divine talisman

Chapter 198

The second update is on the shelves!Please support!Three more today.


On the way, Chen Xi was surprised to find that Tantai Hong took him and flew out of the city, as if he was going directly to the vast desert, and Tantai Zixuan also quietly left.


In the entire Hanhai City, brilliant lights broke through the air from all directions, and the sound was like a tide, and they all flew towards the outside of the city. [

Looking from a distance, all kinds of light are intertwined, like a colorful cloud, swarming, whistling, chasing electricity and chasing the sun, which is very spectacular.

Behind the Vast Sea City is the vast expanse of the Vast Sea Desert, a terrifying existence known as the Land of the Dead.

Chen Xi had entered it before, but that time he entered from the side of the Rongdi Grassland. At that time, the vast sea desert was howling with hurricanes and sandstorms were raging, like a god with a violent temper, venting all his anger and resentment. The destructive power is extremely terrifying.

But now, the vast sea desert has become much quieter. Although the wind and sand are still flying all over the sky, its power seems to have weakened a lot. Obviously, the vast desert has entered a dormant period just like the rumors.

Although the vast sea desert is known as the land of death, there are countless natural and earthly treasures in it, and there are many ruins, secret places, and even the treasure house of the fairy house. It's just because it was too dangerous before. And people dare to get involved easily.

But now it is different. Once the vast sea desert enters the dormant period, it is like a wild beast with its fangs and arms removed. The danger is greatly reduced. As long as you don't go deep, you can make a fortune in it and find countless strange things. Rare things, big fortune.

Because of this, this period of time has become the best period for many young disciples to enter it, to hunt for treasures, to hone their cultivation.Some caravans even organize experts to collect materials in the vast desert in an attempt to make a fortune.

Chen Xi saw that many chambers of commerce organized groups of guards, rushing towards the vast sea and desert, everyone's face was full of excitement, and they were gearing up, as if they were going to dig for gold in the mountains of gold and silver.

Among the densely packed crowd, the most conspicuous ones are probably those Jindan monks from various places in the Great Chu Dynasty. There were bursts of exclamation and screams, including praise, reverence, and of course jealousy.

Even, Chen Xi saw many extremely tyrannical young strongmen, their auras were not weaker than those of Xue Chen and Pei Zhong, and even worse, it was difficult not to shock people.

"A group of heroes gathers, and there are so many masters. It's a pity that most of these people are monks from outside the southern border, but there are only a few natives in the southern border. It's really ironic."

Chen Xi secretly sighed, which also made him clearly realize that the cultivation world in Southern Border is indeed too desolate, and it is not at the same level as Northern Man, East China Sea, Central Plains and other places.

"Nephew Chen Kexian, among those fellow Taoists, two are disciples of my benefactor of the Tantai family, and their strength is also the best in the Golden Core Realm. Geniuses, the young generation of strong men who are capable of participating in the Stars Conference, you must pay attention to them when you meet them, and you must not offend them." On the way, Tan Taihong suddenly reminded.

Chen Xi nodded, but he sighed softly in his heart. Teaming up with disciples of other sects to do missions and hunt for treasures is usually very dangerous, because they are not from the same sect, and there are no rules to restrain them, so it is easy to have a desire for money and plot against your companions matter.

"Nephew, are you worried that they will forget their righteousness when they see money?" Tantai Hong smiled, and said in deep thought: "There is no way to do this, the Qianyuan treasure house is left by a peerless celestial being, and there are many restrictions in it, killing every step of the way. , I have to rely on their strength to ensure that I can enter it safely. Of course, they acted together with me to use the treasure house map in my hand. I can clearly distinguish this point, so I will let you be careful. Adapt to the situation so that nothing happens."

"Uncle Tantai has Zhizhu in his hands, so I have nothing to worry about." Chen Xi laughed.

"Nephew, don't worry, if you enter the Qianyuan treasure house this time, you will benefit." Tantai Hong laughed, and sped towards the vast sea desert.

Although the vast sea desert has entered a dormant period, it is still extremely dangerous, because the climate in the desert is unpredictable, there are not only terrifying restrictions, and void cracks that can swallow everything, but also numerous powerful monsters raging in it, some even Comparable to Nirvana monks, there are extremely rare existences beyond Nirvana, and they are in groups, fearless of death.

Of course, these monsters are also a huge fortune in the eyes of some experts, hunting these monsters, taking their blood and fur to refine magic weapons, and selling them to make a fortune.But these masters dare not be negligent, otherwise they will die if they go deep into it. [


Chen Xi and Tantaihong flew through the air, entered the vast sea desert for thousands of miles, and came to a rocky sand dune formed by wind and sand erosion.

"This is the Demon Transformation Rock, and if you go deeper, it is the real dangerous place in the vast sea desert. The ruins of the five elements, the desert cemetery, the domain of thunderstorms... and other fierce places are all in it. If you are not careful, you may I lost my life in it. And if the spiritual energy here is thin, we must prepare enough cultivation pills to replenish the body, otherwise we will be trapped to death sooner or later."

Standing on the rocky sand dune, Tantai Hong said in a deep voice, "We will wait here, they will come soon."

Chen Xi nodded, and looked at the Demon Transformation Rock, which was about ten miles away. It was shaped like a hill, the whole body was black and smooth, and there were strange-shaped holes on the surface, which were formed by wind and sand erosion.

Such rocks can be seen everywhere in the vast sea desert, dotted with wind and sand, and deep in the thick sand layer, Chen Xi even felt some ferocious aura dormant in it.

And there are densely covered with tall sand dunes and sand mountains, soaring into the clouds, the big sun in the sky, extremely violent, strong light, piercing down one after another, making people's skin feel like it is about to melt.

The temperature here is like being in an alchemy furnace, scorching hot, ordinary people will probably be roasted into mummies long ago.

However, Chen Xi felt very comfortable. In the desert, the flames flowed like gold, and the fiery air flow distorted the air. But as soon as these fiery air currents approached, they were all covered by the Binghuo witch pattern and the sun witch pattern on his back. Absorb, and then start to change, temper the body, temper the strength of the physical body.


While waiting, Tantaihong seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly circulated his true energy, and grabbed a small sand dune thousands of feet away. Suddenly, he grabbed a huge sand lizard that was as big as an elephant. The aura of this sand lizard was comparable to that of a top monk in the Zifu, and he was just one step away from advancing to the realm of Huangting.

"This sand lizard has actually cultivated to perfection in the Purple Mansion. It seems that it has devoured a lot of spiritual vein ores under the desert. It's a pity that no one pointed it out. Otherwise, it would not be impossible to cultivate to the Huangting realm." Chen Xi carefully After looking it over, he said.

"This is still a relatively safe area. It belongs to the edge of the vast desert. Once you enter the depths, the monsters there will become unbelievable. Especially on the ruins of the Five Elements, all kinds of monsters are in groups, not all With the cultivation base of Huang Ting's perfect state, there are thousands of people in one move, it is extremely terrifying, there was once a half-step Nirvana master like me, who was directly surrounded and killed." Tan Taihong said with emotion, While speaking, he killed the sand lizard and put it in the storage magic weapon.

Half-step nirvana is the cultivation base above the peak of Jindan, and has an absolute advantage against Huangting's perfect monsters, but if thousands of Huangting's perfect monsters swarm up, they can still kill Jindan. Brother Dan, this is an absolute advantage in numbers, like a torrent of an army, unstoppable.

"There is such a thing, groups of monsters, people really cannot ignore it." Chen Xi imagined it, and he was also shocked.


At this moment, there was a sharp tearing sound from the void far away, and immediately a stream of sword energy descended.The momentum was so fierce that Chen Xi's clothes rattled.

The intent of the sword is fierce, but the momentum of the sword is simple and honest, like the yellow sky and thick earth, heavy and heavy.As soon as it landed on the ground, all the sword stances converged, revealing a young man in an apricot-yellow Taoist robe.

This young man is tall and handsome, with a calm demeanor and a majestic appearance. His whole person is like the vast land, Yuan Yue Zhi, a leader of the group.

As soon as the young man landed on the ground, he nodded towards Tantaihong, but when he saw Chen Xi, his brows frowned, and a trace of displeasure flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Chen Xi keenly grasped this point, but remained calm.

"Nephew, this is Lin Moxuan from the Huangtian Dao Sect in the Central Plains, the world-famous Jindan Perfection Sword Cultivator, and also a leader among the younger generation of powerhouses."

Tantai Hong introduced with a smile: "Friend Lin, this is Chen Ke, my daughter's best friend."

Lin Moxuan didn't even look at Chen Xi, he frowned and said, "Patriarch Tantai, we are going to search for the Qianyuan treasure house this time, and there are many dangers, why did you bring a burden here, not to mention that we have already agreed that we cannot bring other people to join us Come in, if someone has ulterior motives and sit back and enjoy the benefits, that would be bad."

As soon as Lin Moxuan opened his mouth, he directly regarded Chen Xi as a burden and dismissed him. His words and demeanor were superior, and it seemed that he didn't even pay attention to Tantai Hong. He didn't know whether to call him arrogant or arrogant. , has the power to overlook everything.

"Don't worry, my junior will never implicate everyone. I can guarantee this with my personality." Tan Taihong was a little embarrassed, and quickly explained that he didn't expect Lin Moxuan to be so impolite. No matter what Xuan thought, this kid had to be involved, so it was all right now, and even she lost face.

Lin Moxuan frowned even more, and said coldly: "That's fine, but if he hinders my pace and becomes a burden, I'll be the first to kill him!"

Hearing that, Chen Xi was still calm and calm, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart.


At this moment, there was a sudden violent explosion in the sky, and a cloud of burning fire rushed in, it was unbelievably fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had arrived in front of the Demon Transformation Rock, and as soon as the fire cloud was closed, a woman in a fiery red robe, appeared gracefully. Walking over, this woman in a fiery red robe, with a hot body and a charming face, is actually an unfathomable Golden Core Realm cultivator!

ps: On the first day it was put on the shelves, more than 100 collections were lost. This kind of blow was like being hit by a sap. It was unspeakably uncomfortable, and there was no emotional code word for the whole morning.

But no matter what, I still thank those brothers who supported me, and I will work harder to prove that your money is worth it!

In the end, I put a method of earning Zongheng coins for free on the top of the book review section. Brothers in need should check it out.

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