divine talisman

Chapter 170 Nine Yang Xuan Qi

The first update!Thanks to the book friend "user 46761996" for the monthly ticket support!Uh, the first 5 digits of this number are exactly the same as those in my phone number. Is this fate?


Kexin Peak Hall.

Beiheng, Ling Kongzi, Xuanjing Old Turtle King, Qingqiu Fox King, and Chen Xi sat on the floor. Since Chen Xi's status was too special, there was no priority for the seats, so it was considered equal.

Of course, the Mu Yao siblings were also there. After all, their seniority was too low. They sat down with a room full of old monsters, and they had to shut up and listen.

The purpose of Beiheng's visit this time is very simple. He had heard that Chen Xi was about to advance to the Huang Ting realm, but he didn't have a suitable cultivation method, so he sent a carefully selected rare qi training method "Hunting Tai "Xu Gong", which contains all the formulas from the realm of Huangting to the realm of the earth fairy, is extremely mysterious, and it is a secret book of Taoism.

Seeing this, Chen Xi was overjoyed, and accepted it without hesitation.

In the past five years, he sat and comprehended the "Wan Zang Sword Manual", silently in the vast and infinite deduction, his cultivation level has not improved at all, and his body training and Qi training have been stuck in the perfect state of Zifu.

What's more, the "Ice Crane Jue" he practiced is only the Jue of the Ninth Layer of Zifu. After advancing to the realm of Huang Ting, the most urgent thing to do is to choose Qigong. he.

It was also because of this that the "Hunting Taixu Gong" sent by Beiheng could be said to have solved Chen Xi's urgent needs, and he was overjoyed.

Seeing that Chen Xi was satisfied, Bei Heng also felt very happy. He felt that his hard work was not in vain. This "Hunting Taixu Kungfu" was not the inheritance of Liuyun Sword Sect, but a Taoism that was about to be annihilated when he was traveling abroad. The things he found in the secret realm were full of inscrutable and mysterious, but because they were contrary to the skills he had cultivated, he had never practiced them, so giving them to Chen Xi was considered to be the best use of them, and the value was beyond money.

And Ling Kongzi came here to let the two demon kings, Xuanjing and Qingqiu, meet Chen Xi and reminisce about the past. Now that Xuanjing and Qingqiu have joined the Flowing Cloud Sword Sect, their bodies are full of mana, and their cultivation has reached the realm of Nirvana. The addition of Liuyun Sword Sect has greatly enhanced the strength of Liuyun Sword Sect. Of course, Ling Kongzi also understands that the reason why these two demon kings chose to join Liuyun Sword Sect is largely because of Chen Xi.

Not bad, it was indeed because of Chen Xi.

Ever since the fragments of the river map in the deep mountains of Nanman were collected by Chen Xi, the realm of the two demon kings was no longer restricted, and their cultivation base accumulated over tens of thousands of years soared all the way, reaching the realm of Nirvana in just a few years of effort.

It can be said that without Chen Xi, the two demon kings would have to stay in the Purple Mansion realm for the rest of their lives, and they would eventually die of hatred because of the exhaustion of their lifespan.Chen Xi's help to them was tantamount to the kindness of regeneration. How could they forget this kindness?

In addition, the two of them have traveled far and wide in these years, and they deeply understand that it is extremely difficult to advance to a higher level with their own strength, so they planned to choose a sect to defect to, and at that time, Chen Xi won the grand prize of the Qianlong list. Compared with the first, the news of sworn brotherhood with Bei Heng, the Supreme Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect, spread throughout the entire southern border like wings, and naturally reached the ears of these two demon kings. The two immediately decided to defect Flowing Cloud Sword Sect!

One can use Chen Xi's relationship to gain a good position in the Liuyun Sword Sect, and on the other hand, joining such a tyrannical sect as the Liuyun Sword Sect will not humiliate one's own identity.It was precisely because of the above reasons that Xuanjing and Qingqiu appeared in front of Chen Xi today.

When old friends meet again, they are very happy, drinking and talking and laughing, having a lot of fun.Seeing this, Beiheng and Ling Kongzi didn't bother them, chatted for a while and then left quietly.

"Chen Xi, a few years ago, my elder brother Xuanjing secretly did a fortune-telling for you, saying that your fate is peculiar, rare in ten thousand years, and it seems to be covered up by the secrets of the great way, and any ominous fortune cannot be predicted. It's really weird." Qingqiu said suddenly with narrowed peach blossom eyes when he was slightly tipsy from the wine.

"That's right, that's true." The old turtle king with profound eyes looked straight at Chen Xi, and sighed, "That divination cost me a hundred years of life. Meteor Dao Xiao. Brother, I originally thought that if I saw you again, I could point out a smooth road for you with the help of divination, but now it seems that your fate has been overshadowed by heavenly secrets. It’s not something that little people like me can spy on.”

Chen Xi was stunned, but he knew that the Xuanjing Old Turtle King inherited the blood of the old Turtle Clan in the ancient times, was born proficient in divination and astrology, and was especially good at observing Qi. If he said so, wouldn't it prove that this matter was true? ?

He has deduced the "Wan Zang Sword Code" in the past five years, and he has a little understanding of the changing mechanism of the hexagrams and hexagrams. He knows that the past, present, and future of the creatures in the world, all kinds of variables, all exist in fate, luck, phase, cause and effect, etc. In the mysterious and mysterious secret, and because of this, one can imagine the surprise in his heart when he learned that his fate could not be guessed.

But the so-called fate, just like luck and luck, is too illusory, like a flower in a mirror or the moon in water, elusive. Although Chen Xi doesn't fully believe it, he won't pay too much attention to it either.And he has always firmly believed that fate is determined by the sky, but it is in his own hands. Whether it is a blessing or a curse, it depends on how he treats it.

Therefore, this trace of surprise was also fleeting in his heart, without causing any waves.

"By the way, I heard that after watching the ceremony, you plan to go out to practice and participate in the Stars Conference in five years' time?" Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Xuan Jing quickly changed the subject.

"Well, yes, there are still five years left, but I am still only in the realm of the Purple Mansion, and I can only improve my cultivation extremely quickly in a life-and-death struggle." Chen Xi nodded.

"Indeed, building a car behind closed doors is worse than traveling thousands of miles. The so-called opportunities and blessings can only be encountered through experience. Now that you are about to advance to the Huangting realm, you must start absorbing the yin and yang energy of the world and tempering your true essence." , revolving yin and yang, and preparing for the advanced Liangyi Jindan realm, I think you should go to the vast desert known as the land of death." Xuanjing said with a smile.

"The desert of the vast sea?" Chen Xi asked in a daze. He never expected that Xuanjing would mention such a place. You must know that when he was hunted down by the monks of the Su family, he had no choice but to enter it. A large number of star soul stones, also entered the sword tomb of extinction, met Ling Bai...

"It is true that the vast sea desert was a battlefield of gods and demons tens of thousands of years ago. Although hurricanes raged, sandstorms roared, and there were terrifying restrictions and void cracks, there were also countless secret places, caves, and caves. Mysterious cave of nothingness. Qingqiu and I entered it a few years ago. Next to a volcanic lava that erupts all year round, we found a cave containing endless nine suns and profound energy. If you can practice there, you will definitely make progress Fast."

Nine Yang Xuan Qi!

When Chen Xi heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

The realm of Huang Ting is to absorb the yin and yang qi of heaven and earth, and temper the true essence in the body, so that the yin and yang will converge, and the dragon and the tiger will interact.And the yin and yang qi between the heaven and the earth are also divided into hundreds of types, all kinds, filled in the lava, the bottom of the water, the core of the rock, and even the inner alchemy of the flesh and blood of monsters.

Among them, the nine yang and nine yin are of the highest quality, which almost represent the original power of yin and yang in the world. If Brother Huang Ting can use these two kinds of yin and yang to temper the true Yuan, the quality is high, and the progress of cultivation is fast, far surpassing other Huang Ting monks. The most important thing is that when condensing the Liangyi Golden Pill, it can fully increase the confidence by half!

However, the two kinds of profound energy of nine suns and nine yin are indeed extremely rare in time, and they belong to the kind of gods that cannot be found. Now that there is actually the energy of nine suns and profound energy in the vast sea desert, how could Chen Xi not be moved? ?

"I want to condense the Liangyi Golden Elixir within five years. To participate in the Grand Competition of the Qianlong Ranking, I must first break through the realm of Huangting. If I can temper my true essence with the Nine Yang Xuan Qi, it will definitely play a huge role in getting twice the result with half the effort. It seems It is imperative to go to the vast desert..."

Chen Xi pondered silently, and immediately decided to set off for the Vast Sea Desert after the Liuyun Sword Sect's entrance test was over.

After being idle for a while, Xuanjing and Qingqiu also left one after another, leaving only Chen Xi and Mu Yao siblings in the hall.

After these five years of cultivation, Mu Yao and his brother have both advanced to the realm of the Purple Mansion. It can be said that the progress is amazing and amazing. It can also be seen that the two of them practiced in the Du family and were taken care of by Du Qingxi. The treatment they received was inevitable. No worse than other elite disciples.However, the two of them are not members of the Du family after all, and now they choose Liuyun Sword Sect as the place to practice in the future, so no one can say anything.

Chen Xi chatted with the siblings for a long time, and then arranged for the two to stay in the welcome hall, and promised to bring the two to participate in the entrance examination tomorrow morning.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Chen Xi got up early, washed up, practiced his swordsmanship, and left Kexin Peak with Mu Yao and his brother.

In the early morning light, the mountain mist is like smoke, birds are singing and cranes are flying everywhere.

In front of the mountain gate of Liuyun Sword Sect, it was already extremely lively, with a sea of ​​people and a noisy scene.

Today, Liuyun Sword Sect is the undisputed No. [-] sect in the practice world of Southern Border. It is the number one sect with transcendent power. It is the sacred place of cultivation in the hearts of countless handsome young men, eager to become one of them.

Therefore, there are so many teenagers and girls who came to participate in the entrance examination, and together with their family elders, personal guards, and envoys from other sect forces, the entire gate of Liuyun Sword Sect is simply It has become an ocean formed by the flow of people, with an unprecedented grand occasion and a magnificent scene.


On the mountain gate of Liuyun Sword Sect, the huge "Sword Bell" rang three times, resounding like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, resounding throughout the world, and the entrance test officially started.

After tens of thousands of years of development and evolution, the entrance test of Liuyun Sword Sect has become extremely perfect and rigorous. It is divided into four major items: aptitude, bone age, comprehension, physique, and will.

Each item is presided over by dedicated elders and disciples, and in order to save time, almost all the elders of Liuyun Sword Sect were mobilized to test the young Junyan who had signed up. The speed was extremely fast and the order seemed to be in order.

Chen Xi thought for a while, and instead of going to the Great Juxian Hall where the guests were, he took Mu Yao and his brother into the mountain gate and headed towards the place where the entrance examination was.

When the three of them were waiting in the crowd, there were already hundreds of teenagers and girls who came to apprentice and were ruthlessly eliminated. They all looked depressed and lost their souls, and the atmosphere was silent with bursts of depression.

Seeing this scene, the Mu Yao siblings immediately became nervous, because they had already been instructed by Chen Xi before they came, that they would not take care of the two of them in this entrance test, and they would all rely on their own abilities, if they passed, they would stay. Next, if you can't get through... Chen Xi didn't say it clearly, but because of this, the siblings became nervous instead.

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