divine talisman

Chapter 1669 Dogen's True Face

While talking, everyone has arrived at that ancestral source.

This is a collapsed canyon. The center of the canyon is piled up with chaotic rocks, which is barren, and that emerald green beam of light spews out from the chaotic rocks.

Shen Xi was transpiring, and wisps of ancestral spirit permeated the air.

Those ancestral spirits are as transparent as amber, and their divinity is extraordinary. Although they are just wisps and extremely ethereal, all ascetics know that, don't look down upon them, just a few wisps of ancestral spirits are enough to crush an entire city. One hundred thousand mountains!

The ancestral source is the area where the ancestral spirit is born, and the ancestral root is born in it.


Suddenly, a piece of ruins in the canyon vibrated and shattered, and a black, three-legged, elephant-sized beast rushed out, with a single horn growing on its head.


The whole body of this ferocious beast was filled with a violent and divine aura, and its arrogance was overwhelming. With a roar, it shattered the wind and clouds in all directions, and changed the color of the world.

"Hehe, we're lucky. It's just a three-legged black beast guarding the sixth-rank ancestral source Daogen." Le Wuhen was not surprised but delighted.

While speaking, the three-legged black barbarian roared, crushing time and space, rushing towards it, and suddenly a divine halo appeared in a single horn above its head, black and deep, soul-stirring.

"Sinister! Are you going to catch him without a fight?"

Le Wuhen looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. With a clang, he reached out and grabbed a short bronze spear on his back, holding it in his hand, and swept it lightly.


The short spear surged with majestic divine power, crushing time and space into turbulent currents.

With a bang, the force of this blow was extremely domineering, not only shattering the black circle of light, but under this blow, the three-legged black beast was smashed to pieces, flesh and blood flew all over the place, without even screaming. In time to issue.


Le Wuhen put away the short spear, clapped his hands, and said casually: "Whoever needs this sixth-grade ancestral root, get it by yourself."

From the beginning to the end, it was as if he had done an ordinary thing, and he looked very chic.

"This guy's fighting power is amazing, he's more than 01:30 points stronger than Yu Qiujing." Chen Xi was thoughtful.

In his opinion, among their group, Le Wuhen and Shentu Yanran are roughly equal in strength, Yu Qiujing is slightly second, and the most invisible one is Zhuan Yushui. A strong man in the God Realm who refines his body, his combat power should not be underestimated.

Those ascetics hesitated for a while. This is just a sixth-grade Taoist root. They didn't look down on it, but they had hope, thinking that they might be able to find a better Taoist root in the future, so they hesitated.

According to the agreed distribution principle, when one person has the ancestral Dao root, it is the turn of other people, in order, unless everyone gets a Dao root each, maybe there is hope for a second chance, but That opportunity is undoubtedly too small.

Moreover, the time may not be enough at all.

In fact, this kind of thinking is not difficult to understand. If the entire ancestral land only has this one Dao root, they may not hesitate to fight for it.

But now, there are too many opportunities for them to choose, instead, many other thoughts are born in their hearts, always thinking that the next time they meet, it must be of a higher grade than this one, but as for the result, even they themselves don't know. Not sure.

That's why they are so hesitant and cautious.

In the end, one person walked out and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wuhen for your help, I will collect this sixth-grade Dao root."

This person was dressed in black, with a good appearance and a sophisticated and calm demeanor. His name was Wei Zifu.

"You are welcome, Zi Fu, you are all from your own family, go and get it quickly." Le Wuhen smiled, he appreciated the other party's choice.

Don't look at them looking for an ancestral source without any effort, but as more and more ascetics enter this place, it will not be so easy to get another good-grade dao root.

Wei Zifu can make such a choice at this moment, although it seems very conservative, but it is undoubtedly very wise.


In the next moment, Wei Zifu had already plunged into the canyon, and came to the chaotic pile of steaming gods and ancestral spirits.

He took a deep breath, leaned over carefully, and used his means to shatter the pile of rocks, revealing a dazzling emerald green light cluster, like a small emerald green sun.

At this moment, even Chen Xi couldn't help but take a closer look. It was the first time he saw Zuyuan Daogen, so he was very curious.

The emerald green light group is about the size of a fist, extremely gorgeous, surrounded by a thick and pure ancestral spirit, sacred and extraordinary.

With Chen Xi's current eyesight, he noticed almost instantly that it is a Dao root, rather it is a kind of power that contains a majestic ancestral spirit, and it seems to have infinite vitality in it, like a seed, like a seed. As long as you give it a piece of soil, it can take root and grow into a towering tree in an instant.

The so-called "soil" is naturally the foundation of the ascetic's own divine way.

This is also easy to understand.


Wei Zifu flicked his sleeves suddenly, and a burst of red glow burst out, wrapped up the emerald green light, and put it into a jade box that had been prepared in his hand.

Immediately, Wei Zifu sealed the jade box with a kind of divine prohibition, he was relieved, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

With the ancestral source Daogen, when it hits the ancestral god realm, it is no longer a rootless duckweed, and has the most basic conditions for advancement.

"Okay, let's go, the more time we delay, the greater the competition will be."

At that moment, Le Wuhen gave an order, and led the crowd to start the action again.

"Fellow Daoist Wuhen, how do you judge the rank of the ancestor Daogen?" On the way, Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Le Wuhen said with a smile: "It's very simple. The colors released by Dao roots of different grades are also different. They are roughly divided into black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, corresponding to The nine grades of the ancestral Daogen."

"The black is the worst, the turbidity is unbearable, and the purple energy is the most abundant, which is the atmosphere of the emperor."

"Ancestral Dao roots of the same grade actually have their own advantages and disadvantages. They can be roughly divided into three levels: ordinary, superior, and top-notch. Like this sixth-grade ancestral Dao root, it is emerald green in color, pure and clear, with a halo of The ancestral spirit is pure and thick, and it can be called the top level of the sixth rank."

After hearing all of this, Chen Xi suddenly realized, and finally understood that that ninth-rank emperor-level ancestral dao root must have shown purple divine brilliance.


Because of Wei Zifu's example, the hearts of the other ascetics were filled with enthusiasm, full of anticipation for the next action, and gearing up.

But to their disappointment, after a whole day, they were unable to find another ancestral source. This result made many people faintly feel regret, and on the contrary, they were a little envious of Wei Zifu's original choice. .

Fortunately, there was plenty of time, and they were not in a hurry.

Regarding this, Le Wuhen had a foresight long ago, but he didn't say much, because he knew that as he got closer to the core area of ​​the ancestral land, the area where Daogen could be found would also increase.

The only trouble is that by that time, the number of ascetics will inevitably increase, and competition and friction will inevitably arise.

During this process, Chen Xi kept thinking about one thing, and that was the attitude of the temple guards towards him.

Why did he waive the assessment and let their group arrive at the land of ancestral origin safely?

Could it be that he saw something wrong with himself?

Almost out of an instinct, Chen Xi connected all of this with the fragments of the river map, the blood-stained remnant sword, and even the inheritance of the owner of the iron sword.

The two ancient characters of "Huang" and "Xuan" once appeared in the fragments of the river map, faintly pointing the clues to the ancient ruins of Mang.

And after entering the ruins of Manggu, the blood-stained broken sword changed, and by chance, I obtained the inheritance of the owner of the iron sword, and thus comprehended the "Original Heart Sutra" and "The Secret Sword of the Heart", which made me His combat effectiveness has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, before he arrived at this ancestral land, he had a feeling in his heart, and he felt that there seemed to be something faintly calling him in the north direction.

And this ancestral land is located in the true north direction he judged at the beginning.

Therefore, when the temple keeper suddenly avoided a test because of himself, Chen Xi immediately felt that the change in the temple keeper's attitude was probably related to these things.

However, what made it difficult for Chen Xi to judge was whether it was because of the fragments of the river map, or because of the inheritance of the blood-stained broken sword?

Along the way, he was thinking about this question, but he couldn't get a definite answer for a long time.

"That's... seventh-rank monarch-level ancestral Daogen!" Suddenly, an exclamation came out, awakening Chen Xi who was deep in thought.

He raised his eyes and saw the enemy far away, a cyan beam of light piercing into the sky, brilliant and vast.

"Jun-level ancestral source Daogen!"

The breaths of those ascetics became heavy, their eyes sparkled, and they made no secret of their fervent possessiveness.

This is a rare treasure that cannot be found. Although it is only one rank higher than the sixth-grade Daogen, the benefits it brings are worlds apart!

Even Le Wuhen, Shentu Yanran and the others were startled, a little surprised, their luck must be very good.

Ancestor Daogen of this level, even they are very excited.

Without any hesitation, a group of people swarmed and roared towards the blue beam of light.

This is a deep mountain, and that cyan beam of light gushes out from it.

However, when Chen Xi and his party arrived and saw clearly the scene in the deep mountain, it was as if someone had poured cold water on them, and the hope and excitement in their hearts disappeared.

In that deep mountain, lay a huge beast dripping with blood. It had obviously just died not long ago, and there were traces of battles everywhere in this land of thousands of miles.

Chen Xi and the others still don't understand that someone has already arrived before them?

A cultivator did not give up, rushed to the blue beam of light, searched carefully, but found nothing in the end, and his face suddenly darkened.

"Damn! We came a step late, but that is a monarch-level ancestral root!" Some people were indignant and extremely unwilling.

The other ascetics were also disappointed and depressed.

"It seems that we need to change our action strategy." Le Wuhen said suddenly, pondering.


ps: Just now, there was a tragic power outage, and the goldfish has already entered the code word. It will be 10 hours until the early morning today. Please encourage the monthly ticket~


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