divine talisman

Chapter 1170 Surprised to See the River Map [Part 1]

Daohuang Academy is worthy of being the number one academy in the fairy world. Just the various fairy treasures reflected in the Vientiane Ball made Chen Xi amazed in his heart.

Among the treasures, every one of them is placed in the four thousand nine hundred continents of the fairy world, which will inevitably cause a frantic competition, but now, it has become the best way to motivate students to work hard to obtain star points.

Yes, earn stars!

In Daohuang Academy, the star value is more important than everything else. You can exchange any desired treasure with the star value. Similarly, you can also ask Mr. Xi to teach you how to practice!


Chen Xi took a deep breath, and when he was about to take back his immortal consciousness, he casually glanced at it, and his heart twitched violently.

With his thoughts, he looked at the last page of the "Immortal Treasure Chapter" of the Wanxiang Ball. There were only a few words there, but Chen Xi's attention was immediately attracted.

"The Fragment of the River Map, the treasure of the Dao Emperor Academy, the exchange condition, 8000 million star value! With a condition, it is recognized by the power of the Dao Emperor's inheritance!"

"The Fragment of the River Map..."

Chen Xi muttered to himself, his heart throbbing. He never expected that in this Myriad Sphere, he could actually get clues about the fragments of the river map. This really surprised Chen Xi incomparably.

What is even more shocking is that the value of a fragment of the river map has reached hundreds of millions, and it must be approved by the Dao Emperor's inheritance power!

For any student, this is definitely a harsh and desperate number.

Immediately, Chen Xi couldn't stop smiling wryly. The current him only used more than 7000 star points. Compared with the 8000 million star points, it was simply a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

"Exchanging the star value of the river map fragments makes people feel desperate, and I don't know how harsh and perverted requirements they have in order to obtain the approval of the power of the emperor's inheritance..."

Chen Xi muttered, the fiery and agitated emotions in his heart quickly subsided without a trace, and he became calm.

As far as he knew, among the three realms, the complete river map should be composed of nine fragments, but he has obtained five pieces now, and only four pieces are needed to piece together the complete river map.

Today, there is still a piece hidden in this Imperial Academy. Even though the exchange conditions are extremely harsh, Chen Xi still decided that no matter what the price is, he must try to work hard, and maybe there is a possibility of success.

After silently contemplating for a long time, Chen Xi was about to put away the Myriad Ball, when suddenly, an astonishing wave swept away like a storm, and the little cauldron that was originally breathing in the primordial energy of chaos suddenly flew over.

"The original fragment of chaos! My dear, Daohuang Academy is finally willing to take this thing out?" Xiao Ding's voice revealed an uncontrollable excitement and ecstasy.

Chen Xi was stunned, and he swept his immortal consciousness in the omnipotent ball, and as expected, he saw a line of writing on the previous page of the fragment of the river map—"Chaos original fragment, exchange conditions, 6000 million star value !"

Chen Xi was quite clear about the rumors that when the Three Realms were first opened, the primordial chaos was completely shattered, and it evolved into three thousand big worlds, hundreds of millions of small worlds, derived the way of heaven, laws, and will, and also derived the world, everything, and everything. spirit.

However, there are still a handful of fragments of the origin of chaos scattered in the Three Realms, either obtained by the great figure who was born from the chaos, or they have not been discovered so far.

There used to be such a rumor in the world of cultivating immortals that the most original secrets of the world are hidden in the fragments of the original chaos, and if ordinary people get it, they can ascend overnight and no longer be in the cycle of reincarnation!

And those who cultivate immortals can prove the origin of the Tao, climb to the extreme of the Tao, and compare shoulders with the Tao of Heaven!

Of course, this is just a rumor, just like storytelling stories on the streets, which are full of exaggeration and absurdity.

But it is not difficult to analyze from it that the fragments of the origin of chaos must be treasures of extraordinary significance.

"Chen Xi! Get it! As long as I have it, not only will I be able to restore my previous strength, but I will also be able to use it to cultivate the Chaos Dharma Body. If I can transform into the Primal Chaos Treasure, even the Immortal King will do nothing to you and me!"

When Xiao Ding's thoughts came, there was incomparable excitement and ecstasy. This was the first time since Chen Xi had known Xiao Ding that he had seen it lose his composure.

Immediately, Chen Xi smiled helplessly. He really wanted to help, but the point is... the price is really ridiculously high.

6000 million star value!

It seems that it is only 2000 million stars worse than the fragments of the river map, but at that price, who in the entire Daohuang Academy can afford it?

"Senior, I still need to figure it out slowly at this time. With my current strength, if I want to gather more than 1 million star points, I can't do it overnight."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Ding fell into silence, and the excitement and ecstasy also calmed down, and finally said: "You are right, if it is so easy to get it, I am afraid it has been exchanged for it."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but said: "Senior, don't worry, since the Primal Chaos Fragment is still there, it means that there is hope that it can be exchanged for it, and I will try my best to get it."

Xiao Ding said: "Don't put too much pressure on it. Gains and losses are a kind of karma cycle. I was too anxious just now, but I lost my composure."

Chen Xi understands Xiao Ding's mood very well, just like when he saw the fragments of the river map just now, he was so excited that he couldn't get any more excited, but after thinking about it calmly, he will find that if such treasures can be obtained casually, as long as I am afraid that it has been snatched away, so how can it survive to this day?

In short, whether it is the fragments of the river map or the original fragments of chaos, you can only fight for it slowly, not in a hurry.


Next, Xiaoding started to meditate again, breathing out the primordial energy of chaos.

Chen Xi, on the other hand, set his sights on the "star value earning chapter" in the Vientiane Ball. He needed to fully understand what method he should use to earn the most star points in the shortest possible time.

There are many methods introduced in the chapter on earning stars, and they are densely packed, roughly divided into two categories: "cultivation assessment" and "task collection".

The assessment of cultivation base is very simple. The students in the academy can automatically obtain corresponding star value rewards every time their cultivation base advances to a higher level.

And one's own strength can rank among the various lists in the academy, and according to the ranking, one can also get the corresponding star value every day.

Like the Daluo Jinbang, the children who rank among the top [-] can receive [-] star points every month, and those who rank in the top [-] can receive [-] star points every month.

After being ranked in the top ten, you can basically receive 1 star points per month, and in the top ten, every time you move up, the star value you get will increase a lot, like No.[-], every time You can get [-] stars every month!

This is just the ranking on the Da Luo Jin List, and according to Wang Hen, this Da Luo Jin List is only the most elementary list in Dao Emperor Academy...

It is conceivable that in order to earn star points, no matter what the student is, they will try their best to improve their cultivation, which also serves the purpose of motivating students to practice.

In addition to earning star points through "cultivation assessment", it is "task collection". As the name suggests, it is to obtain different star value rewards by completing various tasks.

However, different from what Chen Xi understood, the missions of Daohuang Academy are not limited to going out to experience, and many of the missions are closely related to the cultivation in Daohuang Academy.

For example, helping to teach how to raise immortal beasts, helping the Buddhist scriptures institute to manage classics, helping the Danzang institute to teach how to grow immortal medicines... etc., can all get a lot of star points.

At the same time, the younger students among the students will also release some tasks, such as needing a certain kind of fairy material, so they will give the corresponding star value in exchange, or form a team to go out for experience... and so on.

It can be said that the star value has an inseparable relationship with the practice in Daohuang Academy, just like money, but it is more smooth and precious than money.

It took a long time before Chen Xi hurriedly understood everything about earning star points in the Vientiane Ball, and couldn't help but let out a long breath of foul air.

"It seems easy to earn star points, but it's actually not easy. If you want to accumulate hundreds of millions of star points, you don't know when you can do it..."

Chen Xi murmured, among the densely packed various tasks, he found that there were not none that suited him, on the contrary, there were many, but the number of star points that each type of task could earn was quite rare, and at most, he could only get up to it. Ten thousand star value only.

The key point is that he is only cultivated in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. If he advances to the Great Luojin Immortal Realm, then the corresponding tasks and star rewards will be greatly improved.

"The most urgent thing is to improve your cultivation level while cultivating, and earn star points as soon as possible. By doing this, you can get familiar with everything about Daohuang Academy as soon as possible..."

Chen Xi thought silently, after entering the Dao Emperor Academy, he no longer worried about his own safety. Even if the Zuoqiu clan might deal with him secretly in the academy, he would definitely not dare to hurt his life.

Of course, if he left Daohuang Academy and went out to practice, his situation might be different.

However, Chen Xi entered Daohuang Academy with great difficulty, so how could he be so stupid as to go to the outside world to practice?At least in the near future, he will never go out.


The next moment, Chen Xi didn't think about it anymore, he had already begun to comprehend the "Sword of Water", strands of the law of water overflowed from his body, sometimes turning into sharp swords, sometimes turning into dense and mysterious runes.

The inheritance of "Sword of Water" is one of the supreme inheritances from the Wuji Divine Manual, which fully interprets the power of the law of water movement. Chen Xi's mastery of "Silk Rain Like a Dream", "Clouds and Waves Die", "Boundless Blue Sea" "The three tricks only support the separation of the "Water Sword", but have not fully grasped its true meaning.

And what he is doing now is to combine these three moves into one sword, and that is the real inheritance of "Water Sword"!


The sound of the water roared, and at this moment, Chen Xi's entire body seemed to be transformed into a stream of water, sometimes as dense as rain, sometimes as violent as clouds, and sometimes as majestic as the sea... showing various forms of "water".

During this process, his comprehension of the "Sword of Water" was like a river that swells after a rain, getting deeper and deeper, and he has faintly touched the most essential part of the law of water...


ps: The electricity was cut off for a day from morning to 6:4 in the evening. I am so worried, but don’t worry, I will work hard to code, and I will do my best to complete the promised [-] updates. In addition, thank you for your monthly pass and "Dancing "The reward for children's shoes, thank you for your support!

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