divine talisman

Chapter 1477 Entering the Academy [Part 2]

Amidst the murderous intent, Wan Qiqing's whole body was glistening, unleashing the divine power of the Xuanjin Immortal King, and controlling the world.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi jumped up and pressed his hand, a cloud formed by runes emerged, flowing with Ruixia, and rushed towards the opponent to suppress and kill.

A hint of contempt appeared on the corner of Wan Chengqing's lips, and glares of light surged from his body. With a light slap, the cloud layer was shattered, and the light and rain flew away.

"In this world, no one will disturb us, little guy, let me take you on this last journey!"

In the majestic and flat voice, Wan Tengqingsu grabbed it with his hand, and a golden jade wishful emerged, turning into a golden glow, tearing apart time and space, and covering Chen Xi.

"Just you?"

Chen Xi's breath was like a sea, and it became stronger and stronger. He stepped on the void, and slashed out with a single finger.


The surging sword energy, wrapped in the power of terror and order, evolved dense runes, obscure and vast, and with a bang, it unexpectedly defeated the golden jade wishful.

"Huh? There are two tricks, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant."

Wan Tengqing's eyes narrowed, and divine brilliance overflowed. She was an immortal king, far beyond the ordinary. Chen Xi's attack made her keenly aware of a slight difference.

Without any hesitation, on top of his head, the handle of golden jade wishfully released celestial light, turned into a golden rain that filled the sky, and unexpectedly produced hundreds of millions of divine thunder and lightning, all in a dense circle, to suppress Chen Xi.

If this blow were placed outside, it would be enough to wipe out cities in all directions, and razed millions of miles of mountains and rivers to the ground. The terrifying momentum fully interpreted the might of an Immortal King Realm.

"Arrogance? You blocked my way, wanted to kill me, and blamed me for my arrogance! Hehe, very good, I, Chen Xi, will show you my arrogance today!"

Chen Xi laughed extremely angrily, his whole body was shaken, and the sword energy lingered in the sky, driving a wave of power like a mountain pressing down on him, he charged against the sky, and was overwhelmed by it.


The billions of golden lightning bolts were torn apart by Chen Xi forcefully, and they were blown to pieces and collapsed one after another. However, he was completely unscathed, just like a god of death bathed in divine thunder, with a murderous expression on his face, he rushed towards Wan Teng angrily. green.


Wan Chengqing frowned, and his heart was moved. A half-step fairy king ant actually blocked his ultimate move?It's unimaginable.

One must know that under the attack of her "Ling Lei Jin Ru Yi", even the Immortal King Realm would not dare to shake it head-on, but now, it was smashed by Chen Xi head-on. This is too incredible.

"Little guy, stay still! Struggle will only make you die faster!"

Wan Chengqing took a deep breath, and finally decided to use all her strength, her eyes were icy cold.

And on top of his head, the "Spirit Thunder Gold Ruyi" danced in the air, splashing billions of golden light, blocking Chen Xi's attack.

"Go away!"

Just two short words, full of endless killing intent, Chen Xi's expression was indifferent, and now something must be happening at the Daohuang Academy, but this person is blocking his way, obviously he does not want him to enter the Daohuang Academy at this critical moment, his heart is not good punish!

"It seems that you are begging to die yourself?"

Wan Chengqing's face darkened, and he didn't hesitate any longer. The Linglei Jinruyi roared above his head, and the lightning surged into the sky, forming a large thunderous formation. Among them, the roar was like a torrent of the aura of the Immortal King Dao!


And at this moment, Chen Xi didn't hold back anymore, he sacrificed the sword of Dao E, and slashed out a thick sword energy, which was brilliant, sharp and compelling, and its power and influence shocked the universe and the galaxy!

This is one of the strongest methods he possesses now. It contains a trace of the power of order taken from the heavens. It can cut the sun, the moon and the stars with one sword!


The clash of thunder and sword energy shook the nine heavens, resounding through the clouds in all directions, and the turbulent waves spread, turning the world into a ruin of time and space that shattered.

With a puff, Wan Chengqing's figure flickered, coughing up blood from his lips, he couldn't help frowning, and a throbbing flashed in his heart, this kid has incredible fighting power!

Fortunately, she didn't want to use the forbidden technique in the end, and lost some of the original power of the Immortal King, finally imprisoning Chen Xi in the thunder formation.

"Little guy, for someone like you, I'm a bit reluctant to do it. Why don't you join my Wanqi clan? Maybe we will support you to sit on the throne of the head of Daohuang Academy in the future."

Wan Chengqing opened his mouth and looked into the distance.

"Hmph, wishful thinking!"

Being in the formation, Chen Xi also felt a kind of pressure, which originated from the Linglei Jin Ruyi. This thing is no small thing, even three points more mysterious than Wu Ting's [Spirit Breaking Green Nightmare Spear].

If it's just Wan Chengqing himself, he won't be able to stop him at all.

Of course, it is indeed wishful thinking to kill Chen Xi with a single formation...


Chen Xi coldly scolded, his whole body glowed, runes flowed from every inch of his skin, and transformed into layers of mysterious lights and shadows, the momentum was immeasurably vast.

In an instant, these billions of runes flew into the sky like the scorching sun one by one, turning into wisps of brilliant sword energy, and charged straight at the Ling Lei Jin Ruyi.


Amidst the violent shock, Chen Xi's sword energy was like a rainbow, and he forcibly knocked the Linglei Gold Ruyi away.

Wan Chengqing's expression changed in shock, the Linglei Jin Ruyi was hit, and she was also affected, which was beyond her expectation!Who would have thought that a half-step Immortal King Realm would be able to unleash such heaven-defying combat power in such a predicament?

"Sure!" She crushed the tip of her tongue, spewed out another mouthful of the blood of the Immortal King, urged the animal to let it descend again, and suppressed Chen Xi with a thunderous formation.

The golden light was transpiring, as if it was burning, and the power of Linglei Jinruyi skyrocketed, and the pressure increased tenfold. Even Chen Xi, who was as powerful as him at this moment, was shaken by the shock.

But in the end, Chen Xi still managed to shake it down, and was not killed by the suppression!

"how did you do that?"

Wan Chengqing coughed up blood violently, her pupils dilated, she couldn't believe it, even if she broke her head, she couldn't figure out how Chen Xi managed to do this.

"I forgot to tell you, not long ago, I just killed a dog in the Immortal King Realm from the Supreme Master. In comparison, your ability is not as good as that dog from the Supreme Master."

Chen Xi remained indifferent, bathed in billions of sword qi, and stepped out of nowhere.

"How is it possible? How is this possible? You are only half a step into the Immortal King Realm..."

At this moment, Wan Chengqing finally felt fear, and even more a sense of shame after being trampled on her self-esteem. She roared angrily and came to kill violently.


A blood-colored sword edge swept across the sky, Chen Xi held the Dao E sword, and sent the Ling Leiyu flying away, while Wan Chengqing fell into the void with a bang as if struck by lightning, her hair was disheveled, her face was pale, and her breath was on the verge of disorder.

"You..." Wan Chengqing was startled and angry, her eyes were tearing apart, and she couldn't accept all this.

"Are you arrogant?"

Chen Xi was indifferent, and lightly uttered a few words from his lips.


Accompanied by the sound, he flicked the blood sword lightly in his hand, Wan Chengqing's head rolled off, golden blood shot Qingming, and an immortal king died. She couldn't figure it out until she died, how could a half-step immortal king exist? do it all...


With the death of Wan Chengqing, the whole world changed and returned to normal, back to the familiar street.

This battle was unexpectedly not noticed by the passers-by on the street, and it was only at this time when the battle ended and a torrent of golden blood rained down from the sky that it caused a burst of exclamation and commotion on the street.

"What just happened?"

The crowd was bewildered and terrified.

"It's Chen Xi! He finally showed up!"

Someone keenly noticed that Chen Xi's figure was fleeting in the sky, and they couldn't help being shocked.

"What? Chen Xi! When he returns now, could it be that he wants to take over the position of head of Daohuang Academy?"

Knowing that it was Chen Xi's return shocked many immortal cultivators. In fact, after this world-shattering duel ended, people noticed it, and then spread it quickly. Will not work.



The void shook, and in an instant, Chen Xi had arrived outside the Dao Emperor Academy. When he looked up, he saw that the ancient restrictions covering the academy had been destroyed at this moment!

This made Chen Xi's expression darken again. As far as he knew, this ancient formation was inherited from the ancient times, and no matter what disasters it experienced until now, it has never been shaken.

But now it was destroyed by someone, obviously some kind of shocking change happened in the academy!

"Who is coming, retreat quickly!"

An old man appeared out of nowhere, and sternly scolded Chen Xi.


Chen Xi slashed out with a burst of sword energy, directly obliterating the opponent, blood splashed into the sky, and he didn't say a single word from the beginning to the end, appearing to be extremely cold and decisive, because this old man is not from the Dao Emperor Academy at all!

After finishing all this, Chen Xi took a deep breath, and stepped into the Dao Emperor Academy.

Entering the scene, the anger in Chen Xi's heart was tumbling again. It seemed that fierce battles had taken place here, and there were crumbling ruins, collapsed buildings, and blood-stained ground everywhere.

Looking around, it was devastated, and I could no longer see the beautiful, peaceful and fairyland-like atmosphere of the past!


Chen Xi squeezed out two words between his teeth, his face became more and more indifferent, and an uncontrollable flame burned in his icy eyes, like boiling lava, about to erupt.


In the distance, there was a sudden burst of intense roaring sound.

Chen Xi didn't hesitate anymore, and moved at full speed. Along the way, he encountered seven or eight more obstacles, all of which were extremely powerful half-step Immortal King Realm existences, holding various fairy treasures, blocking him.

These people did not know what forces they belonged to, but the result was the same, they were all beheaded by Chen Xi without mercy.

"The outer courtyard is all reduced to ruins, and I don't know what happened to the other courtyards now..."

Chen Xi moved with all his strength while perceiving the sound of battle coming from far away, and soon, he crossed the outer courtyard and reached the inner courtyard.


Suddenly, Chen Xi stood still, his eyes scanned the distance like lightning, but immediately, he was stunned.

"Chen Xi, come here quickly!"

A girl in a green dress appeared in the distance, it was Axiu.

Seeing Axiu, Chen Xi breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was not the destruction of the academy, but the victimization of his friends and teachers.

If the college is destroyed, it can be repaired, but if a person dies, it will be irreparable.

"Axiu, what happened these days, what about the others?"

With a flash of Chen Xi's figure, he came to Axiu's side.

"It's not appropriate to stay here, you come with me first."

As Axiu spoke, she sacrificed a piece of light blue jade silk, which turned into a light curtain that enveloped her and Chen Xi, and disappeared out of thin air in an instant, without leaving even a trace of breath behind.


ps: I would like to solemnly explain that the v group is specially prepared for Zongheng legitimate users, those who watch pirated versions, please respect yourself.In addition, please chat with me privately about "Pursuing Peach Blossom" children's shoes.


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