divine talisman

Chapter 1136 Breaking into an Army [Part 1]

Puff puff!

Blood rained down, pieces of flesh flew across, and the strong bloody aura turned into blood mist, drifting between the heavens and the earth, and following Chen Xi's footsteps, the scope of the blood mist gradually expanded forward.

His movements seem to be slow, but in fact, every step he takes is like a lightning ghost, thousands of feet in an instant, and the ground shrinks into an inch. Although it is not comparable to real teleportation, it is already extremely fast.

However, the sword energy radiating from his body was faster and sharper than his body skills.

The supreme sword energy representing the "Sword of Water" turned into a hazy drizzle that permeated the sky and earth, covering every inch of space it passed along the way, and every cosmic beast that rushed to kill it had not yet approached him Within a range of ten feet, he was directly smashed into blood plasma by the fierce sword energy, and died suddenly.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xi seemed to be unaware of all this, his expression was as calm as dust, and his eyes stared into the distance, not like he was killing, but like a passerby.

Passing by here, inadvertently set off a bloody storm, taking away countless dead souls!

His person is calm and calm, his sword energy is drizzle like a dream, his road is moving forward, and under his feet, there are shattered corpses, flowing blood, and broken bones...

Walking alone in a green shirt, the pagoda road is in full bloom under your feet!

Puff puff!Puff puff!

Dull sounds one after another, like notes of urging death, like the bell of death, gradually covering up the angry roar in that scene.

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was a moment, maybe it was a long time.

The angry roars in that scene had turned into a complete silence, only the muffled thud sounded, making the atmosphere extremely oppressive.

A wave of fear filled the hearts of every cosmic beast, submerging them like a tide,


Suddenly, a cosmic beast could no longer bear the bloody stimulation in front of it, roared sharply, turned around and fled in panic.

This is like a trigger, and the next moment, the army of alien beasts, who had already been frightened to pieces, fled in all directions. Looking at it, they only hated their parents for losing two legs.

Chen Xi still didn't care about all of this. When the "Great Thunder Sound Demon-Breaking Formation" was shattered, his immortal consciousness and aura had already been firmly locked on Jiang Zhuliu, Yin Miaomiao, and King Baiwei.

As for those cosmic beasts, he really doesn't care. Even if the other party has nearly five hundred, in his eyes, they are just a group of chickens and dogs who are slaughtered by others.

This is the absolute advantage in strength!

Although Chen Xi is only at the beginning of the Profound Immortal Realm, his combat power is already almost invincible among his peers. This can be seen from his ninth place in the first round of tests.

Moreover, he is also the only existence in the first stage of Xuanxian in the top ten of Qingyun's general list!

Combined with his inheritance of the "Water Sword" that he learned from the "Promise of the Promise", when it comes to killing and fighting power, it is difficult to find many opponents among his peers.

Yes, from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi's target has been on Jiang Zhuliu, Yin Miaomiao and White Tail King in the distance!

White Tail King has a strong aura, which brings him a lot of pressure, so he is the one he values ​​the most, and Yin Miaomiao and Jiang Zhuliu are his enemies, and at this moment, he does not intend to let them go.

Even though it was clear that there was no way to really kill the two of them in this bloody field of ten directions, but as long as they could be eliminated, the two would have no chance of entering Daohuang Academy.

In this way, it is tantamount to indirectly killing the future of the two, and it will be easy to kill them in the future.



He didn't move, but the sword energy was permeating, and he forcibly plowed a bloody path among the strange beasts, as if entering a land without people. Seeing this scene, Jiang Zhuliu and Yin Miaomiao couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

This was the first time they witnessed Chen Xi's combat power after leaving Nanliang Xianzhou, and they finally fully understood why he was able to rank ninth in the first round of tests.

Just this chilling and unparalleled sword energy is far from being able to be achieved by anyone, even in the initial stage of Xuanxian, it is enough to be described as No. 1 in the way of swordsmanship!

All these cognitions filled the brows of the two with a gloomy look, which was hard to accept, but had to be accepted, unimaginable, but now it has become a reality!

"Let the White-tailed King take action later, and then we will temporarily avoid it and go back to join Zuo Qiuyin. The Chen Xi in front of us is no longer something we can compete with."

Yin Miaomiao took a deep breath, forced herself to suppress the complex and shocking emotions in her heart, and quickly sent a voice transmission.

At that moment, she suddenly recalled a piece of the past, recalling the words "You are not worthy" that she once said to Chen Xi when she was facing Chen Xi's challenge...

Then, she remembered Chen Xi's answer to herself: "From now on, you will no longer have the qualifications to challenge me"...

What seemed childish and ridiculous at the time, but thinking about it now, it was like a loud slap on her face, and even more on her heart.

This feeling made her feel bored, frustrated, and bewildered, which she had never experienced in so many years of practice.

"it is good."

After hearing Yin Miaomiao's voice transmission, Jiang Zhuliu's expression was uncertain, and he finally answered through gritted teeth.There are only a few words, but it seems to be squeezed out between the teeth, which is difficult and heavy.

He didn't want to admit that he was inferior to Chen Xi, but... in the face of this cruel reality, he had to admit it!As a result, the mood has become extremely depressed.

"Quick! Get ready, the army of alien beasts is broken!" Yin Miaomiao's expression changed slightly, and she said quickly.

Jiang Zhuliu was startled, and when he looked up, he saw that there were only more than 200 cosmic beasts left, fleeing in panic in all directions.


However, to Yin Miaomiao's and Jiang Zhuliu's surprise, the White-tailed King, who had been waiting by the side all this time, actually ran away at this moment!

Who would have imagined that a strong alien beast whose strength was comparable to the top ten in Qing Yun's general list, would choose to escape without backbone after seeing most of his subordinates being ruthlessly slaughtered?

At least neither Yin Miaomiao nor Jiang Zhuliu thought of it.

"Damn! You wait, this kid is so powerful, how dare you use it to defraud me! Later, I will make you look good!"

From far away, came the voice of White Tail King full of endless resentment, which made Yin Miaomiao and Jiang Zhuliu's hearts sink again, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"Miaomiao, let's go! I'll break the queen! Otherwise it will be too late!"

Jiang Zhuliu's face flashed fiercely, and he gritted his teeth and said, there was a hint of madness in his voice, and even more determination.

Yin Miaomiao was stunned, a little moved, and said: "Okay, if something happens to you today, I will retaliate against him ten times in the future!" When she was speaking, she took a deep look at Jiang Zhuliu, turned around without hesitation and go.

"Want to go? Stay with me!"

Suddenly, Chen Xi's indifferent and quiet voice came from afar. Accompanied by the voice, his figure turned into a flash of lightning, and chased after Yin Miaomiao in the distance.

White Tail King's sudden escape also exceeded Chen Xi's expectations, disrupting his steps and making him unable to control the situation in time.

Seeing that Yin Miaomiao was about to run away at this time, he would never sit back and watch such things happen.


However, before he could catch up with Yin Miaomiao, he was blocked by Jiang Zhuliu on the way.

"Chen Xi, your opponent is me!" While speaking, Jiang Zhuliu screamed sharply, and a silver fairy sword appeared in his palm, wrapped in layers of law power, and slashed towards him.

The moves are violent, revealing a flavor of life and death.


Chen Xi frowned, and flicked his finger lightly, but it hit Jiang Zhuliu's sword like a heavy hammer, causing his sword to collapse, and he staggered backwards.

Chen Xi ignored him and chased Yin Miaomiao again.

"Unless you kill me, you don't want to catch up with Miaomiao!"

However, Jiang Zhuliu was not discouraged, he charged forward, and the silver fairy sword turned into a towering sword curtain, covering Chen Xi like a silver cloud.

This blow was extremely terrifying, and there was a vicious and tragic taste of burning everything, making Chen Xi raise his eyebrows, not daring to be negligent.

He turned his fingers into a sword, and slashed out with a move of "clouds darkening". Hundreds of millions of sword energy turned into clouds in all directions, crushing them, easily crushing the opponent's attack.

But in this way, Yin Miaomiao had long since escaped without a trace.

Chen Xi secretly yelled that it was a pity, and turned his head to look at Jiang Zhuliu. His gaze had become extremely cold. He really didn't understand how this guy who ranked No.1 on the Nanliang Qingyun List became so unbearable!

I have no grievances or enmity with him, just because of a Yin Miaomiao, he did not hesitate to be his enemy, and even secretly colluded with the Zuoqiu clan, which is really disappointing.

"Chen Xi, come on, didn't you want to kill me a long time ago, now is your only chance!"

Jiang Zhuliu sneered again and again, with a look of madness, he looked around and said with a little regret, "Unfortunately, this is in the bloody land of ten directions, and you can't kill me completely, haha."

Chen Xi frowned and said, "Didn't you ever think that if you were eliminated in this round of assessment, you would have no chance to enter the Dao Emperor Academy, and when that time came, you thought that Yin Miaomiao would marry you again? companion?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Jiang Zhuliu's expression froze, and he immediately said angrily: "Miaomiao is not the kind of person you think!"

Seeing this, Chen Xi gave him a look of pity: "You also know that your background is inferior to that of Yin Miaomiao, and now you will have no fate with Daohuang Academy. I'm afraid that members of the Yin family will not agree."

Chen Xi's voice was calm and indifferent, but every word pierced Jiang Zhuliu's heart like a sharp knife, causing his expression to change violently.

"Haha, that's right. I was born in a poor family, I can't compare to the Yin family, and I'm about to be eliminated, but you, Zuoqiu Yin has prepared a complete plan to eliminate you. You can't enter Daohuang Academy. Can the Qiu family tolerate your existence?"

Jiang Zhuliu burst out laughing, "When it comes to the situation, you are inferior to me, so what right do you have to laugh at me? Most importantly, even if I come from a poor background, I am ten thousand nobler than you, a guy who ascended from the lower realms." Times!"

Chen Xi looked indifferent, looked at Jiang Zhuliu calmly, and asked, "Is birth so important?"

There was already a strange emotion in the voice.

Because, he thought of his mother Zuoqiu Xue.

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