divine talisman

Chapter 1109 Silk Rain Like Cutting [Part 1]

The wave of battle was quite intense. Wherever it passed, mountains collapsed, ancient trees were turned into dust, and everything was crushed and shattered by the incomparably violent turbulence.

Chen Xi originally planned to avoid this wave of battle fluctuations, but when the appearances of the two sides in the battle were reflected in his immortal thoughts, his eyes froze, a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes, and he immediately changed his attention.

The next moment, he rushed over instead.

On the two sides of the battle, one was a gray-clothed young man with an ordinary appearance, but his strength was extremely powerful. It was the young man Chen Xi had seen in the Yujing Immortal City Restaurant.

At that time, the gray-clothed youth was with the Yao Saber King Tuo who was ranked second in Yunzhe Qingyun Ranking. It seemed that his name was Lie Binghan, and his ranking was higher than Yaodao Wang Tuo, ranking No. .

What made Chen Xi change his mind was of course not Lie Binghan, but those two people who were chasing and killing Lie Binghan.

One of the two was skinny, with a pale face and a pair of green eyes, the other had thick bones, was dressed in sackcloth, had swallow jaws and a tiger beard, and had a mighty demeanor.

From these two people, Chen Xi keenly sensed the same aura as that of Jiang Ning and Yue Zhen, that is, chilling, stern, and ruthless. The whole person's aura is like a murder weapon.

If Chen Xi's guess is correct, the opponent must be two Kongming guards!

This was the fundamental reason why Chen Xi changed his mind.



Deep in the forest.

"You bastard, you dare to injure our companions, how brave you are!"

"Zhao Ding, what are you doing with so much nonsense, don't forget Senior Brother Lu Chen's explanation, whoever dares to break into the Yunguang Fairy Bridge, will be killed without mercy!"

"Senior Brother Qiuyan is right."

Amid the icy conversation, the skinny young man named Zhao Ding and the sackclothed young man named Qiu Yan were chasing after Lie Binghan, as if they were going to kill him.

Lie Binghan was out of breath, his face was pale, blood was flowing from his shoulders and under his ribs, obviously he had suffered quite a bit of trauma in this pursuit.

He didn't seem to hear the conversation between the two enemies behind him at all. He was speeding while defusing the opponent's attack. His pale outline was full of tenacity.

But in Lie Binghan's heart, he is not as calm as the surface, "Where did these freaks come from? I think I have already ranked among the top [-] in the Qingyun rankings, but I am not a match for any of them... "

"Unfortunately, I misunderstood Wang Tuo this time. I didn't expect him to kneel down and swear to the enemy regardless of his dignity. Although he got the chance to pass the Yunhong Immortal Bridge, this kind of behavior is too despicable and shameful."

"I, Lie Binghan, would rather die standing up than be so servile!"

"Forget it, what's the use of thinking so much, if I can survive this time, I will definitely slaughter these bastards in the future!"


Suddenly, a terrifying force surged in like a tidal wave, shaking Lie Binghan to fly thousands of feet backwards, coughing up blood in his mouth, and faintly disturbing his Qi mechanism.


Before Lie Binghan fled again, Zhao Ding and Qiu Yan turned into Liuhong, one in front of the other, completely blocking his escape route.

Seeing this, Lie Binghan's heart sank immediately, he gritted his teeth and pursed his lips, without saying a word.

"Run away? Why didn't you run away?" Zhao Ding stepped forward with a sneer, looking at Lie Binghan as if staring at a dead object, full of silent ridicule and contempt.

"Hmph, what is the strongest person who ranks first in the Yunzhe Qingyun list, what is a strong and strong body, in the eyes of us, it is no different from shit!"

That Qiu Yan strode forward, stretched out his arm suddenly and grabbed it, turned into a sharp black wind, and grabbed Lie Binghan's head fiercely.

This attack was ruthless and decisive, and did not give Lie Binghan a chance to breathe. Obviously, he wanted to make a quick decision to avoid any further troubles.

This is exactly the style of Kong Mingwei, born for killing, when dealing with the enemy, he will not be soft-hearted at all, and it is even less likely to be procrastinating.

Feeling the horror of this grasping force, Lie Binghan's heart sank again. He knew that with his current strength, he couldn't escape the lock of this blow at all.

Could it be that today is going to fall?

At this moment, Lie Binghan had too many thoughts in his mind, including the hard experience of practicing all the way, and the longing and desire to enter Daohuang Academy...

In the end, all this turned into deep unwillingness, he raised his head abruptly, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, it was already a decision, even if it was death, he still had to pull a back!


But before Lie Binghan could take any action, a strange sound of sword chant resounded, like the rolling roar of the tide, or like lingering drizzle whispering in the ear...

what is this sound?

The next moment, a wave of sword energy as vast as the ocean struck, as if it had turned the world into a turbulent sea!

What a terrifying water sword aura!

At the same time, Zhao Ding and Qiu Yan also focused their eyes, and their expressions changed slightly. They instinctively dodged to one side subconsciously.

What made them horrified was that before that wisp of sword aura fell, it suddenly turned into ten, ten into hundreds, hundreds of thousands... and finally turned into endless fine sword aura flying all over the sky.

Every sword qi is filled with the law of water movement, like strands of drizzle threads, sharp and chilling, cutting the void inch by inch, as easily as tearing cloth.

The sword curtain covering the sky, like a season of drizzle, enveloped the sky and the earth, Zhao Ding and Qiu Yan, and the dangerous aura emanating from it made both of them uncontrollably feel creepy.



Stimulated by this deadly danger, the two roared almost subconsciously, trying their best to unleash their most powerful blow.

Zhao Ding raised his hand and sacrificed 36 thick chains like pulp, like a fire dragon soaring into the air, whizzing away, wanton and violent.

Qiu Yan, on the other hand, held a two-zhang iron hammer, as if swinging a hundred thousand mountains, wrapped in an aura of crushing everything, and slammed it fiercely at the oncoming sword curtain of rain.

The attacks of both of them contained terrifying power of law, and that kind of offensive made Lie Binghan on one side startled and almost suffocated.

He knew very well that if these two people had used this kind of attack to deal with him just now, he would have died long ago!

bang bang bang...

But what makes Lie Binghan even more palpitating is that the full blow of Zhao Ding and Qiu Yan, under the hundreds of millions of fine sword energy floating down from the sky, was cut and broken inch by inch like paper paste , sending out bursts of earth-shattering explosions.

In such a situation, the end is to be destroyed, and the situation is like a broken bamboo!

"What kind of sword energy is this!?"

"not good!"

The pupils of Zhao Ding and Qiu Yan dilated suddenly, they couldn't believe it.

Puff puff……

Unfortunately, what answered them was the merciless rain of swords, as light as drizzle and lingering, but full of extreme sharpness and chill.

The next moment, the bodies of the two froze, and countless fine bloodstains spread over their bodies like spiders. Then, with two bangs, the bodies of the two suddenly exploded, shattering into blood clots the size of thumbs, and the blood rained precariously.

Blood mist floats.

The sword energy like the drizzle disappeared.

Facing such a shocking scene, Lie Binghan felt his hands and feet go cold for a while, and remained silent. What kind of kendo is this?very scary……

It was also until this time that a tall and straight figure floated in the field, and it was Chen Xi.

He didn't even look at the body that had turned into pieces on the ground, he reached out and grabbed the 36 chains and a sledgehammer, then glanced at Lie Binghan and started to act.


An apricot-yellow array flag flew all over the sky, and according to Chen Xi's wishes, it was fixed within a radius of a hundred miles.

Seeing such a scene, Lie Binghan came to his senses this time, took a few deep breaths, cupped his hands and said seriously: "I'm next, Lie Binghan, thank you for saving my life."

He could see that Fang Cai's cultivation was only at the initial stage of Profound Immortal Realm, but he was able to kill Zhao Ding and Qiu Yan so easily, which was obviously extraordinary.

"No need, saving you is just a matter of convenience."

Chen Xi didn't even look back, while deducing every detail of the Demon-Slaying God Formation, he planted apricot-yellow formation flags in different positions.

Seeing this, Lie Binghan was stunned, and couldn't help reminding: "Fellow Daoist, the other side still has many helpers, many of whom are more powerful. If we don't leave now, I'm afraid they will come here after hearing the news."

"So much the better."

Chen Xi replied casually, with a calm expression, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

Lie Binghan was stunned again, and only then did he notice that Chen Xi seemed to be setting up an formation, and he couldn't help saying in surprise, "Fellow Daoist, you..."

"Okay, I'm very busy right now, so I'll talk about it later if I have any questions. Right now, I advise you to hurry up and recover your strength." Chen Xi frowned, seeming a little impatient, and directly interrupted the No. .1 Questions.

Lie Binghan's expression froze, a little embarrassing, put it in an ordinary way, with his identity and status in Yunzhe Xianzhou, no one dared to talk to him like that.

But it was different now. He knew very well that this strange young man seemed to be two levels behind his cultivation level, but in fact he was extremely powerful in combat, and he couldn't take it lightly.

"At first, I thought those damn guys were perverted enough, but now there is another pervert who is even more perverted than them..."

Lie Binghan shook his head, sat cross-legged on the ground with a wry smile, and began to adjust his breath to recover his strength.

What he saw today touched him greatly, and he suddenly realized that he might be able to rank No. 1 in the Qingyun list in Yunzhe Xianzhou, ranking first among all others, but if he looked at the entire fairy world, this Everything can no longer be the capital of pride.

Like this handsome young man in front of him, like those enemies he met before, they all have Xuanxian cultivation, but their fighting power is extremely abnormal. If they participate in the competition of Yunzhe Immortal Continent Qingyun Immortal List, Lie Binghan They all doubted whether they could keep their first place.

After a cup of tea.

Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Go, the other party is here!"

Lie Binghan was awakened immediately, released Xian Nian to investigate, but found nothing.

This made him startled again, and he clearly realized that he was no match for the young man in front of him, even with the power of the soul...


The next moment, the figures of Chen Xi and Lie Binghan had already disappeared from the field.

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