divine talisman

Chapter 1371 Asking for Benefits [Part 4]

Thanks to "lyn123456" and "watchywq" for their support~


Knowing that the Chen League has such a scale, Chen Xi was rather surprised, but more moved.

He knew very well that Axiu seemed to be smiling and proudly describing all this to him, but she must have put a lot of effort and effort behind it.

"You don't need to thank me. If it weren't for your prestige in Daohuang Academy, it would be impossible for Chenmeng to develop so fast. After all, most of the members of Chenmeng come here because of your reputation."

Seeing that Chen Xi wanted to thank him, Axiu hurriedly said before him.

"But in short, none of this would be possible without your help."

Chen Xi said seriously, with sincere words and sincere eyes.

Stared at by Chen Xi's gaze, Axiu's heart trembled, a rippling appeared, she blinked her eyes, and said with a smile: "I still have a lot of benefits, so don't be moved and cry in the future."

Chen Xi was dumbfounded.

Liang Ren and the others burst out laughing.


At midnight, Axiu and the others bid farewell and left one after another.

Ling Bai and the others had already eaten and drank enough, and fell asleep on the ground.

And Chen Xi directly entered the Xingchen Cave Mansion, and began to meditate.

This trip to Hongmeng Remains gave him many opportunities, and even his cultivation was promoted to the realm of Saint Immortal in one fell swoop, and he stepped into the ranks of seeking the sacred road.

But strictly speaking, he is not a true saint, because he has not yet integrated all the laws of Da Luo that he has mastered, and developed his own law of the holy way.

The combat power of the holy fairyland is most importantly reflected in the law of the holy way.

Like the last time in Autumn Leaf City, when he defeated the two Yu Wendong brothers, if Chen Xi's own cultivation base was not so strong, far surpassing the ordinary generation, it would not have been possible to defeat each other so easily.

And if he had grasped the law of the holy way developed by himself at that time, it would have been easier and more casual to win.

The Law of the Holy Way!

It is the avenue belonging to the Holy Fairyland, possessing "sacred" power, moving mountains and seas, moving the universe, and evangelizing the world, with immeasurable power.

These laws already have the power of "sacredness". Compared with them, the laws and Daluo's divine pattern are completely different and cannot be compared.

If one wants to develop one's own law of the holy way, one needs to integrate all the Da Luo's divine patterns that one has mastered. This process is extremely difficult and even full of endless dangers.

After all, each of the Daluo divine patterns is almost perfect, and it is conceivable how difficult it is to fuse them together into a "sacred" avenue.

In particular, Chen Xi is different from ordinary saints in that he controls too many Da Luo divine patterns, and many of them are extremely rare Da Luo's laws, such as Star Annihilation Divine Pattern, Immortal Divine Pattern, Nirvana Divine Pattern, Taiji Divine Pattern ...Wait, in this way, it will be more difficult than other saints to develop their own laws of the holy way.

However, Chen Xi was not in a hurry.

Compared with other saints, he has already mastered the various Laws of Da Luo that he has mastered to a perfect level, while most of the other saints have the cultivation base of the Holy Immortal Realm, but the Laws of Da Luo that he has mastered have not yet been perfected. The point of perfection.

Therefore, for those beings in the holy fairyland, the first thing to do is not to "join the way", but to completely condense their own Daluo law to the point of perfection.

Brothers like Yu Wendong are at this stage.

As far as Chen Xi was concerned, there was only one thing left to do right now, and that was to integrate all the various Laws of Da Luo that he had mastered, into the Dao of Talismans, and create his own Dao of Dao Talismans!


"Five Elements, Wind and Thunder, Taiji, Xingyan, Taiji, Nirvana, Immortality... Each of the seven Daluo god patterns that I have mastered now contains at least two kinds of Dao laws, and at most five kinds of Dao laws. It is really difficult to integrate all of these into the talisman."

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the ground, looked up at the starry sky above his head, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

Easier said than done.

Knowing is one thing, but when you actually do it, you know that everything is not as easy as imagined.

"Everything in the world revolves around the sky, and the five elements are the cornerstone. In this case, we should start with the five elements and integrate them with the talisman first."

"When the wind and thunder move, all things will sprout. Perhaps it should be assisted by the wind and thunder divine pattern, and blended with other divine patterns. The so-called Tao produces one, one life two, and three, and three produce all things. , the Fenglei Shenwen can do just that..."

"The Immortal God Rune contains three rare Dao laws of devouring, immortality, and good fortune. It may be extremely difficult to integrate them, so it is best to integrate them one by one."

"On the contrary, the Taiji divine pattern can be fused with the star annihilation. Tens of thousands of stars revolve, covering the mysteries of the heavens. Annihilation for a lifetime, the heavens are nothingness. This movement and stillness, life and death, complement each other with the Taiji divine pattern."

"As for the law of nirvana, it contains the two supreme meanings of the nether world, the other side and the sinking. The other side is the guide, and the sinking is the town. If you want to integrate it with other divine patterns, it may be difficult..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, his mind calmed down, his sea of ​​consciousness was empty, and he began to quickly deduce the method of "unifying the way". Now that he has a deep understanding of all kinds of ways, it is not difficult to find the method of fusion among them .

The only problem is still that this process is too difficult, and I don't know how long it will take to integrate all the Da Luo's divine patterns.

For a whole day in the world, Chen Xi has been comprehending and deducing the method of "Unity of Dao" without distraction, gradually groping and comprehending a lot of things.

For example, when joining the Dao, you can proceed step by step, instead of merging the seven Daluo divine patterns at the same time.

Another example is when merging the Great Luo Divine Patterns, in order to prevent them from colliding with each other, you can use the power of the Space Divine Patterns to restrain the power of the various Great Luo Divine Patterns...

And so on, probably.

On this day, Chen Xi, who was meditating, finally figured out all aspects of "Unity of the Way", not only did he not look happy, but he frowned a little.

Because he suddenly discovered that if he followed the method he had deduced to "unify the Tao", it would take three to five years just to fuse a five-element divine pattern.

This is relatively easy, and it takes longer to fuse other rare divine patterns.

But for the current Chen Xi, time is undoubtedly the most precious thing, and he doesn't want to spend all his energy on "harmony".

"Forget it, let's take it step by step. Anyway, it's not suitable to go out to practice now. It's better to stay in the academy and practice silently for a while."

Chen Xi finally made a decision. Originally, he planned to take the time to return to the Great Chu Dynasty in the human world, and take advantage of the turmoil in the Three Realms to resettle his younger brother Chen Hao and the others. But in the current situation, he could only Let him put this plan on hold for now.


On this day, Qing Ye, Chi Cangsheng's direct disciple, paid a sudden visit.

"Senior brother Chen Xi, my master is here to invite you."

When Chen Xi saw Qingye, after a brief exchange of greetings, Qingye revealed the purpose of this trip.

"Is it Dean Chi Cangsheng?"

Chen Xi was stunned, a little unwilling to meet this violent and perverse "Old Demon Chi".


Aoba smiled shyly.

"What's the matter with me?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking, he was worried that he would be teased again by this old demon Chi in the name of training his disciples.

"This...I don't know either."

Aoba smiled sarcastically.

Seeing this, Chen Xi finally agreed.


This was a thatched hut, quite old. When Chen Xi and Qingye arrived, Chi Cangsheng was lying lazily in a rocking chair drinking, very comfortable.

Chen Xi did not expect that the place where the head of the inner courtyard lived and practiced would be so crude.

"I'm looking for you this time, there is only one thing. Do you still remember the ancient land of the Dao Emperor?"

Chi Cangsheng didn't even get up, and when he saw Chen Xi arriving, he asked lazily.

Dao Emperor Ancient Land!

In an instant, Chen Xi's heart was shaken. Then there was the inheritance of the Dao Emperor. As long as he was recognized by him, he would be eligible to exchange for the fragments of the river map by virtue of this condition!

"Senior, is the ancient land of the Dao Emperor about to be opened?"

Chen Xi still remembered that after the inner court assessment was over, the academy gave the reward that the top five disciples would have the opportunity to enter the Taoist Emperor's ancient land to practice.

And his ranking ranked first, so he is naturally qualified to enter the Dao Emperor Ancient Land.

"That's right, but you still have to prepare for nearly three months. By that time, ten disciples from the academy will enter together, and you will be one of them."

Chi Cangsheng said casually, and threw a jade slip to Chen Xi, "This contains some information about the ancient land of the Dao Emperor. During this period of time, you should think about it carefully. After all, you entered one of them once, but It's not easy."

Chen Xi took it with his hand, and couldn't help but start investigating on the spot.

"The ancient land of the Dao Emperor, one of the founders of the Dao Emperor Academy, the Dao Emperor, one of the five emperors of the ancient times, is entrenched in the place of hidden cultivation!"

This sentence was the first thing that caught his eyes, and Chen Xi couldn't help being shocked. When he looked down, there were some introductions about the Dao Emperor's ancient land.

But before Chen Xi could investigate carefully, he was interrupted by Chi Cangsheng: "When you go back, you'll have plenty of time to read. I'm looking for you this time, and I have something to ask."

Chen Xi was startled, put away the jade slips, and said, "I don't know what senior wants to ask?"

Chi Cangsheng suddenly got up, and the lazy aura from his body was swept away. His eyes were as bright as lightning and piercing. He stared at Chen Xi and said, "Didn't you just come back from the Conferred God Realm? Tell me about it. Everything, um, it’s best to tell me all the news related to Fengshen, if this old man is satisfied, it will be for your benefit.”

In the end, there was a touch of fanaticism in his voice.

News of the gods!

Could it be that this old guy is also an immortal king, seeking to prove the way of conferring the gods?

In an instant, Chen Xi got a lot out of Chi Cangsheng's words, nodded immediately and said, "This junior does know some secrets, but..."

"But what?"

Chi Cangsheng hurriedly said, "You don't have to worry about it, just say it."

Chen Xi immediately became impolite, and said directly: "This junior wants to know what benefits the senior can promise this junior."

The word "benefit" at the end was bitten very hard by him.

Chi Cangsheng was stunned for a moment, and his expression was incomparably exciting, as if he didn't expect that he just said it casually, and this little bastard actually wanted to ask for favors from him...


ps: 5th and 6th points.

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