divine talisman

Chapter 1695

The color of the world changed, and everything wailed.

Before Luo Shaonong and Gongye Zhefu could make a move, they had already demonstrated their arrogance and made a sensation in all directions.

Even Chen Xi had to admit at this moment that these two were comparable to the supreme gods and gods. Their bodies were full of auras, and their auras were round and accessible. They had obviously reached the extreme state of the spirit and god realm, which was enough to be called a peerless one in a million. figure.

In fact, from their rankings on the list of Conferred Gods, one can know that those who can rank among the top ten must not be underestimated.

This cognition did not bring much burden to Chen Xi, his expression was still calm and indifferent, without any disturbance.

Only in the pair of Ruyuan's black eyes, there was a smoldering fighting intent that began to boil quietly.

That's right, the previous battle with Zhai Jun and his party never allowed Chen Xi to exert his full strength. If he hadn't intended to commit more crimes and completely offended the powerful forces behind the opponent, it would have been impossible for them to persevere until now.

Of course, if Chen Xi was completely enraged, he would not care about the power behind the other party.

Know and stop, and then be brave.

This is Chen Xi's style of acting.


When they were a hundred feet away from Chen Xi, Luo Shaonong and Gongye Zhefu stopped together, and their incomparably huge auras had locked onto Chen Xi from afar.

Between the three, a three-legged confrontation is faintly formed, but everyone knows that this is not a three-legged confrontation, but two against one!

They are two unrivaled figures who are among the top ten spiritual gods on the list of gods, fighting against a young man whose name has not yet appeared on the list of gods!

The atmosphere is chilling and silent.

Zhai Jun and the others ignored their injuries, they were all excited, eagerly looking forward to it, hoping that Luo Shaonong and the others would go out and capture and kill Chen Xi in one fell swoop, avenging them.

"Under the circumstances, we can only take action together to solve it quickly. If it is normal, I may be very interested in confronting an opponent like you, but it is definitely not now."

Luo Shaonong looked at Chen Xi leisurely, and his words were understated. A round of thunder world was projected behind him, floating slowly, making his might even more terrifying.

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, if you hand over the Xuanwu Sword and the eighth-grade Daogen in your hand now, and take the initiative to retreat and go down the mountain, not only will I not blame the past, but maybe I will make friends with you, you... how about?"

Although the inside and outside of the words are plain, but there is a kind of disdain, bossy, as if pointing the country.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that the other party recognized the origin of Xuan Wu Sword, and immediately he said indifferently: "You seem to have made a mistake, I came here because of that emperor plant The second is to take back the ninth-rank dao root and the three seventh-rank dao roots you snatched from fellow Taoist Zhuan Yushui."

Luo Shaonong was startled, as if he was a little surprised that Chen Xi dared to talk to him like this.

Before he could speak, he heard Chen Xi continue: "Oh, there is one more thing. You have to take this opportunity to settle the matter of you hurt fellow Daoists Le Wuhen and the others before."

Everyone was stunned, and almost felt that their ears had heard it wrong. At this point, instead of restraining himself, this guy became even more arrogant. He simply didn't know what to do!

This time, Luo Shaonong was completely laughed out of anger, clapping his hands and exclaiming: "How courageous! You are the first person in this world who dares to talk to me like that! Just because of this, I will leave a whole body for you. I won't let you die in the wild."

"Brother Luo, why are you talking so much nonsense with him? Do you really think this guy will appreciate it?"

Gongye Zhefu said coldly, his murderous intentions were fully revealed, he did not intend to let Chen Xi go this time.

Whether it was because of Shentu Yanran or Zhen Liuqing, he had a heartfelt loathing for Chen Xi.

This feeling is very strange, like jealousy, but he will never admit it. In this world, there is no one worthy of his jealousy!

"I forgot to say, before you repeatedly uttered insults, I have been putting up with you, but you didn't know what to do, and kicked your nose and face. This time, we should also settle the score."

Chen Xi's eyes shifted to Gongye Zhefu, and he spoke indifferently, because of Zhen Liuqing, a wave of anger had already accumulated deep in his heart, if he continued to bear it like this, then he, Chen Xi, would simply not be a man.

"Hehe, that's great, it's really enough to be arrogant! Brother Luo, if you hesitate any longer, I'll make a move ahead of time!"

Gongye Zhefu's voice was cold, and his words were like knives, extremely pressing. Obviously, he had been irritated by Chen Xi, and he felt that this was a provocation to his dignity.

Luo Shaonong sighed softly, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since this is the case, then we have to do it."

The voice fell.

A terrifying murderous intent spread out from Luo Shaonong's body like a tidal wave, covering the entire world, and a round of thunder thundered from the world behind him, making people shudder.


Almost at the same time, Gongye Zhefu's purple eyes overflowed with divine light, like a God of War who swallowed mountains and rivers, between his palms, there was quietly covered with a layer of dense texture like scales, glowing with metallic luster, exuding an extremely terrifying aura .

This is the "Canglin Hand", a supreme Taoism inherited from the Gongye clan, with a light grasp, it can tear apart the universe and crush the sun, moon and stars!


Chen Xi's clothes were loose, with a long sword in his hand, he was unafraid.


Before they could do anything, the terrifying coercion between the three had collided and confronted each other, producing waves of deafening roars that spread in all directions, throwing the entire world into chaos.

The people in the distance were horrified and retreated one after another, fearing that they would be affected and cause trouble.

They also knew that even if Chen Xi was killed in this battle, with today's victory, it was enough to cause an uproar in the Ancient God Realm.

Of course, if all of this really happened as they expected, Chen Xi would probably be a dead man at that time, and no matter how great his reputation was, it would only make people regret and sigh with emotion.

"Wait a minute!"

But at the critical moment when the battle was about to break out, a voice resounded suddenly, and accompanied by the voice, a graceful figure flashed lightly and stood in the middle of the three!

The man was wearing a black dress, with a slender figure, and his thick black hair was inserted into a bun obliquely by a wooden hairpin, revealing a beautiful and tranquil face.

She has a pure and natural temperament, like a snow lotus on the cliff, she is indifferent to the world, she is Zhen Liuqing!

Everyone frowned, why is this woman crazy, is she still trying to prevent the outbreak of this battle?

If Zhen Liuqing hadn't been following Gongye Zhefu all this time, they would have almost spoken out to reprimand him.

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, he vaguely guessed something, and a bright light quietly flashed in the depths of his eyes.

At this moment, Gongye Zhefu also frowned tightly, his face was a little gloomy, and he said: "Liu Qing, what are you doing, step back!"

There was already a touch of scolding and coercion in the voice.

Zhen Liuqing turned her back to Chen Xi, and faced Gongye Zhefu. She seemed to have made some decision at this moment, her expression was no longer as dazed as before, and was replaced by a look of determination.

She took a deep breath, and said, "Master Zhefu, please hold your hand high and let Chen Xi go. If you promise, I promise to obey you in everything from now on, and there will be absolutely no lie!"

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't believe it, this woman actually pleaded for Chen Xi! ?how can that be?

Could it be that there is still some relationship between her and Chen Xi?

Chen Xi listened silently, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. He had never been able to understand why Zhen Liuqing ignored him, and what was the relationship with this Gongye Zhefu. He also wanted to hear what was the reason for all this.

But upon hearing this, Gongye Zhefu's face was completely gloomy, his purple eyes were filled with light, and his expression was a little ferocious, making him extremely frightening.

"As early as the first time I saw this little thing, I felt a little abnormal. Sure enough, you and him really have a relationship!"

Gongye Zhefu stared fixedly at Zhen Liuqing, he paused every word, as if squeezed out from between his teeth, revealing endless anger.

He took a deep breath, tried to suppress the anger in his heart, and said, "If it's just that, it's fine, who doesn't have some past? But now you want me to stop because of him! It's too much!"

Zhen Liuqing's face paled slightly after being scolded, but the firmness between her brows remained unchanged. She looked at Gongye Zhefu, and said in a voice almost begging: "I said, as long as you agree to this condition, I will I will listen to you from now on!"

At this moment, no matter how dull Chen Xi was, he could tell that Zhen Liuqing was worried about herself, and even for her own safety, she did not hesitate to give up the bottom line in her heart and beg Gongye Zhefu. This made Chen Xi excited and moved, It was heartache, anger, and complicated emotions to the extreme.

He couldn't hold back any longer, and said in a deep voice: "Liu Qing, what are your reasons? Come here, as long as I'm here, anyone in this world who dares to bully you will have to step over my body, Chen Xi!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately judged that Zhen Liuqing and Chen Xi had known each other for a long time, and the relationship was obviously not shallow!

Zhen Liuqing trembled all over, but she stubbornly didn't turn her head to look at Chen Xi, she just quietly clenched her hands tightly, obviously her heart was also in a violent conflict.

This made Chen Xi even more certain that Zhen Liuqing must have something to hide, otherwise she would never have been so clearly struggling and so helpless.

But even in such a situation, she still desperately wanted to help her out, which completely wiped away any trace of sourness and anger that remained in Chen Xi's heart, and what was left was only moved and distressed.

After arriving in the Ancient God Realm, what kind of encounter did she go through to put herself in such a situation?

And witnessing all this, especially feeling the strange eyes from all around, stimulated Gongye Zhefu's face to become extremely livid, almost wanting to run away.

"You... Get out of here!"

He couldn't hold back any longer, shouted angrily, and grabbed Zhen Liuqing, intending to throw her out, and settle accounts with her after killing Chen Xi.


Under this grasp, he was really angry, and his power was extremely terrifying.

Zhen Liuqing's face suddenly turned pale and transparent, but in the end she stood there motionless as if she didn't dare to resist.


At this moment, Chen Xi moved.


ps: The third update will be delivered, tomorrow I will try my best to make up the last 2 chapters owed~


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