divine talisman

Chapter 1274 Taoist Aoba [Part 2]

Chen Xi took the Purple Ribbon Star, turned around and left.

He really didn't want to stay by Chi Cangsheng's side for a while longer, so as not to get into any trouble.

"What are you looking at? What is there to envy? At this time, you still have the mind to think about other things. It seems that you can't wait to prove your ability?"

"Then who, yes, it's you, the one with good chest muscles, come out! Go and perform chest crushing, when will you smash the 100 yuan Xuanming steel stone, when will you get out!"

"Hey, do you still dare to laugh? You're following the body-training style of gods and demons, right? In this way, I won't make it difficult for you. Either you will turn into a pig and run around this platform thirty times, or you will also be among the top three on the Purple Ribbon Gold List." Ten, you choose yourself!"

"Of course, you can refuse! But, you'd better look at the fate of the guy who drew the circle. Once the rejection fails, you will only be worse than him!"

After Chen Xi left, Chi Cangsheng's surly roar could still be heard from afar, resounding like thunder through the heavens and the earth. Hearing Chen Xi, he couldn't help his heart pounding. He cursed the old pervert in his heart, and hurriedly sped up. pace.

At the same time, he also began to re-examine the Purple Ribbon Star in his hand, and unexpectedly discovered that there were already many more courses in the Purple Ribbon Star at this time.

In order, there are "alchemy", "artifact refining", "puppet technique", "spiritual planting technique", "breeding technique"... There are all kinds of courses, and these courses are all taught by the chief instructor of the inner courtyard. No limit, anyone can come and listen.

Among these courses, the most important thing is "explaining the Tao", that is, the chief instructor opens up a Taoist altar, sits and preaches, and instructs the disciples in the inner courtyard to practice.

Of course, no matter which course you take, you will have to pay a lot of star value.

In addition to the courses, there are many new tasks in the Purple Ribbon Star, which are directly released by the task fairy mountain, and are specially for the disciples of the inner court to choose and receive.

Chen Xi took a rough look, and there was no big difference between the missions and the previous ones, except that the star value rewards were much richer. Of course, the difficulty of the missions had also been greatly increased.

"When everything is settled properly, let's seize the time to cultivate and earn star points at the same time." Chen Xi took a deep breath, put the Purple Ribbon Star into his body, identified the direction, and galloped away towards the distance.


Inner courtyard, Taoist Palace.

When Chen Xi arrived, there was already a dao boy with his hair in a bun and a handsome face waiting there.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi, my name is Qingye, and it was Master who asked me to wait for you here."

Dao Tong opened his mouth somewhat cautiously. His eyes were dark and clear, he was handsome, and there was a natural aura gathering on his forehead, but he seemed a little shy. When he saw Chen Xi, he quickly bowed his head and saluted.

"Who is your master?"

Chen Xi sized up Qingye, and was secretly amazed in his heart, because this Qingye also possessed the cultivation level of Daluo realm, and his aura was pure, lively and vigorous, which seemed very extraordinary.

"Didn't senior brother meet his old man just now?"

Qing Ye was startled, and then replied.

Chi Cangsheng?

Only now did Chen Xi understand, and he couldn't help being secretly surprised. He never expected that this little Taoist boy Qingye was actually an apprentice accepted by the head of the inner courtyard. Not everyone can have this honor.

You must know that no matter the chief instructor or other old antiques in the inner courtyard, there are generally extremely strict requirements when recruiting apprentices, and this green leaf can enter Chi Cangsheng's eyes, which shows that his talent and roots must be extremely extraordinary.

"Senior brother Chen Xi, if you have no doubts, please follow me to choose a place to live and cultivate."

Qingye smiled shyly, then turned around and walked towards the Taoist Palace.

"Qingye, shouldn't you call me Junior Brother?"

Chen Xi followed, and couldn't help but tease him.

"Master said, no matter which senior brother I meet, I must call him senior brother." Qingye shook his head, looking very sensible and obedient.

Chen Xi said in a daze, "Is there something important about this?"

Aoba scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "The reason is that I am too stupid. The master said that only by admitting that I am stupid, all senior brothers will only treat me well, and will not bully me. Even if I leave the academy in the future, I have to admit that I am stupid." If you are not as good as others, you can avoid a lot of trouble.”

Chen Xi was dumb, and thoughtfully said: "There is some truth to this, but you are not worried that others will say that you are cowardly, or even laugh at you?"

Qing Ye opened her eyes wide, and said in a dazed way: "I admit that I am stupid, what else do they have to laugh at? Are they laughing at me for being stupid? Then why should I worry?"

Yes, people admit that they are stupid, so what else can they laugh at?

At this moment, Chen Xi was speechless.

While talking, the two had already entered the Daoxue Palace.

This is a grand hall, and usually a professor sits in charge, handling some trivial matters in the inner courtyard, such as dividing the practice area, promulgating academy laws, etc...

When Chen Xi had just stepped into the Taoist Palace, he saw some scattered disciples shuttling through the huge hall, all of them were existences from the Da Luojin Fairyland, obviously they were all inner court disciples.

He could clearly feel that each of these inner court disciples had a very high level of cultivation, even the weakest one was not inferior to the No.1 Ao Zhanbei in the outer court!

This is also normal, the inner court disciples are the core strength of the younger generation of Daohuang Academy, each of them is like the pride of heaven, three points more powerful than some Xianzhou overlords, far from ordinary.

After all, Daohuang Academy is the number one academy in the fairy world. It has stood up in the fairy world so far, and it is by no means in vain. Even the children of the seven great families in ancient times are willing to come to Daohuang Academy to study, which shows how rich the foundation of Daohuang Academy is.

And those who can become disciples of the inner court of Daohuang Academy naturally have no mediocre people.

"Oh? There are newcomers reporting so soon?"

"Amazing, to be the first to pass the tempering of Dean Chi Cangsheng."

"Haha, you guys, you are so blind. Didn't you see that this is the No.1 freshman of our Daohuang Academy who is currently in the limelight?"

"So it turns out that he is Chen Xi. In other words, he was the one who entered the Purple Ribbon Gold List just now and erased Senior Brother Meng Qi's ranking?"

Seeing Chen Xi and Qingye coming in together, many disciples immediately turned their gazes over, discussing endlessly, some looked playfully, some were amazed, some sneered, some were suspicious, and so on.

These inner court disciples are all the arrogance of the heavens, and they have an air of arrogance and contempt on their bodies. It can't be said that their eyes are higher than the top, but pride is inevitable.

Chen Xi frowned, and keenly noticed that many eyes had a hint of provocation, as if they were very dissatisfied with him.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi, come this way."

Qingye seemed to be unaware of all this, she smiled shyly at Chen Xi, and led Chen Xi straight to the depths of the hall.

Chen Xi nodded, and didn't look any further. He had seen this kind of unfriendly atmosphere a lot. It was simply because he was a newcomer, and it was inevitable that he would encounter such a situation of being "watched" by old students.

What he didn't expect was that the more he remained silent, the more teasing, provocative, sneering, and suspicious looks he attracted.

Some people even disdained to speak: "This guy, he doesn't even have a temper at all. He's really cowardly and disappointing."

"Maybe they didn't take us seriously at all."

"Oh, don't put us in his eyes, he thinks this place is the same as the outer courtyard?"

"It's useless to talk too much, why don't you try this kid's background, newcomers, if you want to win respect, you have to at least show your talents."

"Okay, let me go and experience the abilities of our junior brother Chen Xi."

Amidst the discussion, suddenly, a burly young man stepped out suddenly, teleported out of thin air, and stretched directly in front of Chen Xi like a towering mountain, blocking his way.

Especially what Chen Xi didn't expect was that the other party would do it as soon as he said he would do it, and slap him with a palm.


The tall young man slapped out his palm, and the invisible space around him boiled immediately, turning into a boiling hot white mist. With a slight movement, a terrifying fire and Yang Da Luo Fa rushed out, with a ferocious momentum.

"What a Fire Firmament Breaking Yang Palm!"

Someone exclaimed in admiration, recognizing that this was one of the most proud tricks of the tall young man.

This blow is indeed extremely powerful. Once it is cast, it is like a fire and yang flying into the sky, and it is extremely overbearing. A simple palm contains thousands of changes, all of which are integrated into the law of Daluo that contains the two profound meanings of fire and yang.

"This bastard is really straightforward!"

Seeing that the other party not only blocked his way, but also directly attacked him without saying a word, with Chen Xi's calm disposition, at this moment his heart was filled with anger.

"If you want to learn my ability, you are not qualified enough!"

Chen Xi's tongue suddenly burst into spring thunder. Facing this palm, he put his five fingers together and grabbed it like lightning.

This grasping power contains the power of the five elements of the divine pattern, and there is also a hidden power of the spatial divine pattern. It seems ordinary, but in fact it is infinitely mysterious, like the horns of an antelope, which is inevitable.


With this grasp, Chen Xi directly pinched the opponent's veins with incomparable precision, almost shattering the bones of the opponent's hand.


The tall young man's expression changed slightly, his whole body suddenly burst into infinite golden brilliance, his arms retracted, his left hand held the knife, and slashed at Chen Xi's throat, intending to encircle Wei and save Zhao, thus breaking free from Chen Xi's grasp.

"Do you still want to struggle?"

Regarding this, a hint of sarcasm appeared on Chen Xi's lips, and he lightly shook the opponent's wrist with his right hand, a terrifying force violently poured into the opponent's body, and then the tall young man felt a sharp pain all over his body, and his whole body trembled like chaff stand up.


The next moment, Chen Xi slammed his tall body on the ground fiercely, and the hard ground that was densely covered with restraints emitted a dull and loud noise.

When everyone around saw this scene, they all gasped. All this happened so quickly that they didn't even have time to react. The tall and tall young man was thrown to the ground by Chen Xi like a dead dog.

Ah~ The tall young man let out a stern scream. He was hit so hard that his head was staring like gold stars. He was dizzy and fell to the ground. His whole body twitched violently with pain like he had gone epileptic.


ps: The third update is after midnight, friends who can’t wait to watch it tomorrow.

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