divine talisman

Chapter 150

The second update!Please collect!


"The patriarch of the Su family, Su Yingkong!"

"It turned out to be this old monster! No wonder the aura is so overbearing. It is said that he retreated thousands of years ago to understand the realm of the underworld. Could it be that he has become a real person about the underworld?"

"It's all right now, even the ancestors of the Su family have come forward, Chen Xi is probably doomed."

"That's true. Don't mention the pagoda of the Buddha, but just avenge the clansmen. After all, Chen Xi is a foreign cultivator. For the sake of the ancestors of the Su family, no one can stop him."

Seeing the skinny old man in the red robe appear, the people present were clamoring again. Shocked, they couldn't help but start to speculate about Chen Xi's fate.

"Congratulations to the ancestor, congratulations to the ancestor for advancing into the underworld and achieving the Dharma of the heavens and the earth!" Su Zhentian bowed and glanced at Master Wenxuan opposite him, and couldn't help but sneer secretly.

In Longyuan City, if the monks in the Nirvana Realm are at the pinnacle, then the Minghua Daoist is a detached existence. Among the eight major sects, the three universities, and the six major sects, there are only a few sects that have the Minghua Daoist. Deterrence of the terrorist forces of the Quartet.

From Su Zhentian's point of view, the ancestor's appearance today is undoubtedly just right, not only announcing the background and strength of the Su family to everyone present, but also restraining Master Wenxuan so that he will not dare to do anything recklessly, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

What's more important is that the Su family urgently needs this kind of power to deter all parties, because after Chen Xi killed the six Huang Ting monks and one Liangyi Golden Core monk of the Su family, their overall strength has been weakened by a small amount. , and today in the Futu Trial Tower, almost all the young and elite children of the Su family were buried.

In such a situation of internal and external troubles, the appearance of a Minghua real person in the Su family undoubtedly has the capital to deter the major forces. If you want to take advantage of the fire to rob the Su family, you have to weigh the consequences of offending a Minghua real person.

Advanced meditation! ?

As soon as Su Zhentian's voice fell, the suzerains of the major forces present all had their eyes fixed, their expressions uncertain.

"Wen Xuan, hand over that kid, he is not related to you, but don't hurt our mutual friendship because of him!" The old Su family patriarch looked at Master Wen Xuan as soon as he appeared, and said calmly .

"Hmph, you dare to show off your power in front of me just after entering the realm of the underworld?" Master Wenxuan snorted coldly, "If there were not so many people present and I was afraid of hurting innocent people, I would have killed you right now."

Su Yingkong's complexion sank, and he said slowly: "Before, I was indeed afraid of you, but now I have advanced to the realm of underworld, and I have even refined an extremely powerful treasure. If Xuanruo is not afraid of death, just come and try."

Extremely powerful treasure?

Wen Xuan suddenly thought of something, and said in a daze, "Could it be the 36 Purple Thunder Green Awls you collected from the blood prison outside the wasteland?"

Su Yingtian laughed loudly and said: "Unexpectedly, you, Wen Xuan, also know this treasure of my Su family. Yes, I have already refined all 36 purple thunder and green swords, and condensed a purple thunder and green sword, which is half a year old." An existence at the level of a fairy weapon, Wen Xuan, do you still have the confidence to defeat me now?"

Hearing this, the faces of everyone present also changed, and they were shocked in their hearts.

"Lingbai, what is a half-immortal weapon?" Chen Xi frowned and said via voice transmission.

"It's even more powerful than the heaven-rank top-grade magic weapon. A magic weapon that already has the potential to be an advanced fairy weapon is called a half-celestial weapon. But if you want to completely refine a half-celestial weapon into a real fairy weapon, let alone a real person , even a real celestial being, without spending thousands of years of hard refining, can't do it at all." Ling Bai quickly explained.

Chen Xi immediately understood, no wonder the Patriarch of the Su family was so confident, possessing a semi-immortal weapon, even though he had just advanced to the Nether Transformation Realm, he did already have the ability to fight against Reverend Wenxuan.

Magical treasures in the practice world are divided into four grades of Tiandi Xuanhuang, and each grade is divided into four grades: low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and extreme. The Qinggang Sword actually has the power of a half-immortal weapon, it is indeed extremely powerful.

"Wen Xuan, think about it carefully." Seeing that Wen Xuan remained silent, Su Yingkong smiled slightly and said slowly, "Is it worth it for a foreign monk?"

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Wen Xuan said in surprise, "You are really ridiculous, do you feel invincible in the world because you own a half-immortal weapon?"

Su Yingkong's complexion suddenly became ugly: "I really want to know why you, Wenxuan, protect this kid everywhere?"


Before Wen Xuan could finish speaking, he heard an old voice suddenly resounding between heaven and earth, "Because he is my brother of Beiheng, do you understand?"

Accompanied by the sound, an old man in gray clothes suddenly appeared in front of Su Yingkong as if teleporting, and slapped Su Yingkong's face with more than a dozen resounding slaps, and his cheeks suddenly became red and swollen.

Seeing this scene, everyone around was stunned, shocked and speechless. A great cultivator in the Nether Transformation Realm was slapped more than a dozen times, but he was powerless to resist?


This, this is not true, is it?

The shock of this scene even surpassed that Master Wenxuan shook off the four Nirvana monks with a wave of his sleeves, making people almost unable to believe their eyes.

Among those present, only Chen Xi had a normal expression, because he knew that his big brother Beiheng possessed such strength.

That's right, this person is the Supreme Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect, the master of Daoist Wenxuan, and the great cultivator of the Heavenly Realm, Bei Heng!

"I planned to kill you, but for the sake of your deceased brother, I will let you go today." Bei Heng threw Su Yingkong away like trash, and then his figure flickered, and he had arrived In front of Chen Xi, he said with a smile, "Brother, I was late, and I caused you to suffer a lot of grievances."

Chen Xi shook his head and smiled, "It's not really a grievance, it's just that I feel that my strength is too weak, and I feel very sorry for asking my brother to help me everywhere."

Bei Heng waved his hand: "What is this, a family doesn't talk about two things."

"Disciple Ling Kongzi, pay homage to Master Beiheng's uncle!"

"Disciple Wen Xuan, pay homage to Master!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ling Kongzi, head teacher of Liuyun Sword Sect, and Reverend Wenxuan both stepped forward to salute, with the utmost respect.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was completely shocked as if struck by lightning. That gray-haired old man turned out to be the master-uncle of Liuyun Sword Sect's head teacher?The Master of Master Wenxuan?

This is nothing, but what everyone can't accept is that such a highly respected person is actually Chen Xi's elder brother! ?Doesn't that mean that even Ling Kongzi, the suzerain of Liuyun Sword Sect, has to call him "Master Uncle", and Master Wenxuan also has to call him "Master Uncle" respectfully?

The minds of all the people present were completely messed up, and their eyes were all wide open, dumbfounded.

"This guy... hides so deeply!" Duan Muze, Du Qingxi, and Song Lin were all dumbfounded, as if they didn't know Chen Xi.

"How is it possible! How could he be the brother of the Grand Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect?" Su Jiao's face turned pale. She was already waiting for the patriarch Su Yingkong to successfully capture Chen Xi, and she humiliated and tortured Chen Xi in every possible way. But the reality is that she made an extremely cruel joke...

Looking at the patriarch of the Su family who had fainted from the fright and anger, the pillars in Su Jiao's heart seemed to be about to collapse. She really couldn't believe why this ant, which she could almost crush to death two years ago, is now With such a change, not only will his cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, he will even become brothers with the Supreme Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect...

However, no matter how unwilling she is to believe, the fact is the fact, and it will not change the slightest because of anyone's unwillingness to believe.

Her father, Su Zhentian, was no more emotional than her, even worse than her.Su Zhentian originally hoped that his ancestor could deter all forces and capture Chen Xi to avenge the deceased clansman. How could he have thought that the ancestor was slapped so that he passed out?The hope in his heart was instantly shattered, and he could even foresee that from now on, it would be difficult for his Su family to raise its head in Longyuan City...

"Greetings to the Supreme Elder!" Thousands of Liuyun Sect disciples present, including Fei Lengcui, Qing Luo, Chen Hao, also knelt down on the ground as if they had just woken up from a dream, and their voices were in unison.

Bei Heng glanced around, and said indifferently: "The person next to me is my sworn brother Chen Xi, whoever offends him in the future will offend me, Bei Heng, then don't blame me for being rude!"


All eyes on the scene fell on Chen Xi in unison, and everyone's face showed a look of shock and envy. The Liuyun Sword Sect is the number one force in Longyuan City and even the entire southern border, and Beiheng is the Liuyun Sword Sect. Who would dare to offend the elder Taishang who he regarded as his brother in the future?

At this moment, looking at the shock in the eyes of everyone around, looking at the ashes-like faces of the Su family members, and looking at Beiheng standing in front of him with his hands behind his back, he couldn't help feeling a surge of emotion in his heart. The so-called overwhelming power, isn't everything in front of you the best interpretation?

"Brother, let's go. I've already picked out a suitable mountain for you to cultivate in the sect. Let's go and see it together." Bei Heng laughed, took Chen Xi's arm, and walked away through the air.From the beginning to the end, he didn't pay any attention to anyone present, as if in Bei Heng's eyes, only Chen Xi was worthy of his treatment like this.

"Unexpectedly, this guy's backer turned out to be an Earth Immortal who broke the catastrophe. It seems that it is very difficult to get back the Nine-Character Mantra Town Spirit Talisman and the Stupa Pagoda. No matter, let's get in touch with him first. At worst, after killing him, Run away." In the shadows far away, the master of the Brahma Hall covered in black robe said solemnly.

"Master Brahma, that kid has returned to Liuyun Sword Sect with Beiheng, how should we get in touch with him?" Feng Ming felt that his throat was a little dry, Chen Xi's backing made him feel terrified, faintly With the idea of ​​giving up.

"Wait! I don't believe that he will stay in the Liuyun Sword Sect for the rest of his life." The master of the Brahma Temple gritted his teeth and said, "I lost the magic talisman. Compared with the punishment of the master, I would rather offend a catastrophe earth immortal."

"What Master Fandian said is very true, then let's live in Longyuan City now. Even if we wait ten or eight years, we must grab the magic talisman!" Mentioning the word "Master", Feng Ming seemed to be Thinking of some unbearable lake surfaces, Lingling couldn't help shivering, knowing in her heart that if she couldn't get back the magic talisman, what awaited her was probably the most terrible torture in the world.


So far, Longyuan City's Qianlong Ranking Competition has come to an end, because the appearance of Beiheng has completely dispelled the intentions of all major forces to snatch the Buddha Pagoda on Chen Xi's body.It also proves from the side that Liuyun Sword Sect really has an Earth Immortal-level powerhouse, not a legend.

On this day, too many things happened, but among all the things, there was always a shadow of a person, that was Chen Xi, who killed 96 elite disciples of the Su family and 32 mysterious and strange monks by himself. Conquering the Buddha Trial Tower, and becoming sworn brother Jinlan with the Supreme Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect...

This young man who came out of the backcountry-like Pine Mist City is like a dazzling star, shining with endless light today, like the climax of the sky, which is unforgettable.

It can be foreseen that in the days to come, Chen Xi's name and his deeds are destined to spread throughout Longyuan City and the entire southern border cultivation world!


ps: I finally got this big plot done, and I breathed a sigh of relief. In the past few weeks, I have updated the [-] words every day, and there have been some mistakes. Many book friends have corrected them. When I have time, I will sort out the plot and correct these small things Thank you again for your support.

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