divine talisman

Chapter 1635 Gou Chen Descendants

The scene was deserted, but Chen Xi was contented. It was the first time he had the opportunity to taste the high-standard dishes of the God Realm. The ingredients were dazzling, all of which were rare and precious. Even the wines he brewed were hard to come by outsiders.

Putting it in the Three Realms, such a feast is like the legendary gluttonous banquet, and it is impossible to find it.

However, after Chen Xi tasted the delicious taste and heat of these delicacies, he found that they were somewhat unsatisfactory. He even felt that it would definitely be better if he cooked them himself.

After all, he used to be a legendary master chef!

"This Huoyue Zhouyu is the central center of the entire Snow Ink Region. The products and commerce here must be extremely prosperous. It's just a pity that there are powerful enemies from the outside world. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to go shopping... "

Chen Xi suddenly sighed in his heart, he was still thinking about finding some divine materials, and re-sacrificing the sword talisman to improve its power and quality, but now it seems that at least in this snow and ink field, it is impossible to achieve it .

Houtian Lingbao is roughly divided into lower, middle, and upper levels, and each level is divided into three levels, collectively referred to as the third level and the ninth level.

For example, the first, second and third rank Houtian god treasures are collectively referred to as lower-rank god treasures, which can be used by the real god Dongwei.

Fourth, fifth, and sixth rank Houtian Divine Treasures are mid-level Divine Treasures, and their power can meet the needs of Dongguang Lingshen.

By analogy, the upper-level divine treasures of the seventh, eighth, and ninth ranks are treasures prepared for the ancestor god of Dongyu.

The sword talisman is not an innate spiritual treasure, and its current power is barely stronger than that of the third-rank lower-rank Houtian divine treasure, but it is not as powerful as the fourth-rank middle-rank divine treasure.

That is to say, the current Chen Xi has already stepped into the spiritual realm of Dongguang, and is close to the perfection of the spiritual realm, but the power of the sword in his hand is still at the level of the true god of Dongwei, which is naturally far from being satisfactory. Chen Xi's battle needs.

Therefore, if the divine sword is not to be replaced, it is imperative to increase the power of the sword talisman.

Unfortunately, due to the situation, Chen Xi had no chance to stay longer in the Snow Ink Region. If he wanted to improve the quality of the sword talisman, he could only take one step at a time.

Fortunately, in addition to the sword talisman, he has other treasures on his body, so that he will not be stretched in battle.

"Forget it, this time in the Star Hunting Conference, I have hunted a large number of beast cores, which can be exchanged for a lot of wealth. When the time comes to find a place to buy Shenzhen, at least I don't have to worry about money."

Chen Xi pondered silently, making plans for his next actions.

I don't know how long it has passed, but suddenly, a melodious and heavenly cry came from outside Shuiyun Palace.

Accompanied by the sound, wisps of refreshing fragrance burst out, the fragrance makes people feel at ease, like the fragrance of the Tao, it is indescribably wonderful.

This scene immediately made the lively atmosphere in the hall quiet, and many people stopped their movements and looked out of the hall together.

Even those big shots were no exception, but there was surprise and doubt in their expressions, obviously they didn't guess anything.

Only the Empress Yu Che on the main seat in the center squinted her pair of deep and clear eyes in a rare way, and she could vaguely see a cyan glow like cold electricity bursting out from the depths of her eyes!

"My lord empress, it seems to be..." A flash of lightning suddenly shot out from Yun Qing's eyes, as if he had guessed something.There was a look of surprise on the old and indifferent face.

"Prepare to welcome guests." Empress Yu Che softly uttered two words.


The fragrance of the Tao is blurred, and the sound is like the sound of Zen, making the hall, the world, and all things seem to become quiet at this moment.

All the people in the hall had stopped speaking in unison, with a hint of surprise in their expressions. Although the movement was not big, it was quite astonishing.

Who is coming?

Under the gaze of all these eyes, a treasure chariot suddenly drove up in the dark night sky outside the main hall.

Like a flash of fire piercing through the eternal night, it is dazzling.

It was a treasure chariot with a gilded canopy, elegant and dignified, surrounded by 36 magnificent divine clouds, permeated with Taoist fragrance, and pulled by four tall fire kylins in front of it, the mighty power released a forceful momentum.

Canopy Yunxiang car!

Many people's pupils shrank suddenly, their faces showed a touch of shock, and they recognized the origin of this treasure chariot.

This treasure chariot, the only one in the entire ancient God Realm, is the vehicle of Emperor Gouchen, the lord of the Arctic Territory, and can travel through ten realms a day and travel through thousands of universes!

Could it be that Emperor Gouchen came to visit?

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it. The Antarctic Region was close to the central Imperial Region. It was vast and vast, far from being comparable to the Xuemo Region.

In particular, the Great Emperor Gochen, who is as famous as the Zhenwu Emperor of the Beiguang Region and the Ziwei Emperor of the Black Obsidian Region, is a legendary and shocking figure among the many domain masters of the Ancient God Domain.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi knew nothing about it, so he couldn't be too surprised. He didn't even have time to mentally comprehend these things, and he was still concentrating on deducing how many kinds of treasures he should find to sacrifice in order to make the power of the divine talisman completely. Metamorphosis occurs.

Soon, everyone in the main hall breathed a sigh of relief. In their field of vision, the Huagai Yunxiang car parked outside the main hall. Immediately afterwards, a young man in silver robes, accompanied by an old man, got off the chariot.

Obviously, it was not Emperor Gouchen who came here this time!

But everyone still didn't dare to be negligent, because the status of those who can come here in the Huagai Yunxiang car is definitely not simple.

That young man in sable fur and silver robe was full of arrogance, his complexion showed streaks of strange light golden thunder patterns, and there was an unconcealable arrogance surging in his bones, domineering and disdainful.

Looking from a distance, one can see that this son is extraordinary, he is the arrogance of the world, possessing the talent and capital that can stand out from the crowd.

On the contrary, the old man beside him looked very ordinary, with a gray coat and black hat, an ordinary face, a thin body bent, and he followed the young man step by step.

But the big shots present here were terrified. With their abilities, they couldn't see the depth of the old man!

The old and the young came in a Huagaiyunxiang car, one was radiant and the other was unfathomable, making the atmosphere of the audience become silent.

In this silence, the silver-robed young man strode into the hall with his hands behind his back. Every step he took, the wind and thunder surged, and the thunder light bloomed under his feet, which was extremely frightening.

"Antarctic Region, Xun Yangping, Falling Heaven Palace, met Empress Yu Che." The silver-robed youth stopped before the main seat in the center, then slightly cupped his hands, and laughed out loud.

Even in the face of Empress Yu Che, there was an unconcealable sense of contempt and arrogance flowing from him.

Antarctic domain.

Falling Heaven Palace.

Still surnamed Xun!

Hearing these words, everyone in the room gasped. This guy is indeed a descendant of Emperor Gouchen!

Because that Jiangxiao Palace was the place where Emperor Gochen practiced Taoism, and most importantly, everyone knew that Emperor Gochen's name was Xun Liankuang!

This silver-robed young man called himself Xun Yangping, how could everyone not guess the origin of the other party?

At this moment, even Chen Xi couldn't help raising his head unexpectedly, glanced at Xun Yangping's back, shook his head immediately, lowered his head and continued to deduce.

No matter how amazing the other party's background was, at best, he was just a strong Dongguang Spiritual God, and he had nothing to do with him, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

There are so many illustrious people in this world, is it possible to pay attention to the other when one comes?That's a waste of time and pointless.

"Oh, when I saw your father in the Antarctic region, you were just a toddler, but now you are already this big." Empress Yu Che said, her eyes were as clear as water, without ripples, her voice was as indifferent as usual .

She recognized him, he was the No. 13 son of Emperor Gou Chen, with a domineering and arrogant personality, and he had gained a great reputation in the Antarctic Region in recent years.

Hearing that Empress Yu Che regarded herself as an elder, and even talking about when he was a toddler, Xun Yangping's expression froze for a moment, and he laughed loudly: "Unexpectedly, Her Majesty still remembers me."

The sound shook the hall, rumbling like thunder, making everyone present frown, this guy is really crazy, even if he is a descendant of Emperor Gouchen, he is only a junior when facing Empress Yu Che.

"I don't know why Mr. Xun came to my Xuemoyu this time?" Empress Yu Che seemed not to care, and said indifferently.

"It's not worth talking about being expensive. I just traveled here by chance. I heard that the Star Hunting Conference held this time has ended. I couldn't help but be curious, so I came to meet my fellows."

Xun Yangping smiled casually, "My lord empress, don't you blame me for coming here uninvited?"

It turned out to be just passing by...

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but secretly sighed, this descendant of Emperor Gouchen was so imposing, and even making such a big commotion when he entered and exited Shuiyun Palace, he was probably the only one in this world who would dare to do so.

"When friends come from afar, you should welcome them."

Empress Yu Che stood up suddenly, and swept her eyes across the hall, "Everyone, let me introduce to you, this is the No. 13 son of Emperor Gochen, the lord of the Antarctic Region. environment, he is a rare genius."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

"My lord empress is overwhelmed. I am obsessed with cultivation. This time I went out to visit many gods, and I also wanted to find more opportunities to exchange ideas with my peers."

Xun Yang paused for a moment, "Now I heard that this hall has gathered the most outstanding disciples of Tianjiao from the Spiritual God Realm of Xuemo Realm. I wonder if I can let my son take this opportunity to ask everyone for advice?"

At the end, he straightened up, with light golden thunder patterns surging all over his body, looking down and arrogantly, his gaze swept across the audience like lightning.

Sure enough, the visitor was not good!

Everyone's heart trembled when they heard the words, the other party came here to challenge those top disciples in the spiritual realm.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere suddenly became silent and tense.

"This guy is really boring." Chen Xi frowned, and muttered in his heart, he couldn't concentrate on deducing it because of Xun Yangping's loud voice.

"Unfortunately, the Star Hunting Conference is over..." Empress Yu Che seemed a little surprised, but she spoke calmly immediately.

However, before she could finish speaking, Xun Yangping interrupted with a big laugh, "Isn't this the best opportunity to learn from each other? If there is no fighting to add to the fun at the banquet, it would be too boring."

This time, Empress Yu Che frowned in a rare way, her clear eyes were filled with coldness, as if she was irritated by Xun Yangping's rude attitude!


ps: Tomorrow, when the children's shoes get married, there will be one change guaranteed, and the second change will depend on the situation. If there is no change, it will be made up.Alas, Jinyu suddenly found out that his friends in children's shoes have been getting married in the past two years. Why is this? Isn't it good to be a quiet single dog!

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