but it cannot prove that the victim was killed by him, so Jin Yuanchang still has suspected."

"Understood, thank you Officer Chen for telling me so much."

"No thanks, no thanks, help each other."

When Officer Chen was about to hang up the phone, Qiu Zhuo suddenly asked, "Have you returned to Yangcheng yet?"

Officer Chen heard Qiu Zhuo's voice coming from the receiver again, and paused when he hung up the phone, "I'm back, a colleague is over there, what's the matter, what else do you find?"

"Oh, that's gone. I just wanted to ask, has anyone ever looked for Leng Lianshui? If you can't find him, you can start with the person who looked for him and see if there is any hope."

After finishing speaking, Qiu Zhuo quickly smiled apologetically and said, "I didn't mean to teach Officer Chen how to do things, I just thought of this suddenly, you must not misunderstand me."

The smile on the other end of the phone was very relaxed and clear, "I can't misunderstand you just because of your full desire to survive. Thank you, lawyer Qiu, for reminding me, but I think my colleagues will not let anyone go to the dormitory. Let alone someone who went to Leng Lian Shui."

"That's good," Qiu Zhuo smiled knowingly.

When Qiu Zhuo answered the phone, Fang Yun kept listening with his ears up. As soon as the phone hung up, she asked urgently, "Does the Jin Yuanchang case have anything to do with Leng Lian Shui?"

There seemed to be stars in Qiu Zhuo's dark eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said in a relaxed tone, "It does matter."

Fang Yun's chest heaved suddenly, his face was tense, and his eyes were full of haze.

Qiu Zhuo's short answer in a few words contained too much pain and embarrassment for the girl who was no longer alive.

Fang Yun only felt a chill pass through his bones, his chest felt like being torn apart, the pain was unbearable, he felt hysterical and unbearable.

She suddenly thought of herself, and her eyes were red.

In this world, perhaps the gender of girls is the original sin. They can't even play freely and freely like boys. They need to learn the ability to protect themselves from an early age, from a very young age.

She still remembers the fragrance of flowers and the warmth of the sun passing through her fingers on that day, but the warmth was fleeting after all, and then the sun turned into the sunset, and only the coolness remained when the sun set.All that was left for her was darkness and infinite sadness.

"I hope that the girl can rest in peace." She said lightly.

Qiu Zhuo originally thought that she would talk about cases, lawsuits, and declarations of victory with him; after all, she was such a girl before, lively and passionate, optimistic yet wise.

Qiu Zhuo: "Yes."

Fang Yun: "Yes."

Fang Yun: "Is our work here also coming to an end?"

Qiu Zhuo: "It's still too early."

Fang Yun: "...Leng Lian catches the water, and the case of Jin Yuanchang has come to light. What are we still doing here?"

Qiu Zhuo: "Who told you that Leng Lianshui was caught, and who told you that the case has been solved?"

Fang Yun: "..."

Fang Yun: "Didn't you just say that it was related."

Qiu Zhuo smiled slightly and said, "It turns out that you can understand so many stories with the three words "relationship". You might as well help me analyze a problem."

Fang Yun looked at him in surprise and said, "What's the problem?"

Qiu Zhuoqing's sense of coldness and reservedness disappeared immediately, and he looked at Fang Yun with an unserious expression and said, "I also have a 'relationship' with you, please ask Lawyer Fang to help me analyze the 'relationship' between us." What kind of story is it, and what kind of result will it be?"

(End of this chapter)

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