divine talisman

Chapter 1111 Subduing Demons and Killing Immortals [Part 3]

At the moment when the demon-killing formation was opened, in front of the Yunhong Immortal Bridge, Lu Chen, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, suddenly opened his eyes, and the purple lightning roared in his eyes, which was breathtaking.

Almost as soon as Lu Chen opened his eyes, the other three Kongming guards also trembled in their hearts, and they all looked at a place far away.

There, thick and blazing beams of light shot up into the sky, illuminating the heaven and the earth, and filled with a palpitating and terrifying power.

"What a terrifying formation!"

"This formation is powerful enough to trap a Daluo Jinxian!"

"Could it be Senior Brother Gao Lin..."

Everyone was surprised, and a bad premonition could not be restrained in their hearts.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was silent for a long time, then slowly closed his eyes again, and said, "Gao Lin and the others can't come back."

The voice was calm, as usual, but the other three people could taste a hint of coldness and sullenness from it.

"Brother Lu Chen, if we go to rescue at this time, we should still have time." A Kongming guard said.

"Oh? Which of you three has the ability to break through that big formation?" Lu Chen closed his eyes and said calmly.

Those three people looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them looked a little hesitant, they really didn't have the confidence to break through the big formation quickly.

One of them whispered: "But, Senior Brother Lu Chen, you can do it."

Lu Chen said: "If I leave, what should I do if the target takes the opportunity to escape?"

At this moment, the others understood Lu Chen's thoughts, and they were all secretly surprised, Surrounding Wei and saving Zhao?Tune the tiger away from the mountain?If this is the case, then Chen Xi's scheming is really meticulous and deep!

"A few days ago, Junior Brother Jiang Ning and Yue Zhen fell, and just now, Zhao Ding and Qiu Yan were also killed by the enemy, and now Junior Brother Gao Lin and the four of them are trapped in the big formation again. Is it the target?"

A Kong Mingwei didn't know what to think of, with a gloomy expression, he frowned and said, "Isn't he a genius in the fairyland? How could he do all this?"

In the voice, there was already a touch of surprise that could not be shaken off.

The other two also deeply agreed, even if they didn't want to admit it, but the facts in front of them all proved that their goal this time was difficult, and even exceeded their expectations time and time again, which made them unbelievable.

The atmosphere seemed a little dull, only the void storm near the Yunguang Fairy Bridge made a whimpering sound, like weeping.

Lu Chen spoke suddenly, breaking the dullness: "When I first started to act, I told you not to underestimate this goal. The things in front of me only prove that what I said was not wrong."

The others were stunned, not knowing what to say.

Seeing that they didn't understand, Lu Chen couldn't help but sighed, and said: "From the moment our Kongmingwei was established, we have been practicing in retreat in the clan, using various cruel trials to sharpen ourselves. The young master will not bother us."

After a pause, he continued: "But now, in order to deal with a strong man in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the young master has sent 12 of us. Haven't you noticed the young master's intentions?"

One person said in astonishment: "Could it be that the young master has already known that Chen Xi is extremely difficult to deal with?"

The other person murmured: "I originally thought that the young master sent us here just to be sure, but now that I think about it, we seem to have underestimated our opponent..."

Lu Chen said indifferently: "What we did was not wrong, all this can only show that the target is more difficult to deal with than the young master expected."

Speaking of this, his voice suddenly became low and stern, "But no matter what, since the young master entrusted us with the task, this time, we must complete it! Even if it means death!"

The other three were startled, their expressions became solemn, and they said solemnly: "Brother Lu Chen, don't worry, we will do our best!"

clack clack...

At this moment, a slight cracking sound came from Lu Chen. He seemed to have expected it, and said indifferently: "Junior Brother Gao Lin's life and soul monument is about to be completely shattered..."



In the formation of crouching demons and killing immortals.

Gao Lin, who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground, trying his best to investigate the mystery of the big formation, suddenly froze, and the pair of strange double pupils were suddenly blood-stained, and then exploded with a bang!


An incomparable stinging pain surged all over his body. This pain was nothing, but the destruction of the double pupil made Gao Lin couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.

Everything he has learned has fallen on the "eye with double pupils", and now it is destroyed. If his cultivation is abolished, such an incomparably heavy blow will make it difficult for him to maintain his inner calm.

"Senior Brother Gao Lin!"

"Damn, how could this be?"

Seeing this, the three Kong Mingwei, who were trying their best to resist the sword energy from all directions, were all startled, especially when they saw Gao Lin's double-pupil eyes being destroyed, they couldn't help but twitched in their hearts, extremely shocked and angry.

"Damn it! That bastard actually set up a rune with the meaning of 'Infinity' in the big formation. The formation is infinitely varied, making me sink deeper and deeper, and finally suffer backlash!"

Gao Lin's pupils were hollow and bleeding, his complexion was utterly pale, and his voice was full of panic.Promise!That is the most supreme and mysterious inheritance in the fairy world!

Could it be that the person who set up the formation is...the descendant of Shenyan Mountain?

Gao Lin was horrified, and his mind was about to lose his grip. The reason why it was the formation builder, not Chen Xi, was because Gao Lin simply did not believe that the target this time had any connection with Shenyan Mountain.

"Wuji... This, is this impossible?"

"That's Shenyan Mountain..."

"Could it be that the people from Shenyan Mountain helped the target..."

The other three were also shocked in their hearts. They grew up in the Zuoqiu clan since they were young, so they are naturally very clear about all the Taoism in the fairy world. How can they not be clear about various supreme and mysterious existences?

Seeing Gao Lin say the word "Wuji" now, they immediately thought of the most mysterious and supreme place of inheritance in the Three Realms, and the shock in their hearts can be imagined.

Swish swish!

At this moment, the sword energy coming from all directions became more majestic and dense, like thousands of huge waves rushing in, and like thousands of troops and horses attacking and killing.

This time the offensive is even more terrifying than before!

"Not good! If this goes on, we will all die!"

"Senior brother Gao Lin, we must make a decision!"

"Yes! The three of us will work hard to break a way of life. Brother Gao Lin, please pass the news on to Brother Lu Chen no matter what!"

Feeling the unparalleled pressure, the three Kongming guards roared angrily, and all looked at Gao Lin with a determined look.

"You..." Gao Lin opened his mouth.

"That's it!"

One of them gritted his teeth and drank violently, and then looked at the other two beside him, each of them could see the other's determination.

The next moment, a terrifying wave of aura suddenly emerged from within the three of them, as if volcanoes were about to explode from their bodies.

"Don't—!" Gao Lin roared desperately.

But before he could finish his voice, a sky-shattering loud bang shook his ears, and the terrifying air current spread loudly like a roaring hurricane.

Bang bang bang!

The entire Demon Slaying Immortal Formation shook from a distance, making a crackling sound, and then vanished into nothingness with a loud bang.

This is the self-detonation of three top Xuanxian powerhouses. The violent turbulence they suffered not only broke through the Demon Slaying Immortal Formation, but also spread in all directions, pulverizing all the mountains, numbers, and creatures in the land with a radius of ten thousand miles. Make it a place of death.

But Gao Lin's figure was engulfed by an invisible force and was suddenly thrown thousands of miles away. He knew that this was the last thing the three juniors did for him before they died.

"Damn it—!"

Gao Lin fell to the ground and roared to the sky, his voice was filled with endless grief, anger and hatred, echoing in all directions.

As the arrogant people cultivated by the Zuoqiu family with all their strength, and as members of the Kongming Guard, they have practiced the top skills in the fairy world since childhood, swallowed the best immortal medicines, and accepted the same It is the cruelest training.

They are murder weapons, a sharp knife held in the hands of Zuoqiu Kong, one of the six scorching suns, which has been kept in the sacred box, and has never really drunk the blood of the enemy.

But now, in their first mission, so many companions have fallen. How can Gao Lin, who has always been proud of the Zuoqiu family and a member of the Kongming Guard, accept it?

"Don't worry, the three junior brothers, today's revenge, I, Gao Lin, will repay the enemy a hundred times!" Gao Lin panted for a while, and said every word through gritted teeth.

"Unfortunately, you can't do it."

At this moment, a soft voice came to Gao Lin's ears, causing him to stand up suddenly and turn his head suddenly.

Although he couldn't see it with his eyes, Gao Lin still had his sense of immortality. In an instant, a tall figure appeared in his sense of immortality. It was their target this time—Chen Xi!

Seeing this, Gao Lin turned his head and ran away without any hesitation at all, appearing extremely decisive, without delay.

Unfortunately, when he just turned around, he found that his back was blocked by the fierce ice cold. Seeing this, his heart sank immediately, and his heart was in a state of confusion.

"Your companion didn't come to rescue you for a long time. Obviously, they were stationed at Yunguang Fairy Bridge, and worried that I would take the opportunity to leave. In other words, you are now alone and helpless, and you can no longer escape."

Chen Xi said indifferently, he was also a little surprised in his heart, he didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless, he blew himself up as soon as he said it, just like a group of freaks who don't know what life and death are.

"Hmph, do you think you can reach Daohuang Academy by killing me? Idiot's dreaming..." Gao Lin said, his right hand was silently clenched.


Before the other party could finish speaking, Chen Xi had already rushed out brazenly. At the same time, Lie Binghan also jumped forward and slapped Gao Lin's head with his palm.

This blow was so sudden that Gao Lin never expected it!In addition, if his double-pupil eyes were abolished, if his cultivation level were abolished, he would not be able to react in time.


With a muffled sound, Gao Lin's head was directly crushed by Lie Binghan's palm, spraying plasma.

And Chen Xi stretched out his hand and used a "Great Imprisonment Technique", directly imprisoning Gao Lin's tightly clenched right hand!

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