divine talisman

Chapter 113 Booty

The first!


Slashing out with a sword, the void collapsed inch by inch, and the monks of the Liangyi Jindan had nowhere to hide, and fell silently and annihilated, leaving no bones left!

What kind of terrifying sword is this?

How far has his kendo cultivation reached?

Although this scene only happened in an instant, it had a strong impact on Chen Xi's mind, his mind was shaken, and he was speechless for a long time.

The way of the sword is worthy of being the unique supreme avenue in the world!


Ling Bai gasped for breath, his one-foot-tall body turned into a three-inch small man, his face was pale and exhausted, but there was a look of pride and contempt on his brows.Obviously, the little guy was very proud of being able to kill Su Leng.

"Go! If you don't go, the way out will disappear!"

Ling Bai leaped onto Chen Xi's shoulder, and then made a move with his small hand. After Su Leng and Su Dingyi died, all the weapons and treasures left behind were put away.

Chen Xi raised his eyes and saw that in the incomparably vast hall, the walls, stone pillars, and ground... all cracked and cracked, and they shook violently, on the verge of shattering and dying.

And at the place where Su Leng died, a twisted and transparent passage led to the outside. Obviously, this was the crack that was slashed by Ling Bai's sword just now.


Where did Chen dare to hesitate, and immediately used the divine wind and feather escape method, rushing into the passage like wind and electricity.


Just as Chen Xi's figure left, the entire hall collapsed, and the bones, flesh, and dead bodies on the ground... were all swallowed up by the violent turbulent flow of the void, and annihilated in powder.

Just like that, the Sword Tomb's Nirvana Realm, which had existed for thousands of years, completely disappeared, and the youngest monk of the Liangyi Golden Core of the Su family and the six monks of Huang Ting all fell. No trace was left, it disappeared completely.


In the depths of the vast sea desert, the hurricane howled, the sand and dust raged, and a void crack that was thousands of feet long was in front of it.


A figure flitted out of it, and after a few ups and downs, it stood firmly on the ground.

"It's so dangerous. If it wasn't for Ling Bai's reminder, I would have almost died inside. The turbulence in the void is too terrifying!" Chen Xi let out a long breath of foul air. Thinking of the scene just now, he still had a lingering fear in his heart, and said in his heart, "I don't know." How those powerful beings opened up space in the void, these methods are comparable to turning the world around."

"Well, I got rich, I got rich!" Ling Bai danced cheerfully in front of Chen Xi, followed by a series of magic treasures for storage, including rings, jade bracelets, belts... there were seven of them, all sparkling with inspiration, treasures Wind lingered, swaying behind Ling Bai, like a dazzling tail.

"Ho Ho..." Bai Kui, who looked like a little lion, saw the tempting delicacy, and chased after Ling Bai eagerly, salivating.

Six of these storage magic treasures came from monk Huang Ting, and one of the emerald jade bracelets was owned by a monk of Liangyi Jindan. How many treasures should there be in it?It's exciting just thinking about it.

Chen Xi couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and with a wave of his hand, all these storage magic weapons fell into his palm, and he began to count the spoils.

Ling Bai and Bai Kui stood on one side eagerly, their eyes were shining, and it was obvious that these two little guys also had a soft spot for magic weapons.

Su Leng's storage jade bracelet is emerald and jade-like, and there seems to be a galaxy surging inside it, and the stars are dotted, forming formations, the formation of clearing the heart, the formation of avoiding dust, the formation of water and fire, etc., the power is not very powerful, but they are all These are some extremely practical small formations.

Chen Xi didn't even look at it, he just grabbed it with his left hand, spewed out a mouthful of true energy, and directly wiped off the soul brand on it. Su Leng was dead, so the brand on it naturally had no room for resistance.

Opening the storage jade bracelet at once, Ling Bai hurriedly leaned over it and looked inside.


As soon as the jade bracelet was opened, a black and white brilliance rushed out of it, turning into a white jade book and a black jade writing brush, bombarding Ling Bai's eyes, but he was startled and retreated quickly.

book and pen?

Chen Xi was startled, and saw that these two treasures seemed to be fleeing, so he quickly stretched out his hands to grab them, but unexpectedly, the black jade writing brush suddenly turned around, and the sharp tip slashed fiercely at his palm.

The sharp and piercing power directly drew a broken air wave in the void, falling down like a galaxy waterfall.

"What kind of treasure is this? Can it still attack?" Chen Xi's eyes lit up, but his hands were not slow, and his grasp turned into a fist, with witch power gushing out, and he punched hard.


The black jade writing brush fell to the ground by this punch, staggered to and fro, as if drunk, and wanted to fly, but it was already firmly grasped by Chen Xi's big hand.

Almost at the same time, his left hand jerked forward, a big man with condensed witch power put it under the hood of the white jade book that had escaped a hundred meters away, pulled it back, and took it into his palm. They cannot escape from Chen Xi's grasp.

"Having such an astonishing spirituality, I don't know what kind of treasure it is." Chen Xi looked up.

At this time, the white jade book and the black jade writing brush revealed their real shapes. The white jade book was shrouded in mist and icy cold, exuding a strange breath like the sea. On its surface, there were three big characters recorded in the dark, and the handwriting was dignified and meticulous. But it makes people feel a strong sense of fairness, rigor, and solemnity.

Youminglu, these three words make people feel cold when they look at them, and all they think of are eerie and terrifying things. However, the white jade book in front of Chen Xi is vast, majestic, upright, like an ancient book. The awe-inspiring righteousness in the chest and abdomen of the sage Daru is frank and upright.

And that black jade writing brush is made of some unknown material. It looks like iron but not iron, like jade and not jade. The word "evil" means Cangqiu's vigor, and an indescribably terrifying murderous aura rushes towards his face.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

Chen Xi only felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was filled with countless killing words, countless shouts, swords and swords clashing, dripping with blood, fierce and domineering, as if they wanted to judge the world and kill all demons and demons.


Chen Xi quickly looked away, his whole body was dripping with cold sweat, as if he had just been soaked in water. "It's amazing! You Ming Lu is so upright, and the evil pen kills and kills. What kind of treasure is this?"

"Could it be a rare treasure in the six realms of reincarnation in the underworld? No, it seems that there are such treasures in the ancient sage world..." Ling Bai frowned and muttered to himself, obviously he couldn't recognize what it was.

"Open it and have a look."

Chen Xi thought for a while, and reached out his hand to open the Nether Record, but he felt an invisible restriction rushing out, making his fingers numb.

"Can't open it?" Chen Xi still didn't give up, and tried to use his true essence, witch power, and even his spiritual thoughts, but no matter how he tried, he would always be bounced back by that invisible restraint, which made Chen Xi surprised and confused again. is depressed.


Bai Kui on the side had long been impatient for waiting, as if seeing the supreme delicacy in the world, he roared and hurriedly leaned over, opened his mouth and swallowed it towards You Ming Lu, but was grabbed by Chen Xi, unable to move, a pair of eyes remained intact Staring at You Ming Lu, it was green and oily, like a very hungry wolf.

Even the baby Pixiu, who likes to eat the world's treasures, couldn't help but want to take a bite. Obviously, this book must be a great pair of treasures.

"I don't know where this guy Su Leng got it from. I'm afraid even he hasn't figured out the mystery, right?" Chen Xi was very depressed. In desperation, he had no choice but to throw the Youminglu and Xiexie Pen into the storage ring first. , looked into the Cubi bracelet again.

This time, nothing came out again.

However, there was no treasure that surprised Chen Xi anymore, only 60 catties of spiritual liquid, a large pile of panacea, and some precious spiritual materials were left. , can be regarded as an amazing wealth.

But afterward, Chen Xi discovered a sword formula, which was the refining and cultivation method of the "Five Evil Sons and Mothers Sword", which was extremely sinister and vicious.

Even if Chen Xi destroys this sword art, he is extremely repulsed by evil and vicious things in his heart, not to mention that cultivating this sword art will kill a full 25 lives. Although he is not a good person in the traditional sense, but like this He could never do such a heinous thing.

After casually tossing a dozen or so pills to Bai Kui, Chen Xi turned his attention to the treasures stored by Su Dingyi and the other six.

"84 low-grade yellow-rank magic weapons, twelve middle-grade yellow-rank magic weapons, six high-grade yellow-rank magic weapons, and one top-grade yellow-rank magic weapon..."

After a while, Chen Xi cleaned out all the storage bags thoroughly. In addition to discovering a large number of magic weapons, there were also many pills, materials, and spiritual liquids. The combined value was only comparable to that of Su Leng alone.

"Of these magic weapons, they are knives, spears, tassels, dust whisks... Only six of the flying swords that have reached the top level of the yellow rank are useful to me, and the others are useless to me. It is really a depressing harvest! "

Chen Xi shook his head helplessly. Looking at Bai Kui who was happily wagging his tail on the ground and eating each of the magic weapons, he felt even more depressed in his heart. He worked so hard, it seemed that he was trying to supplement food for this little guy. up.


A crisp sound rang beside his ears, and Chen Xi turned his head to look, only to see that Ling Bai was also holding a mouthful of low-grade yellow-ranked flying sword and devouring it, as if chewing jelly beans, with a cheerful face, and those sharp teeth almost made him swallow it. Chen Xi couldn't believe his eyes.

"I... did I raise two foodies?" Chen Xi suddenly felt a little bad. If this continues in the future, how many treasures should he use to fill the stomachs of these two little fellows?

"Ling Bai, why are you eating this too?" Chen Xi pointed to the flying sword in Ling Bai's hand that had been eaten to pieces.

"Well, I'm cultivating." As he said, Ling Bai finished eating the flying sword in his hand in one gulp, raised his little hand, and another flying sword fell into his hand, and he opened his mouth and bit it.

No matter how calm Chen Xi was, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching violently, and he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, since you are able to cultivate now, what kind of cultivation technique are you cultivating?"

"It's the "Nirience Sword Sutra". You saw it just now. I killed a Liangyi Golden Core cultivator!" Ling Bai raised his chin proudly, and paused every word, as if to claim credit.

"That's the power in the Sword Tomb of Silence. It was left by your master to protect you, but it was just used by you." Chen Xi was just trying to understand.

When leaving the cave, Ji Yu once said that the key to getting out of the sword mound's extinction is to let Lingbai absorb the power left by his master, so it can be calculated that Lingbai has indeed absorbed this terrifying power , but they turned their heads and used all of them to kill Su Leng.

"Anyway, I'm the one who killed it." Ling Bai giggled, not caring that Chen Xi exposed him.

"Then if you want to improve your cultivation, you need to keep devouring magic treasures?" Chen Xi asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Indeed, just like a Qi Refiner breathes out spiritual energy, and a body refiner transforms witch power, my body is a magic weapon. Naturally, I need to swallow more magic weapons to strengthen myself. As my cultivation level increases, what I need The rank of the magic weapon will also increase." As he spoke, Ling Bai ate another magic weapon in two bites, and burped comfortably.

After confirming the foodie attributes of the two little guys, Chen Xi couldn't help it anymore, covered his forehead with his hands, and sighed endlessly, thinking of a sentence Duan Muze once said, "Who can understand the feeling of tears streaming down your face?"


ps: Let’s make a transition in this chapter. Some things in it must be buried first. They are related to a later plot, not a drag on the plot.

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