divine talisman

Chapter 132 Rules

Second more!


Buddha Trial Tower!

When he saw the white jade pagoda standing between heaven and earth, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little shocked. As far as he knew, this pagoda formed a world of its own, and inside it was divided into eight palaces, four images, and two appearances. , Taiji four floors, each floor is a different world, all the monks who participated in the competition of Qianlong list will be transferred into the pagoda to decide the winner.

In other words, this pagoda trial tower is the main battlefield for the Hidden Dragon Ranking Competition.

It is said that the entire pagoda was originally a legendary fairy artifact, but for some reason, it was broken into pieces and lost many magical functions, leaving only such an empty shell.

However, even though it was just an empty shell, no one could absorb it. In the end, the former sages from all major forces in Longyuan City worked together to refine it, and the space inside was restored.

Because it is a world of its own, it is regarded as a place of trial to test disciples.

This is where the Qianlong ranking competition came from.

At this moment, the area around the Pagoda Trial Pagoda was crowded with people. As far as the eye could see, there were densely packed human heads. Fortunately, the place was wide and open enough so that so many people gathered together, it didn't look crowded.

And in front of the pagoda, a huge jade platform with a length of [-] feet and a width of [-] feet has been arranged at this moment, and a canopy (that is, the magnificent umbrella used by emperors when they travel) is propped on the jade platform , the clouds and mist dispersed above, flying out thousands of auspicious qi, thousands of colorful lights, and precious aura soaring to the sky.

This thing is transformed from a heavenly magic weapon, Liuyang Jinding Banner, which is owned by Ling Kongzi, the head teacher of Liuyun Sword Sect. People under it are like sitting between pines and white clouds. extreme.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen majestic men and women sitting on the jade platform and under the canopy.

And in the center, sat an old man in green shirt, with a smile on his lips, as warm as jade, and between the closed eyes, there seemed to be a trace of divine light wandering in them, appearing extremely mysterious and profound.

The old man in the blue shirt is Ling Kongzi, the head teacher of Liuyun Sword Sect, and he is also a Nirvana Realm monk who is powerful in the southern border!

On the left and right of Ling Kongzi are the leaders of the other seven major sects, the three major schools, and the six major families. All of them have a deep and powerful aura, revealing profound and strong cultivation bases.

One of the women is particularly eye-catching. She is dressed in a palace dress like fire, with black hair in a bun, white goose neck, and a jade face like a lotus emerging from water, delicate and smooth, extremely beautiful.However, her expression was extremely cold, and when her phoenix eyes swept away, it was like cold electricity piercing the sky, no one dared to look at her.

She is the suzerain of Qionghua Sect, one of the eight great sects, Mrs. Xingyun, the only female head teacher among the major sects, her strength is also unfathomable and extremely tyrannical.

The suzerains of the other major powers are also in awe-inspiring manner, and their aura is extraordinary. A dozen of them sit on the jade platform. Although they are silent, the powerful coercion exuded by them is so shocking that no one around them dares to speak out. noisy.

When Chen Xi came here, no less than a hundred thousand people had gathered around the entire pagoda, and the scene was unprecedentedly grand and shocking.

If it weren't for the disciples of the major forces who shuttled among the crowd and maintained order on the scene, the scene would have been even more crowded and impenetrable.

"Look, over there are the monks who participated in the Grand Competition of the Hidden Dragon Ranking." Du Qingxi pointed to an empty space in front of the jade platform, and said in a clear voice.

Chen Xi raised his eyes, and sure enough, he saw that no less than 8000 people had already settled in that spacious field, including men and women, all of whom looked extremely young.

Without staying in the crowd, Chen Xi and the others also walked over there.

"Stop, please show your token." At the entrance of the empty space, there were still two Chu Soul Guards standing in black clothes with swords on their backs. Seeing Chen Xi and the others, one of them said.

Chen Xi immediately took out the token he got when he signed up for Chuhunwei, and handed it over.

"Chen Xi, six stars of the Purple Mansion, 17 years old..." The Chu Hunwei was stunned, a strange expression flashed in the depths of his eyes, he immediately took out a jade talisman that he had prepared long ago, and handed it to Chen Xi along with the token .

Du Qingxi and the others also took out a token. Unlike Chen Xi's, their tokens were bestowed by the family behind them. This Chu Hunwei didn't even look at it, and directly took out three jade talismans and handed them to the three of them.

"Is this jade talisman a teleportation talisman?" Chen Xi remembered the rules of the Grand Competition of Qianlong. After entering the pagoda trial tower, when his life is in danger, he just needs to squeeze the jade talisman and it will be teleported out. .Once someone snatches and kills the jade talisman before it explodes, no one can blame it.

How could there be no casualties in the trial competition?

"The Pagoda Trial Pagoda is divided into four floors: Eight Palaces, Four Elephants, Liangyi, and Taiji. All participating monks will be sent to the Eight Palaces, and if they snatch a sufficient number of tokens from other people, they will be automatically sent Enter the second layer of the Four Elephant Realm, and then fight again, snatch the tokens, advance in turn until you enter the highest Taiji Realm, and fight in it, and the last person who persists will be No.1 in the Qianlong Ranking Competition .”

"What is a sufficient quantity?"

"Grabbing tokens is just a means to drive you to fight. Whether you can enter the higher level of the pagoda depends entirely on whether you can persist until the end. According to the usual practice in previous years, only 2000 people can enter the second level from the first level to the fourth level. In Xiangjing, these 2000 people will compete again, and another 900 people will be eliminated, and the remaining 100 people will be able to enter the third level of Liangyi Realm. After another round of fighting, only ten people can enter the highest level of Taiji Realm. decide the final outcome."

"It turns out that those who can enter the third floor are the top 1 in the Qianlong ranking competition, and those who enter the fourth floor are the top ten in the Qianlong ranking competition. After fighting to the end, the only one left It is No.[-] in the Qianlong Ranking Competition!"

"That's not true, but this year's battle is probably more intense than in previous years. Didn't you see how many monks participated in the Qianlong ranking competition this time? There are tens of thousands of monks. If you enter the first floor of the pagoda, you will be eliminated There are more than 8000 people!"


As soon as Chen Xi stood still next to the monks participating in the Grand Competition of the Hidden Dragon Ranking, there was a burst of discussion in his ear, and he couldn't help but secretly wondered, so he asked Duan Muze via sound transmission: "Just hold on until the end, can you enter the second floor of the pagoda?" , why do you still want to grab tokens?"

"There are more than 1 people together, what if everyone doesn't fight? How can we eliminate people?"

Duan Muze smiled and said: "Grabbing tokens is a means to drive you to fight, and the more tokens you grab, even if you are eliminated, you can still get generous rewards from major forces with these tokens." , under such circumstances, who wouldn't fight desperately to grab and fight desperately?"

Chen Xi finally understood.Obviously, there are two ways to get the reward of the Hidden Dragon Ranking Competition this time, one of which is to snatch tokens in exchange for them.The other is to win by ranking.

Those who rank in the top [-] can get a large number of pills and exercises.

Those ranked in the top [-] will not only be able to obtain a large number of medicinal pills, but also powerful magic weapons.

Those ranked in the top ten already have the qualifications to be accepted as core true disciples by the eight major sects, six major families, and three major academies.

Those who rank in the top three will be accepted as closed disciples by the great monks in the Nirvana realm!

Those who rank No. 1 will not only get a huge amount of rewards, but can even choose a great monk in the Nirvana Realm to be their master!

"Hahaha, Chen Xi, so you are here!"

At this moment, a voice rumbled like thunder, and along with the sound, in the distance, a young man with a hulking back came striding forward, it was the young genius of the Xie family Xie Zhan.

Dozens of young men and women followed behind him, wearing dark green shirts and wearing the same emblem on their chests, obviously these men and women were all the children of the Xie family participating in the Qianlong Ranking Competition this time.

Around the entire Futu Trial Pagoda, the atmosphere was extremely quiet due to the presence of suzerains from various sects, but Xie Zhan's loud laugh was extremely eye-catching, and almost instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Chen Xi?"

"So it was him! However, I heard that the young master of the Xie family has enmity with Chen Xi?"

"Hmph, that fellow Xie Zhan did this on purpose, in order to let everyone see Chen Xi's appearance. You know, the Su family has promised a huge reward. Whoever can defeat Chen Xi in the Pagoda Trial Pagoda will be rewarded." Reward a million catties of spiritual liquid and three top-grade magic weapons of the Huang rank!"

"It's so ruthless. Isn't this just borrowing a knife to kill someone! I'm afraid Chen Xi will be flanked by countless people as soon as he enters the Buddha Trial Tower. Two fists are no match for four hands. No matter how powerful he is, he will definitely be defeated and withdraw."

"Exit? The Su family is probably already prepared to kill Chen Xi, how could it be possible for him to escape? This time, this guy may not escape."

Not only the people around were discussing, but even the suzerains on the jade platform also cast their gazes on Chen Xi. Among them, Su Zhentian's face was extremely gloomy, and the murderous intent in his eyes was unabashedly released. out.

Su Zhentian also didn't intend to hide it at all, because now all the major forces in Longyuan City know about Chen Xi's killing of six Huang Ting cultivators and a Liangyi Golden Core cultivator from his Su family. What's the point?

"Your brother promised that he would never trouble me again." Chen Xi ignored the discussions around him, looked at Xie Zhan who was smiling triumphantly in front of him, and his heart suddenly became murderous.

"Let me say hello to you." Xie Zhan shrugged and said innocently, "Did I trouble you?"

Chen Xi didn't pay any attention to this person anymore, and secretly planned in his heart that when he entered the Pagoda Trial Tower, he would definitely destroy this guy first.

"Are you thinking of attacking me in the Pagoda Trial Day? But you will never be able to do it. Most people here will rush to kill you and go to Su's house to receive the reward. Even I am tempted." Thank you Zhan Yinyang said strangely, after finishing speaking, he turned around and left with dozens of Xie family disciples behind him, as if he was afraid of being misunderstood that he had something to do with Chen Xi, and then he would become a target of public criticism.

"elder brother!"

Just as Xie Zhan left, there was a cheer, and a heroic young man, wearing the sapphire blue robe of Liuyun Jianzong, rushed over excitedly.

The young man's facial features resembled Chen Xi's seven to eight, but his temperament was completely different. Chen Xi was as indifferent as water, floating in the dust, while he was heroic, with a sharp blade-like aura all over his body, like An unsheathed sword, showing its sharpness.

This person is naturally Chen Xi's younger brother Chen Hao.

Seeing his younger brother, a slight smile appeared on Chen Xi's lips. Immediately, his eyes froze. There was a faint aura of fire spirit exuding from his younger brother. Terrifying.

Chen Xi couldn't help being surprised and said, "Your master has helped you reshape your body?"

"En!" Chen Hao nodded fiercely, and said with a murderous look: "Brother, I already know your situation, isn't it just an enemy of thousands of people? I will fight with you, I don't believe I can't beat them."

"This is your brother? What a big tone, tell me, how far have you cultivated now?" Duan Muze stepped forward and asked with a smile.

Chen Hao glanced at him and turned a deaf ear to him.

Chen Xi had no choice but to explain from the side: "He is my friend, Duanmu Ze." Then pointing to Du Qingxi and Song Lin, he said, "So are they. One is Du Qingxi and the other is Song Lin."

"My brother's friends are my friends." Chen Hao nodded and said: "I have cultivated to the seventh level of the Purple Mansion, and my martial arts cultivation has also reached the realm of Taoism, and what I have comprehended is the way of the awe-inspiring sword."

Duan Muze froze and asked, "How old are you this year?"

"Is age important?" Chen Hao frowned, and immediately remembered that this was his brother's friend, so he had to answer: "This year is just fifteen."

Duan Muze gasped, and lost his voice: "Freak!"

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