divine talisman

Chapter 1192 Suppression Action [Part 1]

Star World, the land of inheritance.

Chen Xi's body was overflowing with flames, filling the heaven and the earth. It was the law of fire, surging, agile, wanton, arrogant, and unrestrained.


The Promise Divine Talisman rotates, reflecting dense runes all over the sky, and evolves into wisps of fire and sword energy, sometimes like waves of fire, sometimes like molten lava, sometimes turning into strands of sparks, dancing lightly...

That is the inheritance of the "Sword of Fire", which interprets the supreme essence of the law of fire, and has undergone changes in runes, accumulating in strands of completely different sword energy.

With the experience of comprehending the "Sword of Water", Chen Xi was very familiar with it. While comprehending all kinds of mysteries reflected in the infinity talisman quietly, he began to perform the Sword of Fire with his fingers turned into swords.


A wisp of sword energy rises into the air and turns into a steaming glow of fire, sweeping in all directions, as if it is about to burn the sky and destroy the earth!

"Flowing fire burns the sky!"

In this move, the ferocity and dominance of the law of fire are vividly and vividly interpreted. There is a sword that cuts out, burning the sky and crossing the sea. It is used to suppress and kill the opponent. The power is the most terrifying.


After a long time, Chen Xi swiped his fingers, and another burst of sword energy tore through the void appeared, like a rain of fire pouring down from the sky, every ray of flame exuded an aura of precision, sharpness, and incomparable scorching heat, Thousands of fire rains flew out, like thousands of scorching sword lights piercing the sky.

"Fire rains like a curtain!"

This move is the willful and flying momentum in the law of fire, like the rain of swords, used in group battles, the lethality is the most amazing.

As time passed, Chen Xi became more and more aware of the "Sword of Fire", and his whole body was like turning into a god of fire, with the power of the law of fire gushing out from his entire body.


After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi made another move. He raised his finger. The movement was slow and dignified, as if dragging the weight of a mountain, and drew a heavy arc in the void.

At this moment, there seemed to be thunder from the gods, and with Chen Xi as the center, thousands of huge waves of heavy molten lava suddenly surged in all directions, covering the world, as if being in a raging land of fire.

Each wave of fire is majestic and powerful, exuding a terrifying momentum that crushes all things and melts the world, just like the epee without front in the way of swordsmanship. !

"Fire and Purgatory!"

At this point, Chen Xi, who was in the midst of comprehension, suddenly closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to meditate and comprehend the various inheritances he had obtained before.

"Flowing fire burns the air", "Fire rains like a curtain", "Fire sea of ​​purgatory"... These three moves are like the three moves inherited from the "Sword of Water", forming a complete inheritance of the "Sword of Fire".

Compared with the all-pervasive and pervasive characteristics of the "Sword of Water", the "Sword of Fire" is obviously more violent, domineering, and unrestrained.

The so-called spark can start a prairie fire. The existence of fire is to ignite at a single point, and it is extremely unrestrained.


Time is like a shuttle, passing by in a hurry.

Chen Xi retreated in the star world, and before he knew it, more than a month had passed, and the outside world had also passed about seven days.

And during this period of time, Chen Xi's name was also spreading at an astonishing speed, not only in the outer courtyard, but also in Danzang Academy, Scripture Library, and Dao Academy, many people talked about his name .

"The chief instructor of the inner courtyard, Xuanyuan Pojun, has publicly stated that he will fully support that freshman No.1 Chen Xi?"

"That's right. I heard that this guy helped the Xuanyuan family a lot. Not only that, he also favors all the old antiques in Danzangyuan."

"I've also heard about it. It seems to be related to the task of repairing the Nine Wonderful Cauldron. That day, the sound of the tripod in the Danzang Academy was so loud that it was clearly heard by many teachers and students."

"Unfortunately, it is still impossible to find out whether the Nine Wonderful Treasure Cauldron was repaired by Chen Xi or not. All the old antiques in Danzangyuan kept silent about it, but I feel that even if Chen Xi was not the one who restored the Nine Wonderful Treasure Ding The person in charge, I'm afraid it has a lot to do with this matter."

"Excellent. No. 1 of this year's freshman has just entered the academy, and there has been such a big commotion. I'm afraid it won't be long before someone will come to invite him to go to the Daoist Academy for a lecture."

"Academic Academy? Well, haha, that's right, every freshman who enters the academy will be invited to the Academy to receive a baptism of discussion, haha..."

Discussions like this have been going on, and Chen Xi's name is also known by many students and teachers through these kinds of discussions.

Not to mention being at the height of the sun, at least he can be regarded as the number one famous person.


While Chen Xi was retreating, in the main hall where the Discipline Hall of the Outer Court was located.

"No matter what, do you want to suppress Chen Xi's arrogance..."

Zuo Qiujun frowned, murmured and put down the jade slip in his hand.

The jade slip came from Zuoqiu Sheng, one of the chief instructors of the Danzang Academy, and it described in detail Chen Xi's various performances in the Danzang Academy.

"This boy is really troublesome. He has just entered the academy for less than a month, and by virtue of the opportunity of repairing the Nine Wonders Treasure Cauldron, he has already won the favor of all the old antiques in the Danzang Academy and the Xuanyuan family. I'm afraid that he will really become popular with him, and at that time, it will be even more difficult to deal with him..."

"However, Uncle Zuoqiuhong has decided that before the inner court's assessment, he is not allowed to attack Chen Xi again. If he wants to suppress this son's arrogance at this time, he will probably need to use some other means."

In Zuoqiu Jun's mind, he was thinking quickly about how to do it, so as to suppress Chen Xi's arrogance in one fell swoop.

"Brother Jun, what's on your mind?"

There was not only Zuoqiu Jun in the main hall, but also several disciples from the Discipline Hall. The one who spoke was a woman with a hot figure and a pretty face.

Her pink face with phoenix eyes is quite gorgeous, but unfortunately her lips are thin and her cheekbones are slightly high, which makes her temperament a bit cold and cruel.

This woman's name is Liu Yiming, and she is a senior practitioner in the late Xuanxian period.

Her surname was not originally Liu, but she changed her surname to Liu just now because she became a Taoist couple with Liu Zefeng, who is now No. 8 on the Daluo Jinbang.Her behavior has caused shame and criticism from many students in the outer courtyard, who ridiculed her for being snobbish, snobbish, and spineless, but Liu Yiming is proud of it and doesn't care about these rumors at all.

Seeing Liu Yiming open his mouth, Zuoqiu Jun's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Junior Sister Yiming, you have been stuck in the late Xuanxian period for nearly 400 years, right?"

Liu Yiming was startled, his face was a little unhappy, and he said, "What do you mean by Senior Brother Jun?"

Zuoqiu Jun smiled and said: "Don't mind, I just suddenly thought of something and wanted to trouble you. If it is done, I will give you a supernatant nine-aperture pill to help you break into the great Luo. territory."

He is very clear about Liu Yiming's temperament, he is extremely snobbish in his bones, and he values ​​profit the most. As long as there are enough benefits, let alone changing her surname, it is easy for her to betray Liu Zefeng.

Of course, it is also because she is Liu Zefeng's Taoist partner, in order to win over Liu Zefeng, Zuoqiu Jun will absorb her into the Discipline Hall, otherwise it is impossible for her to enter Zuoqiu just because of her late stage Xuanxian cultivation. Jun's eyes.

Sure enough, when Liu Yiming heard the words of Shangqing Jiuqiao Shendan, his eyes lit up, his cheeks glowed brightly, and he said, "Senior Brother Jun, what do you want to do? I am the only junior sister who can help me, so I will do my best."

As he spoke, he even cast a subtle wink at Zuoqiu Jun.

this woman...

Zuoqiu Jun sneered secretly in his heart, full of contempt, but he said with a smile: "The matter is very simple, I heard that junior sister, you have a lot of friends, and you know many strong and talented people in our outer courtyard, I want to invite you..."

Soon, Zuoqiu Jun revealed all his plans.

"Invite Chen Xi to discuss the Dao at the Dao Academy?"

After listening, Liu Yiming obviously hesitated. Although she is snobbish, she is not stupid. In these days, she has heard many rumors about Chen Xi. When she heard that Zuoqiu Jun actually wanted to use her own hand to find someone to deal with Chen Xi Xi, she was also a little hesitant.

"That's right, Junior Sister Yiming, you also know that our Daohuang Academy has a hidden rule. When a new student enters the academy, they will be taught a lesson in the Daoist Academy. They are just for learning, not for vendetta."

Zuoqiu Jun said frankly: "This is also to grind their arrogance. After all, these new disciples used to be peerless geniuses. They are proud and conceited, their eyes are high above the top, and they can play in the battle of Daoist Academy..." Let them be sober, let them understand the truth that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

Speaking of this, he looked at Liu Yiming with a smile, and said, "I don't know if Junior Sister Yiming is interested in making this freshman No. 1 completely sober and aware that he is just an ordinary member of Daohuang Academy."

"Of course I'm very interested." Liu Yiming hesitated, "But I want to know why Senior Brother Jun didn't do it himself, but chose me instead?"

Zuoqiu Jun shrugged helplessly, and said: "You are also clear, and now the academy knows that there is a grudge between me, Zuoqiu, and that kid. As the chief disciple of the Discipline Hall, it would be inappropriate for me to confront him face to face." gone."

After a pause, he continued: "What's more, among the [-] disciples in our outer court, in terms of the widest network of contacts, you are the most well-connected, Junior Sister Ming. I am quite relieved that this matter will be done by you. Whether this matter is done successfully or not, I will give you a Supreme Purity Nine Apertures Pill as a gift."

Liu Yiming was obviously moved, and after pondering for a long time, he said: "Then Chen Xi is the No. 1 freshman, and in the second round of assessment, his combat prowess is also outstanding. I'm afraid there are only a handful of people who invite him to the Daoist Academy to discuss the Dao. Humans can do it, but I know many other disciples..."

Before she finished speaking, Zuoqiu Jun understood what she meant, and interrupted with a wave of his hand: "You don't have to worry about this, Junior Sister. Apart from you, I believe there are many people who will take action."

The implication is that I will not only arrange for you to do this alone, and you don't have to worry about choosing someone to deal with Chen Xi.

Hearing this, Liu Yiming immediately became much more relaxed. He got up immediately, and said with a coquettish smile, "Senior brother Jun has arranged so thoughtfully, if junior sister refuses again, it would be too outrageous. I'll go to inquire about that Chen Xi, and try to find a way Inviting him has to participate in the discourse of the lecture hall."

As she spoke, she turned around gracefully and left.

"Unfortunately, I'm still a little worried about your ability to handle things..." Seeing Liu Yiming leave, Zuoqiu Jun's smile gradually disappeared, and he regained his gloomy and indifferent expression.

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