divine talisman

Chapter 1530 The Treasure Hunt [Part 1]

Thank you xhao 100000 for the reward, to be promoted to the platinum leader, and to spread flowers~~~


In one step, a large array of divine talismans was built!

Among them, the divine brilliance was transpiring, the divine aura overflowed, and a terrifying aura spread out, covering this piece of heaven and earth.

Everyone was horrified and felt unbelievable.

Even though they already knew that Chen Xi was a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, but in their cognition, Chen Xi was only at the Immortal King Realm. No one could have imagined that he could actually be able to do so at this very instant, relying solely on his own cultivation. Build a forbidden god!

What makes them feel unacceptable is that this is the place where they are too educated!Now, Chen Xi, an outsider, is setting up an formation here to counter them. This is simply... absurd!

But no matter what, it all happened.

The divine prohibition shrouded the 36 true disciples of the Supreme Master Sect, and they were all trapped in it. They could no longer join forces and could only fight on their own.


And taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi brazenly mobilized, and wanted to use all his strength to completely surrender and collect the "fallen treasure copper coins" with the help of Da Luotian.

This thing is constantly struggling, and if it stays there, it will only restrict Chen Xi's situation, and he will not be able to kill the enemy as he pleases.

This situation is also applicable to Yin Huaikong. He also urgently needs to use the "Treasure Falling Copper Coin" to break through the Great Luotian and take away all the innate spiritual treasures, otherwise he will not be able to kill Chen Xi with all his strength.

Originally, he had hoped that other fellow disciples would go out together, entangle Chen Xi, and give him time to do all of this, but now Chen Xi sacrificed a divine ban in an instant, trapping those disciples in it, and within a short period of time, they could do it again. Unable to help.

Therefore, the moment Chen Xi attacked, Yin Huaikong also dispatched, and the target was Da Luotian.

"Hmph! Little thing, I didn't expect her strength to rise to such a level after only a few months of absence. Could it be that she has reached the level of a demigod?"

Amid the chilling and chilling voice, Yin Huaikong soared into the air and slashed away with the long black sword, preventing Chen Xi from approaching Da Luotian at all.


Chen Xi had no choice but to shake it with the sword of Dao'er.

He knew very well that Yin Huaikong was obviously trying to entangle him and stall for time, so that other disciples of the Taishang Sect would take this opportunity to break the formation, thereby disrupting his plan.

After all, the Divine Forbidden also needs Chen Xi's power to maintain it.

Therefore, Chen Xi didn't intend to delay with him at all, and as soon as he made a move, he used his full strength.


Chen Xi shouted loudly, and the Dao'e sword flew across the sky, wrapped in a clear sword lotus, filled with a surging divine luster, and slashed away.

This sword is full of power to destroy the world, obscure and mysterious, as if it should not be possessed by the Three Realms at all, it is too fast and terrifying.

This sword came from the incomplete pattern on the Fragment of the River Map. It was the power contained in a blood-stained incomplete sword. Ever since Chen Xi happened to see it, he had often studied it and pondered it, which made him gain a lot.

Even, his current kendo cultivation is faintly about to break through, a sign of advancing to the realm of the sword emperor!

Now, with his semi-divine cultivation base, he used this sword with all his strength. The power was simply indescribable, and the world fell into a dead silence, only the Qingyue sword chant resounded.

The elephant is invisible, and the sound is loud!

This sword, just because it is too strong, has a kind of prosperity and the power of returning to the source.


"not good!"

Yin Huaikong's eyes suddenly dilated, and his heart felt chills. Chen Xi's sword made him smell a deadly and dangerous aura. It was so terrifying that it stimulated the pores of his whole body to stand on end.

It never occurred to him that Chen Xi's control over the way of the sword had reached such a frightening level, and it was precisely because of this that he appeared so frightened and appalled.

He didn't dare to hesitate, he took a deep breath suddenly, the whole person's aura suddenly became violent, his long hair fluttered, and his clothes fluttered, as if a god was reviving in his body.

Obviously, Yin Huaikong intends to sacrifice some kind of forbidden method.


But he was still a bit slow. Chen Xi's sword was too fast, and he didn't even have time to react, and it crushed him. The sword's intent was surging, and it sealed his way out, and he couldn't avoid it.

With a bang, Yin Huaikong was forced to be helpless, he could only be forced to shake it hard, his whole body was thrown away by a sword, trembling all over his body, his face became distorted and ferocious, almost spurting blood.

The power of this blow was so terrifying that it almost made him lose his energy and energy. It felt like being crushed hard by a hundred thousand mountains, and his bones made a cracking sound of being overwhelmed.

So strong!

Yin Huaikong's expression changed in astonishment. The strength displayed by Chen Xi was not ordinary, and exceeded his expectations.


Before he could slow down, Chen Xi charged again violently, with the same terrifying swordsmanship, assisted by the Dao E sword, the power and influence had reached the point of astonishing the world.

bang bang bang...

One blow failed, Yin Huaikong was seized by Chen Xi, and he was beaten back and forth in a row. He was dwarfed by comparison. The power contained in each sword made him tremble all over his body, his face turned pale, and he had no room to resist at all, so he could only be passive. Parry.

It's not that Yin Huaikong is not strong, but that Chen Xi's current fighting power has surpassed him by a head!

Although he had already set foot in the Conferred God Realm, after all, he suppressed the realm now and kept at the level of the Immortal King Realm, while Chen Xi's strength had already surpassed the Immortal King Realm and stood at the peak of the Semi-God Realm.

Only in comparison to his cultivation base, Yin Huaikong is already inferior.

And on the fairy treasure, Chen Xi's sword of evil is born to restrain the disaster inheritance of the Supreme Master Sect. In terms of fighting methods, the methods and power controlled by Chen Xi are not inferior to Yin Huaikong at all, and even have Let it go!

Under such circumstances, what would Yin Huaikong use to contend against Chen Xi?



Another sword slash came, this time, although Yin Huaikong blocked it, he was so shocked that he couldn't help coughing up blood, his whole body was like a sandbag, smashed into the void, and fell to the ground fiercely, in extreme embarrassment .

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi abruptly withdrew his hands, his figure flashed, and grabbed Da Luotian in the air again.

Because he knew that even if he seized the opportunity at this time, he would not be able to kill Yin Huaikong at all. The reason was that the opponent was a Conferred God after all, and once his seal was released, his strength would get a terrifying boost.

At that time, he might have been able to fight with him, but if he wanted to take Da Luotian back, it might be too late.


Streams of terrifying divine power surged out from Chen Xi's palm, and they were used in the Da Luo Heaven, and they ruthlessly suppressed that "falling copper coin".

The three fallen copper coins wailed and trembled violently, almost out of pocket.

"Bastard! I want you to die!"

Suddenly, Yin Huaikong's roar was heard from a distance, his voice was filled with endless anger, his face was ferocious and gloomy, his forehead was distorted with bursting veins.

He is the great disciple of the Supreme Master, a god who has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements!

But now, being forced by Chen Xi to such an extent that even the "Treasure Falling Copper Coin" is about to be confiscated!This kind of gap and blow made him fall into a rage as if he had been greatly humiliated.


He was full of breath, violent like a prison, tearing through time and space to kill violently.

At this time, Chen Xi was only one step away from taking back Da Luotian. If Yin Huaikong interrupted him, it would be a waste of time.

The situation is urgent!

At this moment, a flash of determination suddenly flashed in Chen Xi's black eyes, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of golden essence blood towards Da Luotian.

At the same time, he backhanded a sword, angrily slashed at Yin Huaikong who was rushing towards him.


The confrontation between the two is like two cosmic stars colliding, producing a terrifying wave, spreading in all directions, and smashing the heavens and the earth in all directions.

Before all this was over, almost at the same time, a shocking rumbling wave resounded immediately after.

With the blessing of Chen Xi's original essence and blood, Da Luotian's might surged violently, bursting into dazzling starlight, and in an instant, he severely suppressed and surrendered that "fallen precious copper coin".

Then with a buzzing sound, it fell into Chen Xi's hands.

"Do not--!!"

In the blazing brilliance, Yin Huaikong's extremely frightened and unwilling roar resounded through the sky, and looking at him again, his face was distorted into a ball, and tyrannical divine flames surged from his eyes, as if he was about to be incinerated sky.

The precious copper coins were taken away!

He worked so hard to refine it together with everyone's strength, relying on the treasure that is the strongest killer's mace, before he had time to display its power, Chen Xi took the opportunity to surrender!

How could Yin Huaikong endure such a severe blow?

Even, in his eyes, it not only means the loss of "Luobao Copper Coin", but also the loss of "God Binding Cable", "Nine Heavens Breathing Soil", "Zhou Xukong Releases Lamp", "Da Luotian" and other divine treasures!

This is the reason why Yin Huaikong is most angry.


At this time, the divine ban placed by Chen Xi was also broken, and the 36 trapped true disciples of the Supreme Sect tried their best to escape.

Being able to get out of trouble originally made them all excited, but when they heard Yin Huaikong's roar full of anger and unwillingness, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

"What happened, big brother?"

"Elder Brother, what's wrong?"

The crowd came roaring.

"A bunch of trash! It takes so long to break a god's ban, what's the use of you!?"

Yin Huaikong was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. Seeing that these fellow disciples had just escaped from the predicament at this time, he roared loudly as if he had found an outlet.

The faces of everyone being scolded were cloudy and uncertain, and they were aggrieved.

"What are you still doing, why don't you kill this bastard!"

Yin Huai was furious.


At this moment, Chen Xi had already slashed at him with a sword, the sword intent was vast and invincible.


Seeing this, Yin Huaikong's eyes were about to burst, and the black long sword in his hand flew into the air, and he slashed fiercely.

With a bang, his whole body was shaken back again, his muscles and bones were crackling, and he was about to collapse, and a trace of blood spilled from his mouth.

This was driving him crazy, his chest was about to explode with anger, it was really aggrieved that such a majestic god should be forced to such a point.


How could the other disciples dare to be negligent at this time, they all surrounded and killed Chen Xi from all directions, one by one shot out in anger, no one dared to keep their strength anymore.


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