divine talisman

Chapter 179 The Realm of the Yellow Court

The first update!Please collect!



Chen Xi had just swallowed the inner alchemy of the six-winged blood dragon bat, and he felt like a volcanic eruption in his body. The scorching and terrifying power was like violent lava, roaring, stirring, and flowing through the meridians and acupoints of his body. A sharp pain that seemed to be melting suddenly rose.

The natal inner alchemy of this six-winged blood dragon bat is so huge, and it is a huge monster that has gone through the transformation thunderstorm and is about to transform into a human form. Once it transforms into a human form, its true essence is even stronger than that of ordinary monks in the nirvana state Ten times, twenty times!

Chen Xi is now in the realm of the Purple Mansion, and between him and the realm of Nirvana, there are two great realms of Huang Ting and Liangyi Jindan. As soon as he swallowed such a terrifying force at this moment, it seemed that there was an extra ferocious head in his body. The ferocious beast wanted to tear up all the meridians and viscera of his body, incinerate him, and break out of his body!


Boundless pain, as if being smashed randomly in the body by a heavy hammer, and as if being about to be incinerated by a hot flame, Chen Xi's whole body trembled involuntarily, his veins burst, his face distorted and turned red, and his whole body exuded The scorching air flow even distorted and steamed the air.

"Ah! I forgot to tell this guy that I have to absorb this inner alchemy hundreds of times... How reckless!" Ling Bai's voice quickly rang in Chen Xi's ear, "Quick! Quick! Run the cultivation method, embrace Yuan Shouyi, don't let your sanity be crushed, otherwise you will die!"

Hearing Ling Bai's voice, Chen Xi's state of mind immediately recovered a bit of clarity, and immediately endured the severe pain in his body that seemed to be ignited, and began to operate the "Ice Crane Art".


Under the traction of Chen Xi's powerful spirit power, the inner alchemy essence that was as violent as a fierce fire dragon struggled for a long time again, and in the end, like a donkey being led by the nose, it reluctantly began to press and fix it. track running.

Immediately, a strand of profound ice true essence that looked like a cow's hair suddenly appeared, and Chen Xi, who seemed to be in the lava of the sea of ​​flames, was shocked. The root of the pain, the whole person enters a state of tranquility and innocence in an instant, and the Ice Crane Art runs endlessly in an orderly rhythm.

The "Ice Crane Jue" is a rare and precious cultivation method, which not only expands and deepens Chen Xi's Great Lake in the Purple Mansion dozens of times, but also contains the cold and pure power of profound ice in the power of true essence. It just offset the violent and scorching air in the six-winged blood dragon bat's inner alchemy, like rain from the sky, extremely refreshing.


In the dantian, a majestic and mighty stream of pure and pure essence rushed in like capital, which immediately stirred up the entire Great Lake of the Zifu, expanding and deepening, almost turning into a vast ocean!And above the great lake, the volume of the nine true essence stars is also growing at a frightening speed.


ten times.

hundred times!

With the passage of time, the size of the nine true essence stars became as huge as ancient stars, and their extremely dazzling rays of light illuminated the entire Great Lake of the Zifu, dazzling and gorgeous.

However, until now, Chen Xi had only absorbed less than one-tenth of the inner alchemy of the six-winged blood dragon bat's life, and there was still a vast amount of power swimming in the meridians all over his body. danger of death.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi didn't dare to stop his cultivation at all, but he wouldn't stop either. Originally, he wanted to use this power to attack Huang Ting's realm.


After a stick of incense, in the sky above the Great Lake of the Zifu, on the surface of the nine true essence stars that had exploded in size, countless cracks suddenly appeared and shattered!

The endless cold and clear radiance drifted into the Zifu Great Lake, causing the entire Zifu Great Lake to boil and spin, gradually forming a shape that seemed round but not round.Half of it is yin, half is yang, and in the middle of the pattern is yang, it is an extremely deep black hole, spinning endlessly, beeping endlessly, as if a life is being conceived inside it, like a beating heart, gushing out a trace of life. Unfathomable rhythm.

True Yuan Liangyi Diagram!

Huang Ting Realm!

At this moment, Chen Xi finally entered the realm of Huang Ting, stepping into a brand new height!

In the great lake of his purple mansion, the true energy was at least ten times thicker. He was confident that if he met Xue Chen from the Yunhe sect again at this moment, he would be able to contend with him, and he would not have to run for his life in embarrassment.

Now, the two instruments of his Zifu Great Lake are divided, half of which is yin and the other half is yang. In the future, he only needs to absorb the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and thoroughly temper all the true essence to make it black and white. Can impact the realm of Liangyi Jindan.

And the swirling black hole in the center of the Great Lake of the Purple Mansion is called the Gate of Xuanmin!

The god of the valley is immortal, it is called Xuan Min, and the gate of Xuan Min is called the root of heaven and earth.

That is to say, the vortex black hole in the center of the Great Lake of the Purple Mansion is the portal of the human body and the biochemical avenue, the root of the heaven and the earth, and the root of the heaven and the earth, for the qi refiners, is the Liangyi golden elixir!

In other words, the so-called impact on the realm of the two ceremonies golden elixir means that a golden elixir that blends the two ceremonies and meets the dragon and the tiger is bred from the gate of Xuanmin!

However, from the realm of Huangting to the realm of Liangyi Jindan, the accumulation of Yin and Yang energy is inconceivable, and the quality of Yin and Yang Qi is also good or bad. The success rate is increased by [-]% from time to time, and those with poor quality may have no hope of reaching the Liangyi Golden Elixir realm in this lifetime.

This is also the reason why Chen Xi went to the Vast Sea Desert. As long as he finds that place filled with endless Nine Suns Xuan Qi in the Vast Sea Desert, he can refine the true essence in his body in one fell swoop and reach Yangtai Kailai. the point.

As soon as he reached the realm of Huang Ting, Chen Xi immediately began to practice the "Hunting Taixu Kung Fu", and the way of performing the kung fu changed suddenly. The neutrality and peace, the clear spirit and simplicity are exactly the characteristics of Taoist kung fu.

This exercise was a gift from Beiheng. He obtained it from a secret realm where the orthodoxy was about to be annihilated during his travels. The qi refining method in it is mysterious and mysterious, and it records all the formulas from the innate realm to the earth immortal realm. An extremely perfect orthodox inheritance method.When Chen Xi left Liuyun Sword Sect, Bei Heng immediately gave this exercise to Chen Xi.


The Hundong Taixu Kungfu is indeed a Daoist Kungfu, and it makes sense for Beiheng to take a look at it. As soon as Chen Xi just performed the Kungfu, the power of the six-winged blood dragon bat's inner alchemy that remained in his body immediately seemed to be tamed The sheep circulates the meridians and acupoints all over the body, turning into a trickling stream and pouring into the dantian.

Moreover, Chen Xi Mingrui discovered that when running the "Hunting Taixu Kungfu", the energy mechanism in his body seemed to merge with the heaven and the earth, creating a kind of resonance, and even when the true essence was circulating around his body, there was a faint trace of it. The sound of ding dong sounds of nature, light and ethereal, pure and quiet.

When advancing to the realm of Huang Ting, Chen Xi only absorbed one-tenth of the power of the six-winged blood dragon bat's inner alchemy. Now, the remaining ninety percent of the power has all been transformed into pure true essence and poured into the dantian, transforming into two forms. The divided Zifu Great Lake suddenly expanded again, which lasted for a full seven days, and the surging power of true essence was so thick that it was about to solidify!

If the Great Lake in his former Zifu was a washbasin, then it is now a millstone, pure and majestic, mighty and mighty, ten times, even a hundred times more than ordinary Huang Ting monks!With this kind of incomparably solid capital, one can kill enemies across borders without using the Star Dou Mahamudra at all.

However, the thicker the accumulation, the more yin and yang energy Chen Xi would need if he wanted to hit the Liangyi Golden Core realm, and it was also much more than ordinary cultivators.


In the deep forest, Chen Xi, who had cultivated for a full ten days, opened his eyes, and breathed out a cloud of white air deeply. The air flow was like a sword, like a dragon, like a crane, with various poses and different forms, extremely miraculous.

Feeling the surging power all over his body, Chen Xi suddenly felt reborn, and everything in his eyes became new, clearer and fresher. This fresh feeling gave him the mysterious feeling of seeing a mountain is not a mountain, and seeing water is not water. , It's like coming from the plain to the cliff of Wanzhang all at once, with a wide field of vision, seeing a new world that has never been seen before.

"Now that my Qi refining practice has reached Huang Ting's realm, if I can make a breakthrough in my body refining practice, I will be able to enter the cave again. Not only will I be able to meet Senior Ji Yu, but I will also be able to go to Tianfeng for the second retry. In the place of training, maybe you can learn a new supernatural power..."

Chen Xi thought silently in his heart, "However, there is no need to rush this matter. If I hadn't relied on the inner alchemy of a six-winged blood dragon bat this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to advance to the Huangting realm so quickly. After all, this is between the great realms. Accumulation is one aspect of leapfrogging, but it also needs to be honed, meditated, and seized a chance in the dark, so that it will come to fruition."

"Chen Xi, how do you feel?" Ling Bai stood on Chen Xi's shoulder and asked with a smile.

Chen Xi glared at him angrily, "You clearly know that the power of the inner alchemy is extremely terrifying, why didn't you tell me in advance? It made me suffer a lot."

"Crisis, crisis, no danger, where is luck?" Ling Bai spread out his hands: "Let's go, in the pagoda of the Buddha, except for the spiritual liquid, everything else has been eaten up. You have to search for more quickly, or we will all eat up." Poor as a beggar."

Chen Xi was stunned, and said in a daze: "I remember when I left Liuyun Sword Sect, Big Brother Beiheng, Master Wenxuan, and Ling Kongzi all gave me many miraculous medicines..."

"Well, it's all gone." Lingbai interrupted without changing his face: "You don't have to be hurt, with the power of these treasures, my current cultivation base is on par with the monks of the Liangyi Golden Core Realm. With me Now, you undoubtedly have an extra gold medalist, which is very worthwhile."

"If you haven't advanced, I'll beat you up." Chen Xi shook his head helplessly, but his heart didn't hurt much. The treasures in the pagoda of the Buddha were originally prepared for the two little guys. He hid treasures such as the Octagonal Palace Vase, the Promise Breaking Realm Orb, the Nether Record, and the Xie Xie Pen, and he was not worried about being ruined by these two foodies at all.

After all, the Buddha Pagoda has a full eight floors, and each floor is a small world. It is still very easy for Chen Xi to hide something.

"Chen Xi..." Ling Bai spoke again.

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

"I want to eat barbecue."


Chen Xi glared viciously at this guy who was getting bigger and bigger, and was getting more and more brazen. In the end, he couldn't match the pitiful eyes of this guy, and agreed.

Of course, there is another extremely important reason. After advancing to the Huang Ting realm, he also needs to go through battles to sharpen his strength and thoroughly master this brand new power.

After all, a real strong man cannot be tempered by sitting there for decades or hundreds of years!

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