divine talisman

Chapter 1172 Strong Exploration [Part 3]

Thank you sister paper "It's your cousin" for your support!Girl, you should be right about the gender, right?


Zhou Zhili's voice is calm, but it has a sonorous and powerful force that reaches people's hearts.

One wrong step, one wrong step, one step at a time!

Fight for the top, the one who achieves is the king!

After the words fell, the audience was completely silent, and every student's eyes were full of fiery determination.

"Two years is enough for me to advance to the Da Luo Realm."

The Buddha's son Zhenlu watched his nose, nose and heart, but a loud voice resounded in his heart, "No matter what, I must take this opportunity to enter the inner courtyard!"

"Two years? Very good. I've worked so hard to suppress the Realm just to wait for this opportunity. From today, I will launch an assault on the Great Luo Realm!"

The corners of Ji Xuanbing's lips curled up in a confident arc, and his clothes were flickering, showing the air of an emperor.

"Is it top [-] on the Da Luo Gold List? This is a good challenge."

Zhao Mengli was thoughtful, her pair of beautiful eyes were full of disdain.

Not only the three of them, but the other disciples also had different thoughts in their hearts, including the eight thousand old students, who also showed some expectations for the inner court assessment two years later.

"Two years, it's too short... Well, maybe I can choose to practice in the Xingchen Cave Mansion. If that's the case, it will give me eight more years."

Chen Xi secretly thought in his heart that he was determined to win the inner court assessment two years later.

Compared to Chen Xi and the others, there are still quite a few people who don't have any hope for this, just like the juniors who are ranked outside the top [-] of the freshmen, they know very well that no matter how hard they try, they probably won't be able to participate in the competition two years later. The inner court examined.

After all, the conditions for the assessment must not only reach the realm of Da Luo, but also be able to rank among the top [-] on the Da Luo Gold List!

In this way, not to mention them, even the top [-] freshmen have little hope.

Of course, not much hope is better than no hope, not to mention that this is Daohuang Academy, full of countless opportunities, as long as you work hard, who said that some miracles will not happen?

After Zhou Zhili finished speaking, he left immediately.

Zuo Qiuhong began to speak. As the vice-president of the Outer Court, Zuo Qiuhong was in charge of the criminal law, and had a lot of power, second only to Zhou Zhili. In addition, he was from the Zuoqiu family of an ancient family, so he was a dignified person. , in the outer courtyard of the Royal Academy, he is also one of the most powerful figures.

"You freshmen don't quite understand the rules of Daohuang Academy, but I have to say that if you don't understand the rules, you will be punished, no matter whether you are ranked first or last, and no matter whether you are of noble origin or from the lower realm No one can make exceptions to the rules of the outer courtyard!"

"Remember! Practice is like sailing against the current. The rules are formulated to make every student practice more attentively. If anyone dares to break the rules, they will be punished at the slightest, or directly deprived of the Purple Ribbon Star and expelled from the gate of Daohuang Academy! "

Speaking of this, Zuo Qiuhong glanced at Chen Xi with a half-hearted look, and his expression was so solemn that it was hard to see what was really going on in his heart.

"Okay, if you have any questions next, you can ask your freshman instructor."

After all, Zuo Qiuhong also left with those instructors.

As soon as the dignitaries from the outer courtyard left, the whole venue suddenly became lively and noisy.

"Cousin, you are finally here. How is your ranking in this assessment?"

"Cousin, I heard that your performance in the assessment is very good. When I return to the family next time, I will tell my father that he will reward you with some treasures."

"Big Brother, Big Brother, I'm here!"

Whether they are old students or new students, most of them are from the top powers in the fairy world. There are many children who know each other, and there are even many relatives and friends from the same clan.

So the next moment, many old students and new students began to chat with each other, and the atmosphere seemed lively.

Youngsters like Chen Xi, Liang Ren, and Gu Yueming, on the contrary, were rarely cared about by anyone. There was nothing they could do. Although they came from Nanliang Xianzhou, compared to the youngsters of the top powers, they were still far behind.

"Tsk, look, that Ji Xuanbing, Fozi Zhenlu, Zhao Mengli, Zhong Lixun and the others are all surrounded, like stars surrounding the moon."

Liang Ren clicked his tongue in amazement, and there was an unavoidable hint of envy in his voice.

Chen Xi looked up, and sure enough, he saw that just as Liang Ren said, most of the top [-] new students were surrounded by some old students, and they looked quite conspicuous.

The reason is actually very simple. Whether it is the past or this year, most of the children who can enter Daohuang Academy are children from top forces, and it is a matter of course that they know each other well.

When Chen Xi saw such a scene, he didn't think much of it. Instead, he felt at ease, and said to Liang Ren and Gu Yueming, "Are you going to visit around, or go back to the cave to meditate?"

"Of course it's a visit." Liang Ren and Gu Yueming said in unison.

"I heard that in this lecture hall, many teachers are teaching Taoism. I happen to have some confusion in my practice, so I plan to go and ask for advice." Liang Ren smiled.

"One of my celestial beasts has recently experienced a bottleneck in its strength. I plan to go to the Huan Beast Dojo to have a look. If I can get some guidance, it would be great." Gu Yueming also said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Gu Yueming looked at Chen Xi, and said enthusiastically, "Why don't you come with us too. You are new here, so you should get familiar with the situation in the outer courtyard first, and it won't be too late to meditate."

"Yes, I heard that there are many good places to go in the Dao Emperor Academy, maybe we can meet some opportunities." Liang Ren also opened his mouth to invite Chen Xi.

Chen Xi thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

But just when the three of them were about to leave together, there was a commotion in the nearby crowd, and then a thunderous voice resounded: "Who is Chen Xi, stand up for me!"

Everyone was in an uproar, and looked sideways, and saw a burly and muscular young man in a green robe standing in the distance with serious eyes and serious eyes, speaking.

"Ao Tianxing? Why is this guy?"

"Well, does he want to try the depth of No.1 freshman this year?"

"Hehe, this Ao Tianxing has only been promoted to Daluo Jinxian not long ago. If he does this, he will be bullying the younger."

"The people in the Dragon Realm are all arrogant and virtuous, but I don't know how that Chen Xi has offended their Dragon Realm clansmen this time, but this Ao Tianxing jumped out so eagerly."

People commented that they recognized the identity of the green-robed young man, it was Ao Tianxing from the Dragon Realm, and he was considered the number one thorn in the side of eight thousand old students.

At the same time, there were quite a few people looking at Chen Xi's place, more or less gloating in their eyes, only a small group of people frowned, a little displeased.

"You are Chen Xi?"

That Ao Tianxing noticed the abnormal situation on Chen Xi's side, and his eyes fixed on it immediately, and there was an aggressive questioning smell in his voice.

Chen Xi frowned, and glanced at the crowd, and sure enough, he found that Ao Wuming was standing in the crowd, arms crossed, chin raised, looking towards him with a sneer.

Obviously, the appearance of Ao Tianxing must have a lot to do with Ao Wuming.

"Boy, why are you in a daze, didn't you hear what I was asking you?"

Ao Tianxing strode forward, and every time he took a step, his aura soared a lot. When he was one foot away from Chen Xi, his whole body was like an incarnation of a towering mountain, exuding an incomparably compelling aura.

"That's right, that's me. Why are you looking for me?" Chen Xi said calmly. The other party's aura was overwhelming, and it also caused a lot of pressure on him. It was a kind of deterrence caused by the unequal realm.

Obviously, this Ao Tianxing is a Daluo Jinxian!

Realizing this, Chen Xi became more and more vigilant in his heart. On the first day of school, this Ao Wuming planned to use other people's hands to give himself a bad blow?

I really thought that I didn't become the direct disciple of a certain big shot, so I could make whatever I wanted!

"You can become No. 1 in the assessment even if you are in the middle stage of Xuanxian? Come on, let me try what you are capable of. Don't worry, I promise not to kill you!"

Ao Tianxing stared at Chen Xi for a long time, and finally let out a loud laugh. His green robe was agitated, and he slashed down with his palm. He didn't even ask Chen Xi whether he agreed to the temptation, and he seemed extremely domineering and powerful.


With this palm strike, it was like a startled dragon protruding its claws from the clouds, wrapped in an indestructible force, desolate, heavy, covering all directions, making people feel that there is no escape by life.

Quite a few newcomers were startled when they saw this. How could this be a temptation? The power contained in it had already surpassed the level of the Profound Immortal. How could Chen Xi be able to resist it?

"It's a bit too much."

At this moment, even Ji Xuanbing and Zhao Mengli frowned, a little unhappy, because Ao Tianxing's slap was too sudden, they hit as soon as they said it, and they wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from this palm, Chen Xi's face became extremely solemn, and his entire body felt like it was about to be frozen and stiff.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and subconsciously used his fingers as a sword, and unleashed the "Water Sword" that he had just attained to perfection!


A dazzle of water spewed out from between Chen Xi, sharp, chilling, and fierce to the extreme. This move was not "Drizzle Like a Dream", but it was more terrifying than Drizzle like a Dream!


This sword energy actually blocked Ao Tianxing's palm strength, and there was a moment of confrontation.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help shrinking, blocking it?What kind of sword energy is this?


Ao Tianxing was slightly taken aback, then snorted coldly, exerted force in his palm, and with a bang, directly crushed that sword energy, and slashed fiercely at Chen Xi's chest.

But to Ao Tianxing's surprise, the shattered sword energy did not dissipate, but turned into clouds in all directions, condensed out, and blocked his palm power again!

Seeing this, everyone was equally astonished, is this okay?

Ao Tianxing's face sank, and the power of his palm was once again increased by a level, lingering with strands of Da Luo Law, like a violent startled dragon coming out of the cage, wanting to seize the world!


ps: I planned to update 4, but I can't write anymore. It's 3 o'clock in the morning, so let's do it tomorrow. In addition, there are two more 10000 rewards today, so I will naturally add updates.

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